“I was a little bit underwhelmed,’’ said Doug Rohde, 46, as he left her a rally in a fire station in Denison. “The message was very generic -- and no questions.’’
Friday, December 28, 2007
Hillary: Just Shut Up and Listen to me Talk
Transcript of Al-Qaeda Phone Call After Bhutto Murder
Here is a translation of the transcript of the alleged telephone conversation from senior al-Qa'eda leader Baitullah Mehsud to another militant said to have been intercepted after the assassination.
Maulvi Sahib (MS): Asalaam Aleikum (Peace be with you)
Baitullah Mehsud (BM): Waleikum Asalam (And also with you)
MS: Chief, how are you?
BM: I am fine.
MS: Congratulations, I just got back during the night.
BM: Congratulations to you, were they our men?
MS: Yes they were ours.
BM: Who were they?
MS: There was Saeed, there was Bilal from Badar and Ikramullah.
BM: The three of them did it?
MS: Ikramullah and Bilal did it.
BM: Then congratulations.
MS: Where are you? I want to meet you.
BM: I am at Makeen (town in South Waziristan tribal region), come over, I am at Anwar Shah's house.
MS: OK, I'll come.
BM: Don't inform their house for the time being.
BM: It was a tremendous effort. They were really brave boys who killed her.
MS: Mashallah (Thank God). When I come I will give you all the details.
BM: I will wait for you. Congratulations, once again congratulations.
MS: Congratulations to you.
BM: Anything I can do for you?
MS: Thank you very much.
BM: Asalaam Aleikum.
MS: Waaleikum Asalaam.
Good News on Immigration From 6 Nations
Should new immigrants be required to take a citizenship and language test in order to remain in (the UK/ France/ Italy/ Spain/ Germany/ the U.S.)?
USA | BRI | FRA | ITA | ESP | GER | |
Yes | 80% | 83% | 61% | 61% | 50% | 86% |
No | 11% | 8% | 21% | 29% | 35% | 9% |
Not sure | 8% | 10% | 18% | 10% | 15% | 5% |
Source: Harris Interactive / Financial Times
Methodology: Online interviews with 6,226 adults in Britain, France, Germany, Italy, Spain and the United States, conducted from Nov. 28 to Dec. 4, 2007. Margin of error for individual countries is 3 per cent.
Portuguese Prefer Prostitution
Do you support or oppose the legalization of prostitution in "trick houses".
Support | 51.1% |
Oppose | 24.0% |
Not sure | 24.9% |
Source: Marktest / Diario de Noticias / TSF
Methodology: Telephone interviews with 807 Portuguese adults, conducted from Nov. 20 to Nov. 23, 2007. Margin of error is 3.45 per cent.
UK: Conservatives Lead Labour by 11
What party would you vote for in the next general election?
Dec. 2007 | Nov. 2007 | Aug. 2007 | |
Conservative | 41% | 40% | 36% |
Labour | 30% | 27% | 36% |
Liberal Democrat | 16% | 18% | 15% |
Other | 13% | 15% | 13% |
Source: Communicate Research / The Independent
Methodology: Interviews with 1,004 British adults, conducted from Dec. 14 to Dec. 16, 2007. Margin of error is 3 per cent.
Hillary's National Lead Disappears
Giuliani v. Rodham Clinton
Dec. 18 | Dec. 4 | Nov. 8 | |
Rudy Giuliani (R) | 45% | 43% | 46% |
Hillary Rodham Clinton (D) | 44% | 46% | 42% |
Romney v. Rodham Clinton
Dec. 18 | Dec. 4 | Nov. 8 | |
Mitt Romney (R) | 44% | 43% | 42% |
Hillary Rodham Clinton (D) | 43% | 46% | 47% |
Source: Rasmussen Reports
Methodology: Telephone interviews with 800 likely American voters, conducted on Dec. 17 and Dec. 18, 2007. Margin of error is 3.5 per cent.
Thursday, December 27, 2007
India Condemns Bhutto Murder
"Mrs.Bhutto was a brave and outstanding woman leader of the sub-continent. That she should fall to a barbarous terrorist attack is particularly tragic, and should strengthen our resolve to fight this scourge."
—External Affairs Minister Pranab Mukherjee
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Top 100 Baby Names in Britain for 2007
The number after the name indicates the number of spots a name has moved up or down the list from the previous year.
