A new Rasmussen Reports telephone survey finds that 52% of Likely Wisconsin Voters at least somewhat approve of Walker’s job performance to date, while 46% at least somewhat disapprove. These findings include 40% who Strongly Approve of how the Republican governor is doing and just as many (40%) who Strongly Disapprove. (To see survey question wording, click here.)Rasmussen
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Wisconsin Voters Against Governor Scott Walker Recall
Wisconsin: Any of 3 Republicans Would Beat Congresswoman/Lesbian Activist for Senate Seat
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Tommy Thompson via Wikipedia |
Election 2012: Wisconsin Senate | |
Tommy Thompson (R) | 50% |
Tammy Baldwin (D) | 36% |
Some Other Candidate | 4% |
Not sure | 10% |
Election 2012: Wisconsin Senate | |
Mark Neumann (R) | 46% |
Tammy Baldwin (D) | 37% |
Some Other Candidate | 4% |
Not sure | 13% |
Election 2012: Wisconsin Senate | |
Jeff Fitzgerald (R) | 41% |
Tammy Baldwin (D) | 40% |
Some Other Candidate | 4% |
Not sure | 15% |
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- Poll: Thompson leads Baldwin in US Senate race (mysanantonio.com)
- Wisconsin Senate Race Heats Up Amid Scott Walker Recall Effort (huffingtonpost.com)
- "Tammy Baldwin Runs Straight At The Tea Party" - Matt Taylor (goodolewoody.wordpress.com)
- Tammy Baldwin, A Member of Congress From Wisconsin With A Very Different Vision Than Paul Ryan (crooksandliars.com)
- Blue America Welcomes Tammy Baldwin (crooksandliars.com)
- Tammy Baldwin (D)- District 2 Speaking at Public House (riverwestpublichouse.wordpress.com)
- Wisconsin GOP Rolls Back Equal Pay Law (huffingtonpost.com)
- Tammy Baldwin Delivers Passionate Defense Of Progressivism (huffingtonpost.com)
- Save The Date For Tammy Baldwin! (grassrootssouthshore.org)
- Tammy Baldwin Calls On Wisconsinites To Fight Walker (pinkbananaworld.com)

27% Think Government Management Helps Economy
A major partisan divide exists over whether government efforts to manage the economy do more harm than good. Overall, a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey shows that 27% of American Adults believe government management helps the economy, while 50% think it hurts. Six percent (6%) say it has no impact, and 17% are not sure. (see question wording)Rasmussen
Iowa Party Switch! Warren County Sheriff Candidate Joins GOP
Des Moines Police Sgt. David Murillo, of Norwalk, said last week he has switched from the Democratic Party to the Republican Party in his bid to become the next county sheriff.Des Moines Register
“I have a conservative viewpoint and people have always thought I was a Republican,” Murillo said. “Many people see me as the front runner in this thing and have encouraged me to change political parties.”
Romney, Santorum to split Michigan's delegates
As a result, Romney wins 21 delegates from the congressional district results, according to results posted by the Michigan Republican Party, but only 14 of those delegates will be allowed to vote at the national convention because the state broke national GOP rules by moving its primary before the Super Tuesday contests next week.Detroit Free Press
Santorum wins 18 delegates from the congressional districts, but only 12 of those people will be able to vote at the national convention.
California: Congressman David Dreier Retiring
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David Dreier via Wikipedia |
Veteran Rep. David Dreier, one of California's most influential Republicans in Congress, announced Wednesday that he won't be running for reelection, perhaps the biggest casualty of the state's first-ever citizens-drawn political map, which cast him into a politically inhospitable district.LA Times
Dreier is the sixth California House member to announce his retirement when his term expires, further shaking up a delegation that has built up clout on Capitol Hill because of its stability over the years.
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- Calif. Rep. David Dreier not seeking re-election (abclocal.go.com)
- Rep. Dreier won't seek reelection (politicalticker.blogs.cnn.com)
- Dreier Announces He'll Retire (politicalwire.com)
- California Rep. David Dreier finally announces retirement (dailykos.com)
- Dreier was thrown into Dem seat (politico.com)
- California Rep. Dreier announces plan to retire (newsok.com)
- More RNC'ers are bailing... (sunsetdaily.wordpress.com)
- Dreier exit triggers scramble (politico.com)
- Members most likely to call it quits (politico.com)
- Longtime Rep. Elton Gallegly will retire - Los Angeles Times (latimes.com)

Monday, February 27, 2012
Santorum & Romney Lead Obama in Swing States
•Former Pennsylvania senator Rick Santorum tops Obama 50%-45% in the swing states. Nationwide, Santorum’s lead narrows to 49%-46%.USA Today via Campaign Spot
•Former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney edges Obama 48%-46% in the swing states. Nationwide, they are tied at 47% each.
2 pts Seperate Santorum & Romney in Michigan
The latest Rasmussen Reports telephone survey of Likely Republican Primary Voters in Michigan, taken Sunday night, finds Romney with 38% support to Santorum’s 36%. Texas Congressman Ron Paul and former House Speaker Newt Gingrich remain far behind with 11% and 10% of the vote respectively. One percent (1%) likes another candidate in the race, and five percent (5%) remains undecided. (To see survey question wording, click here.)Rasmussen Reports
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- Michigan Primary Preview: A Two-Horse Race (pjmedia.com)
- Multiple New Polls All Find Santorum Leading in Michigan (elections.firedoglake.com)
- Mitt Romney Pulls Ahead In Michigan Polls, Holds Wide Lead In Arizona (kaystreet.wordpress.com)
- Santorum Still Leads in Ohio (politicalwire.com)
- Rasmussen national poll puts Santorum up 12 over Romney (hotair.com)
- 42% of voters Strongly Disapprove of Obama (fellowshipofminds.wordpress.com)
- Santorum Opens Up Double-Digit Lead Over Romney (americanclarion.com)
- Poll: Romney, Santorum in Dead Heat in Michigan (blogs.wsj.com)
- Race For Michigan Tightens - Fox News (blog) (nation.foxnews.com)
- Poll: Comes down to Romney and Santorum in Michigan (politicalticker.blogs.cnn.com)

Republicans Increase Generic Congressional Ballot Lead Over Democrats
Image via Wikipedia |
A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 43% of Likely U.S. Voters would vote for the Republican in their district’s congressional race if the election were held today, while 39% would choose the Democrat instead. Last week, the Republican led by just one point.Rasmussen Reports
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- Rasmussen: More Than Half Of Voters Think GOP Agenda Is Extreme (crooksandliars.com)
- Romney Takes Michigan Forecast Lead (fivethirtyeight.blogs.nytimes.com)
- Assessing the generic Congressional poll (horsesass.org)
- Herman Cain Who Dropped From The Presidential Race Lead Obama 43% To 41%. Rasmussen Reports. (politicalvelcraft.org)
- Rasmussen poll: "just 24% of Likely U.S. Voters favor applying affirmative action policies to college admissions." (althouse.blogspot.com)
- Republicans! Stop Looking for a Messiah! (gunnyg.wordpress.com)
- Danger Zone For GOP: Poll Finds 52% Say GOP Agenda In Congress Is Extreme (themoderatevoice.com)
- Hey How About That Congress