1. Jack
2. Thomas
3. Oliver +1
4. Joshua -1
5. Harry
6. Charlie +4
7. Daniel +2
8. William -1
9. James -3
10. Alfie +6
11. Samuel -3
12. George +2
13. Joseph -1
14. Benjamin -3
15. Ethan +4
16. Lewis +4
17. Mohammed +5
18. Jake -3
19. Dylan +4
20. Jacob +1
21. Luke -4
22. Callum -9
23. Alexander +1
24. Matthew -6
25. Ryan
26. Adam
27. Tyler
28. Liam +3
29. Harvey -1
30. Max -1
31. Harrison +5
32. Jayden new entry +36
33. Cameron -3
34. Henry +5
35. Archie +5
36. Connor -1
37. Jamie -5
38. Muhammad +6
39. Oscar +8
40. Edward +1
41. Lucas +7
42. Isaac new entry +13
43. Leo -10
44. Owen -10
45. Nathan -8
46. Michael -4
47. Finley new entry +13
48. Ben -10
49. Aaron -6
50. Noah -4
1. Grace +1
2. Ruby +2
3. Olivia -2
4. Emily +1
5. Jessica -2
6. Sophie
7. Chloe
8. Lily +1
9. Ella +2
10. Amelia +6
11. Lucy -3
12. Charlotte
13. Ellie -3
14. Mia
15. Evie +6
16. Hannah -1
17. Megan
18. Katie -5
19. Isabella
20. Isabelle +9
21. Millie -1
22. Abigail
23. Amy -5
24. Daisy +1
25. Freya -2
26. Emma +1
27. Erin +1
28. Poppy +2
29. Molly -5
30. Holly -4
31. Phoebe +3
32. Jasmine -1
33. Caitlin +2
34. Imogen +14
35. Madison +4
36. Elizabeth +5
37. Sophia +12
38. Keira -5
39. Scarlett +7
40. Leah -8
41. Ava new entry +23
42. Georgia -5
43. Alice +4
44. Summer new entry +15
45. Isabel -1
46. Rebecca -10
47. Lauren -9
48. Amber -8
49. Eleanor -7
50. Bethany -7
+/- indicates movement since last year.
Source: timesonline.co.uk
Americans Split Over Gun Control
Does the United States need stricter gun control laws?
Dec. 2007 | May 2007 | |
Yes | 42% | 43% |
No | 44% | 49% |
Source: Rasmussen Reports
Methodology: Telephone interviews with 800 American likely voters, conducted on Dec. 12 and Dec. 13, 2007. Margin of error is 3 per cent.
Peruvians Want Free-Trade With US
Do you support or oppose the free trade agreement between Peru and the United States?
Support | 66% |
Oppose | 25% |
Source: Ipsos, Apoyo, Opinión y Mercado / El Comercio
Methodology: Interviews with 1,007 Peruvian adults, conducted from Dec. 12 to Dec. 14, 2007. Margin of error is 2.5 per cent.
Russia: Putin Puppet Has Huge Lead
If the presidential election were conducted this Sunday, which of these candidates would you vote for?
Dmitry Medvedev | 45% |
Vladimir Zhirinovsky | 5% |
Gennady Zyuganov | 5% |
Boris Nemtsov | 1% |
Mikhail Fradkov | 1% |
Other | 5% |
Would not vote | 8% |
Hard to answer | 30% |
How would you rate Dmitry Medvedev’s chances in the election?
He will earn a substantial victory | 55% |
He will win, but barely ahead of his rivals | 17% |
He will lose | 4 % |
Hard to answer | 24% |
Source: All-Russian Public Opinion Research Center
Methodology: Interviews with 1,600 Russian adults, conducted on Dec. 15 and Dec. 16. 2007. Margin of error is 3.4 per cent.
North Carolina: Giuliania Leads Hillary Who Leads Romney
Hillary Clinton (D) 39%
Hillary Clinton (D) 42%
Mitt Romney (R) 40%
Source: Rasmussen Reports
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Canada: What is Morally Acceptable?
Divorce more acceptable than gambling?
Doctor-assisted suicide better than Playboy?
Screwed up priorities, but I would of thought it would be worse, given Canada's recent record. At least only 1 in 100 people thinks being pedophile is OK. 91 think it's bad. 8 don't have an opinion? Hmm...
Regardless of whether or not you think each of the following issues should be legal, please indicate whether you personally believe they are morally acceptable or morally wrong.
Sexual relations between an unmarried man and woman
Having a baby outside of marriage
Medical research using stem cells obtained from human embryos
Doctor-assisted suicide
Sexual relations between two people of the same sex
Buying and wearing clothing made of animal fur
The death penalty
Medical testing on animals
Cloning animals
Using illegal drugs
Married men and/or women having an affair
Cloning humans
Polygamy, when one husband has more than one wife at the same time
Source: Angus Reid Strategies
Methodology: Online interviews with 1,004 Canadian adults, conducted on Oct. 11 and Oct. 12, 2007. Margin of error is 3.1 per cent.
Limp Upper Lip
Turning to the issue of Afghanistan… As you may know British and American troops have retaken the town of Musa Qala from the Taliban. Do you think British and NATO troops are winning the war with the Taliban in Afghanistan or not?
Yes the British troops are winning | 14% |
No they are not winning but victory is possible eventually | 35% |
No they are not winning and victory is not possible | 33% |
Don’t know | 18% |
Should British troops be brought home from Afghanistan?
Yes—all troops should be withdrawn immediately | 27% |
Yes—most troops should be withdrawn soon, and the rest within the next year or so | 35% |
No—British troops should remain in Afghanistan as long as the Afghan government wants them there | 27% |
Don’t know | 11% |
Source: YouGov
Methodology: Online interviews with 1,481 British adults, conducted from Dec. 13 and Dec. 14, 2007. No margin of error was provided.
Germany: Conservatives Popular
What party would you vote for in the next federal election?
Dec. 13 | Dec. 5 | Nov. 14 | |
Christian-Democratic Union (CDU) / | 39% | 40% | 41% |
Social Democratic Party (SPD) | 28% | 28% | 30% |
Left Party (Linke) | 10% | 11% | 9% |
Free Democratic Party (FDP) | 10% | 9% | 8% |
Green Party (Grune) | 9% | 9% | 9% |
Source: Infratest-Dimap
Methodology: Telephone interviews with 1,000 German voters, conducted on Dec. 12 and Dec. 13, 2007. Margin of error is 3.1 per cent.
Most Israelis Want to Rid Gaza of Hamas Nightmare
Should Israel depose the Hamas government in Gaza by military force?
Yes | 62% |
No | 26% |
Other replies | 12% |
Source: Maagar Mochot / Israel Radio
Methodology: Interviews with 503 Israeli adults, conducted on Dec. 19, 2007. Margin of error is 4.5 per cent.
Monday, December 24, 2007
New Hampshire: Sununu Leads Shaheen by 11 pts.
2008 US Senate Shaheen Sununu Undecided
All voters 41% 52% 7%
Source: American Research Group
This is quite an improvement by Sununu, who had been losing by 5 in September.
Giuliani, Romney Both Lead Hillary by 1 pt. Nationally
Rudy Giuliani (R) 45%
Hillary Clinton (D) 43%
Mitt Romney (R) 44%
Source: Rasmussen Reports
New Hampshire: Obama & Hillary in Close Race
U.S. Presidential Election 2008 - New Hampshire Democratic Primary
Contenders (in alphabetical order): Joe Biden (JB), Chris Dodd (CD), John Edwards (JE), Mike Gravel (MG), Dennis Kucinich (DK), Barack Obama (BO), Bill Richardson (BR), Hillary Rodham Clinton (HC).
HC | BO | JE | BR | DK | JB | CD | MG | |
(21) UNH / Boston Globe | 28% | 30% | 14% | 7% | 4% | 3% | -- | -- |
(20) American Research Group | 27% | 21% | 18% | 2% | 4% | 1% | 1% | -- |
(19) Gallup / USA Today | 32% | 32% | 18% | 8% | 3% | 4% | 1% | 1% |
(18) Rasmussen Reports | 31% | 28% | 18% | 8% | 3% | 2% | 1% | -- |
(17) UNH / CNN / WMUR | 38% | 26% | 14% | 8% | 2% | 2% | -- | -- |
(16) Opinion Dynamics / Fox News | 34% | 25% | 15% | 6% | 2% | 2% | 1% | 1% |
(15) Research 2000 | 31% | 32% | 18% | 8% | 3% | 2% | 1% | -- |
(14) Suffolk Univ. | 33% | 26% | 15% | 5% | 1% | -- | 1% | -- |
(13) UNH / CNN / WMUR | 31% | 30% | 16% | 7% | 3% | 1% | 1% | -- |
(12) Rasmussen Reports | 28% | 31% | 17% | 8% | 3% | 4% | -- | 1% |
(11) Mason-Dixon | 30% | 27% | 10% | 7% | 3% | 3% | 1% | -- |
(10) Zogby International | 32% | 21% | 16% | 6% | 3% | 4% | -- | -- |
(9) TNS / Wash. Post / ABC | 35% | 29% | 17% | 10% | 3% | 2% | 1% | -- |
(8) Marist College | 37% | 23% | 17% | 12% | 3% | 3% | -- | -- |
(7) Opinion Dynamics / Fox News | 30% | 23% | 17% | 12% | 3% | 3% | 1% | -- |
(6) Rasmussen Reports | 33% | 26% | 15% | 9% | 4% | 4% | 1% | -- |
(5) American Research Group | 34% | 23% | 17% | 10% | 2% | 3% | 2% | 1% |
(4) Suffolk Univ. | 34% | 22% | 15% | 9% | 3% | 2% | 1% | -- |
(3) Pew Research Center | 38% | 19% | 15% | 10% | 4% | 2% | 1% | -- |
(2) UNH / CNN / WMUR | 36% | 22% | 13% | 12% | 3% | 2% | 1% | -- |
(1) CBS / NYT | 37% | 22% | 9% | 6% | 5% | 2% | 1% | -- |
Methodology and Sources:
(21) UNH / Boston Globe (420 likely Democratic primary voters, Dec. 16-20, 2007, 4.9 MofE)
(20) American Research Group (600 likely Democratic primary voters, Dec. 16-19, 2007, 4.0 MofE)
(19) Gallup / USA Today (510 likely Democratic primary voters, Dec. 17-19, 2007, 5.0 MofE)
(18) Rasmussen Reports (791 likely Democratic primary voters, Dec. 18, 2007, 4.0 MofE)
(17) UNH / CNN / WMUR (469 likely Democratic primary voters, Dec. 13-17, 2007, 5.0 MofE)
(16) Opinion Dynamics / Fox News (500 likely Democratic primary voters, Dec. 11-13, 2007, 4.0 MofE)
(15) Research 2000 (Democratic primary voters out of 600 registered voters, Dec. 10-12, 2007, 5.0 MofE)
(14) Suffolk Univ. (300 likely Democratic primary voters, Dec. 9-11, 2007, 5.6 MofE)
(13) UNH / CNN / WMUR (378 likely Democratic primary voters, Dec. 6-10, 2007, 5.0 MofE)
(12) Rasmussen Reports (841 likely Democratic primary voters, Dec. 9, 2007, 3.5 MofE)
(11) Mason-Dixon / McClatchy / MSNBC (400 likely Democratic primary voters, Dec. 3-6, 2007, 5.0 MofE)
(10) Zogby International (502 likely Democratic primary voters, Dec. 1-3, 2007, 4.5 MofE)
(9) TNS / WP / ABC (592 likely Democratic primary voters, Nov. 29-Dec. 3, 2007, 4.0 MofE)
(8) Marist College (454 likely Democratic primary voters, Nov. 28-Dec. 2, 2007, 4.4 MofE)
(7) Opinion Dynamics / Fox News (500 likely Democratic primary voters, Nov. 27-29, 2007, 4 MofE)
(6) Rasmussen Reports (959 likely Democratic primary voters, Nov. 29, 2007, 3.5 MofE)
(5) American Research Group (600 likely Democratic primary voters, Nov. 26-29, 2007, 4.0 MofE)
(4) Suffolk Univ. (389 likely Democratic primary voters, Nov. 25-27, 2007, 5 MofE)
(3) Pew Research Center (594 likely Democratic primary voters, Nov. 7-25, 2007, 5.0 MofE)
(2) UNH /CNN / WMUR (389 likely Democratic primary voters, Nov. 14-18, 2007, 5 MofE)
(1) CBS News / New York Times (417 likely Democratic primary voters, Nov. 9-12, 2007, 5.0 MofE)
New Hampshire: McCain Closin in on Romney
Contenders (in alphabetical order): Rudy Giuliani (RG), Mike Huckabee (MH), Duncan Hunter (DH), John McCain (JM), Ron Paul (RP), Mitt Romney (MR), Tom Tancredo (TT), Fred Thompson (FT).
Note: Tancredo officially dropped out of the race on Dec. 20, 2007.
MR | RG | JM | RP | MH | FT | TT | DH | AK | |
(21) UNH / Boston Globe | 28% | 14% | 25% | 8% | 10% | 3% | -- | -- | |
(20) American Research Group | 26% | 16% | 26% | 4% | 11% | 4% | 1% | 1% | 1% |
(19) Gallup / USA Today | 34% | 11% | 27% | 9% | 9% | 4% | -- | 1% | -- |
(18) Rasmussen Reports | 31% | 13% | 27% | 7% | 11% | 3% | 1% | -- | n.a. |
(17) UNH / CNN / WMUR | 34% | 16% | 22% | 5% | 10% | 1% | 1% | 1% | n.a. |
(16) Opinion Dynamics / Fox News | 33% | 16% | 20% | 8% | 11% | 2% | 1% | -- | -- |
(15) Research 2000 | 31% | 18% | 17% | 7% | 9% | 3% | 1% | 1% | -- |
(14) Suffolk Univ. | 31% | 17% | 19% | 5% | 10% | 4% | 1% | -- | 1% |
(13) Rasmussen Reports | 32% | 15% | 18% | 8% | 14% | 2% | 3% | 1% | -- |
(12) UNH / CNN / WMUR | 25% | 17% | 16% | 5% | 11% | 6% | 1% | -- | -- |
(11) Mason-Dixon | 25% | 17% | 16% | 5% | 11% | 6% | 1% | 1% | 1% |
(10) Zogby International | 35% | 15% | 17% | 7% | 10% | 3% | 1% | 1% | -- |
(9) TNS / Wash. Post / ABC | 37% | 16% | 20% | 8% | 9% | 4% | -- | 1% | -- |
(8) Marist College | 29% | 17% | 17% | 6% | 11% | 4% | 1% | 2% | -- |
(7) Opinion Dynamics / Fox News | 29% | 19% | 21% | 4% | 7% | 4% | -- | 1% | -- |
(6) Rasmussen Reports | 34% | 15% | 15% | 8% | 14% | 3% | 1% | 1% | -- |
(5) American Research Group | 36% | 22% | 11% | 2% | 13% | 3% | 1% | -- | -- |
(4) Suffolk Univ. | 34% | 20% | 13% | 8% | 7% | 2% | -- | 1% | -- |
(3) Pew Research Center | 37% | 19% | 15% | 9% | 7% | 3% | 1% | 1% | -- |
(2) UNH /CNN / WMUR | 33% | 16% | 18% | 8% | 5% | 4% | 1% | -- | -- |
(1) CBS / NYT | 34% | 16% | 16% | 8% | 6% | 5% | -- | -- | -- |
Methodology and Sources:
(21) UNH / Boston Globe (405 likely Republican primary voters, Dec. 16-20, 2007, 4.9 MofE)
(20) American Research Group (600 likely Republican primary voters, Dec. 16-19, 2007, 4.0 MofE)
(19) Gallup / USA Today (477 likely Republican primary voters, Dec. 17-19, 2007, 5.0 MofE)
(18) Rasmussen Reports (746 likely Republican primary voters, Dec. 18, 2007, 4.0 MofE)
(17) UNH / CNN / WMUR (411 likely Republican primary voters, Dec. 13-17, 2007, 5.0 MofE)
(16) Opinion Dynamics / Fox News (500 likely Republican primary voters, Dec. 11-13, 2007, 4.0 MofE)
(15) Research 2000 (Republican primary voters out of 600 registered voters, Dec. 10-12, 2007, 5.0 MofE)
(14) Suffolk Univ. (300 likely Republican primary voters, Dec. 9-11, 2007, 5.6 MofE)
(13) Rasmussen Reports (732 likely Republican primary voters, Dec. 11, 2007, 5.0 MofE)
(12) UNH / CNN / WMUR (354 likely Republican primary voters, Dec. 6-10, 2007, 5.0 MofE)
(11) Mason-Dixon / McClatchy / MSNBC (400 likely Republican primary voters, Dec. 3-6, 2007, 5.0 MofE)
(10) Zogby International (508 likely Republican primary voters, Dec. 1-3, 2007, 4.4 MofE)
(9) TNS / WP / ABC (488 likely Republican primary voters, Nov. 29-Dec. 3, 2007, 4.4 MofE)
(8) Marist College (343 likely Republican primary voters, Nov. 28-Dec. 2, 2007, 5.5 MofE)
(7) Opinion Dynamics / Fox News (500 likely Republican primary voters, Nov. 27-29, 2007, 4 MofE)
(6) Rasmussen Reports (881 likely Republican primary voters, Nov. 29, 2007, 3.0 MofE)
(5) American Research Group (600 likely Republican primary voters, Nov. 26-29, 2007, 4.0 MofE)
(4) Suffolk Univ. (300 likely Republican primary voters, Nov. 25-27, 2007, 4.5 MofE)
(3) Pew Research Center (446 likely Republican primary voters, Nov. 7-25, 2007, 5.5 MofE)
(2) UNH / CNN / WMUR (389 likely Republican primary voters, Nov. 14-18, 2007, 5.0 MofE)
(1) CBS News / New York Times (302 likely Republican primary voters, Nov. 9-12, 2007, 6.0 MofE)
Scotland: Independence a Close Call
Do you agree or disagree with the Scottish government negotiations a settlement with the government of the United Kingdom so that Scotland becomes an independent state?
Dec. 2007 | Aug. 2007 | |
Agree | 40% | 35% |
Disagree | 44% | 50% |
Undecided | 16% | 15% |
Source: TNS System Three
Methodology: Interviews with 1,000 Scottish voters, conducted in late November and early December 2007. No margin of error was provided.
McCain Leads Hillary, Obama
Dec. 2007 | Nov. 2007 | Oct. 2007 | |
John McCain (R) | 47% | 45% | 44% |
Hillary Rodham Clinton (D) | 42% | 46% | 47% |
McCain v. Obama
Dec. 2007 | Sept. 2007 | Jul. 2007 | |
John McCain (R) | 44% | 38% | 40% |
Barack Obama (D) | 40% | 40% | 47% |
Huckabee v. Rodham Clinton
Dec. 2007 | |
Hillary Rodham Clinton (D) | 47% |
Mike Huckabee (R) | 38% |
Huckabee v. Obama
Dec. 2007 | |
Barack Obama (D) | 44% |
Mike Huckabee (R) | 35% |
Source: Opinion Dynamics / Fox News
Methodology: Telephone interviews with 900 registered American voters, conducted on Dec. 18 and Dec. 19, 2007. Margin of error is 3 per cent.
Monday, December 10, 2007
Top 21 Radiohead Songs
1. Paranoid Android
2. How To Disappear Completely
3. Idioteque
4. Let Down
5. Pyramid Song
6. Street Spirit (Fade Out)
7. Fake Plastic Trees
8. There There (Boney King of Nowhere)
9. Everything In its Right Place
10. Karma Police
11. Exit Music (For a Film)
12. Reckoner
13. Nude
14. Lucky
15. 2+2=5 (The Lukewarm)
16. No Surprises
17. Climbing Up The Walls
18. Airbag
19. National Anthem
20. Weird Fishes/Arpeggi
21. Jigsaw Falling Into Place
Source: Ateaseweb.com
Colorado: GOP Beating Hillary, Except for Romney
Colorado - 2008 U.S. Presidential Election
Rudy Giuliani (R) 44% - 40% Hillary Rodham Clinton (D)
John McCain (R) 44% - 40% Hillary Rodham Clinton (D)
Mike Huckabee (R) 42% - 41% Hillary Rodham Clinton (D)
Mitt Romney (R) 40% - 43% Hillary Rodham Clinton (D)
Source: Rasmussen Reports
Methodology: Telephone interviews with 500 likely Colorado voters, conducted on Nov. 28, 2007. Margin of error is 4.5 per cent.
Iowa: Obama Surging
U.S. Presidential Election 2008 - Iowa Democratic Caucus
Contenders (in alphabetical order): Joe Biden (JB), Chris Dodd (CD), John Edwards (JE), Mike Gravel (MG), Dennis Kucinich (DK), Barack Obama (BO), Bill Richardson (BR), Hillary Rodham Clinton (HC).
HC | BO | JE | BR | JB | DK | CD | MG | |
(16) PSRA / Newsweek | 29% | 35% | 18% | 9% | 4% | -- | -- | -- |
(15) Mason-Dixon | 27% | 25% | 21% | 9% | 5% | 1% | 1% | -- |
(14) Strategic Vision | 25% | 32% | 25% | 3% | 5% | 1% | 1% | -- |
(13) Zogby International | 27% | 24% | 21% | 8% | 5% | 2% | -- | -- |
(12) American Research Group | 25% | 27% | 23% | 4% | 8% | 2% | 3% | -- |
(11) Selzer & Co. / DM Register | 25% | 28% | 23% | 9% | 6% | 1% | 1% | -- |
(10) Rasmussen Reports | 27% | 25% | 24% | 10% | -- | -- | -- | -- |
(9) Strategic Vision | 29% | 29% | 23% | 6% | 4% | 1% | 1% | -- |
(8) Pew Research Center | 31% | 26% | 19% | 10% | 2% | 1% | 1% | -- |
(7) TNS / WP /ABC News | 26% | 30% | 22% | 11% | 4% | 2% | 1% | -- |
(6) Iowa State University | 31% | 20% | 24% | 11% | 4% | 1% | 1% | -- |
(5) Research 2000 | 27% | 25% | 21% | 10% | 4% | 1% | 1% | -- |
(4) American Research Group | 27% | 21% | 20% | 12% | 5% | 2% | 3% | -- |
(3) Rasmussen Reports | 29% | 24% | 25% | 10% | 3% | n.a. | n.a. | n.a. |
(2) Strategic Vision | 29% | 27% | 20% | 7% | 5% | 1% | 1% | -- |
(1) CBS / NYT | 25% | 22% | 23% | 12% | 4% | 1% | 1% | -- |
Methodology and Sources:
(16) PSRA / Newsweek (395 likely Democratic caucus goers, Dec. 5-6, 2007, 6.0 MofE)
(15) Mason-Dixon / McClatchy / MSNBC (400 likely Democratic caucus goers, Dec. 3-6, 2007, 5.0 MofE)
(14) Strategic Vision (600 likely Democratic caucus goers, Nov. 30-Dec. 2, 2007, 4.4 MofE)
(13) Zogby International (514 likely Democratic caucus goers, Nov. 29-Dec. 1, 2007, 4.4 MofE)
(12) American Research Group (600 likely Democratic caucus goers, Nov. 26-29, 2007, 4.0 MofE)
(11) Selzer & Co. / Des Moines Register (500 likely Democratic caucus goers, Nov. 25-28, 2007, 4.4 MofE)
(10) Rasmussen Reports (1,156 likely Democratic caucus goers, Nov. 26-27, 2007, 3.0 MofE)
(9) Strategic Vision (600 likely Democratic caucus goers, Nov. 23-25, 2007, 4.5 MofE)
(8) Pew Research Center (460 likely Democratic caucus goers, Nov. 7-25, 2007, 6.0 MofE)
(7) TNS / Washington Post / ABC News (500 likely Democratic primary voters, Nov. 14-18, 2007, 4.5 MofE)
(6) Iowa State University (Democratic caucus goers out of 1,416 registered voters, Nov. 6-18, 2007, 6.0 MofE)
(5) Research 2000 (400 Democratic caucus goers, Nov. 12-14, 2007, 5.0 MofE)
(4) American Research Group (600 Democratic caucus goers, Nov. 10-14, 2007, 4.0 MofE)
(3) Rasmussen Reports (1,239 Democratic caucus goers, Nov. 12, 2007, 3.0 MofE)
(2) Strategic Vision (600 Democratic caucus goers, Nov. 9-12, 2007, 4.0 MofE)
(1) CBS News / New York Times (793 Democratic caucus goers, Nov. 2-11, 2007, 4.0 MofE)
Finns Don't Want Territory Seized From Them by Russia in 1939
Do you think Russia should allow Finland to regain sovereignty over Karelia?
Yes | 38% |
No | 43% |
Not sire | 19% |
Source: MC-Info / Karjala
Methodology: Interviews with 1,000 Finns, aged 15 and up, conducted in November 2007. No margin of error was provided.
Nebraska: Democrats Bribe Republican to Switch Parties With Opportunity to be Senate Candidate
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Bolivia: Evo Losing Support
"Don't worry Evo—Fidel, Hillary, Vladimir, Mahmoud and Osama still like you"
Do you approve or disapprove of Evo Morales’ performance as president?
Nov. 2007 | Oct. 2007 | Sept. 2007 | |
Approve | 52% | 62% | 59% |
Disapprove | 42% | 34% | 37% |
Source: Ipsos Apoyo, Opinión y Mercado
Methodology: Interviews with 1,022 Bolivian adults in La Paz, El Alto, Cochabamba and Santa Cruz, conducted from Nov. 12 to Nov. 18, 2007. Margin of error is 3.1 per cent.
Bizarre: British Poll Finds Labour Much More 'Sleazy' Than Conservatives
Do you agree or disagree with these statements?
Labour these days gives the impression of being very sleazy and disreputable
Agree | 60% |
Disagree | 28% |
Don’t know | 12% |
The Conservatives these days give the impression of being very sleazy and disreputable
Agree | 31% |
Disagree | 49% |
Don’t know | 21% |
Source: YouGov / Daily Telegraph
Methodology: Online interviews with 2,038 British adults, conducted from Nov. 27 to Nov. 29, 2007. No margin of error was provided.
Another Poll—Giuliani Leads This One
I’m going to read you the names of some possible Republican presidential candidates. Who would you most like to see nominated as the Republican Party’s candidate for president in 2008?
Nov. 2007 | Oct. 2007 | Sept. 2007 | |
Rudy Giuliani | 26% | 31% | 32% |
John McCain | 17% | 18% | 15% |
Fred Thompson | 13% | 17% | 21% |
Mitt Romney | 13% | 9% | 9% |
Mike Huckabee | 11% | 8% | 4% |
Ron Paul | 4% | 3% | 1% |
Duncan Hunter | 1% | -- | -- |
Tom Tancredo | -- | 1% | 1% |
Newt Gingrich | n.a. | n.a. | 6% |
Sam Brownback | n.a. | n.a. | 2% |
Other | 1% | 1% | 1% |
None | 3% | 4% | 2% |
Not sure | 11% | 8% | 6% |
Source: Pew Research Center for the People and the Press
Methodology: Telephone interviews with 448 registered Republicans or Republican leaners, conducted from Nov. 20 to Nov. 26, 2007. Margin of error is 5.5 per cent.
Hungary: Fidesz Continues to Hold Huge Lead
If an election were held today, what party would you support?
(Decided Voters)
Nov. 2007 | Oct. 2007 | Sept. 2007 | |
Hungarian Citizens Party (Fidesz) | 62% | 58% | 59% |
Hungarian Socialist Party (MSZP) | 24% | 30% | 30% |
Hungarian Democratic Forum (MDF) | 6% | 5% | 4% |
Alliance of Free Democrats (SZDSZ) | 3% | 4% | 3% |
Source: Szonda Ipsos
Methodology: Interviews with 1,500 Hungarian adults, conducted from Nov. 16 to Nov. 24, 2007. Margin of error is 2.5 per cent.
South Dakota Happiest State, Utah Saddest
2. Hawaii
3. New Jersey
4. Iowa
5. Maryland
6. Minnesota
7. Louisiana
8. Illinois
9. North Dakota
10. Texas
11. Georgia
12. Vermont
13. Nebraska
14. Florida
15. California
16. Massachusetts
17. Pennsylvania
18. Virginia
19. New York
20. New Hampshire
21. Alaska
22. Michigan
23. District of Columbia
24. Delaware
25. Arizona
26. Alabama
27. North Carolina
28. South Carolina
29. Kansas
30. Wisconsin
31. Tennessee
32. Montana
33. Mississippi
34. Colorado
35. Washington
36. New Mexico
37. Oregon
38. Connecticut
39. Indiana
40. Arkansas
41. Maine
42. Wyoming
43. Ohio
44. Missouri
45. Idaho
46. Oklahoma
47. Nevada
48. Rhode Island
49. Kentucky
50. West Virginia
51. Utah
Source: MSNBC
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
New Hampshire: Hillary's Lead Not Safe
U.S. Presidential Election 2008 - New Hampshire Democratic Primary
Contenders (in alphabetical order): Joe Biden (JB), Chris Dodd (CD), John Edwards (JE), Mike Gravel (MG), Dennis Kucinich (DK), Barack Obama (BO), Bill Richardson (BR), Hillary Rodham Clinton (HC).
HC | BO | JE | BR | DK | JB | CD | MG | |
(7) Opinion Dynamics / Fox News | 30% | 23% | 17% | 12% | 3% | 3% | 1% | -- |
(6) Rasmussen Reports | 33% | 26% | 15% | 9% | 4% | 4% | 1% | -- |
(5) American Research Group | 34% | 23% | 17% | 10% | 2% | 3% | 2% | 1% |
(4) Suffolk Univ. | 34% | 22% | 15% | 9% | 3% | 2% | 1% | -- |
(3) Pew Research Center | 38% | 19% | 15% | 10% | 4% | 2% | 1% | -- |
(2) UNH / CNN / WMUR | 36% | 22% | 13% | 12% | 3% | 2% | 1% | -- |
(1) CBS / NYT | 37% | 22% | 9% | 6% | 5% | 2% | 1% | -- |
Methodology and Sources:
(7) Opinion Dynamics / Fox News (500 likely Democratic primary voters, Nov. 27-29, 2007, 4 MofE)
(6) Rasmussen Reports (959 likely Democratic primary voters, Nov. 29, 2007, 3.5 MofE)
(5) American Research Group (600 likely Democratic primary voters, Nov. 26-29, 2007, 4.0 MofE)
(4) Suffolk Univ. (389 likely Democratic primary voters, Nov. 25-27, 2007, 5 MofE)
(3) Pew Research Center (594 likely Democratic primary voters, Nov. 7-25, 2007, 5.0 MofE)
(2) UNH /CNN / WMUR (389 likely Democratic primary voters, Nov. 14-18, 2007, 5 MofE)
(1) CBS News / New York Times (417 likely Democratic primary voters, Nov. 9-12, 2007, 5.0 MofE)
UK: Conservative Leads Rises to 11 pts
If there were a general election tomorrow, which party would you vote for?
Nov. 28 | Nov. 22 | Nov. 16 | |
Conservative | 43% | 41% | 41% |
Labour | 32% | 32% | 35% |
Liberal Democrats | 14% | 14% | 13% |
Other | 11% | 13% | 11% |
Source: YouGov / Daily Telegraph
Methodology: Online interviews with 1,966 British adults, conducted from Nov. 26 to Nov. 28, 2007. No margin of error was provided.
Louisiana: Kennedy Leads Landrieu by 7 pts
Mary Landrieu 38%
Someone else 3%
Not sure 15%
Source: Zogby International
Monday, December 3, 2007
North Carolina: Helping Illegal Aliens Will Hurt Democrats

Above: The Democrat's answer to those who think unlimitted illegal immigration might not be such a great idea.
Republicans Have Better Mental Health Than Democrats, Independants
British Strongly Enjoy Abortion
To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statement? - It should be legal for a woman to have an abortion when she has an unwanted pregnancy
Agree | 63% |
Disagree | 14% |
Neither | 16% |
Don’t know | 4% |
Prefer not to say | 3% |
Source: YouGov
Methodology: Online interviews with 1,983 British adults, conducted from Nov. 14 to Nov. 16, 2007. No margin of error was provided.
Italy: Conservative Opposition Favored in Election
Voting Intention - Chamber of Deputies
Opposition (Centre-Right) | 53.8% |
Italian People of Freedom Party (PdL) | 33.2% |
National Alliance (AN) | 9.0% |
Northern League (LN) | 4.8% |
Union of Christian and Centre-Democrats (UDC) | 2.8% |
Storace’s Right (La D di S) | 3.0% |
Other centre-right parties | 1.0% |
Union (Centre-Left) | 45.7% |
Democratic Party (PD) | 30.0% |
Communist Refoundation Party (PRC) | 3.0% |
Green Federation (Verdi) | 3.0% |
Party of Italian Communists (PCI) | 1.0% |
Democratic Left (SD) | 1.0% |
Italy of Values (Lista di Pietro) | 3.0% |
Popular Alliance (UDEUR) | 1.0% |
Italian Radicals (RI) | 1.0% |
Italian Socialist Party of Craxi (PSI-Craxi) | 2.5% |
Other centre-left | 0.2% |
Other parties | 0.5% |
Source: Ekma Ricerche Srl
Methodology: Telephone interviews with 1,000 Italian adults, conducted on Nov. 19, 2007. Margin of error is 3.5 per cent.
Huckabee Trails Hillary by 1 pt, Obama by 4
Mike Huckabee (R) 45%
Barack Obama (D)45%
Mike Huckabee (R)41%
Source: Rasmussen Reports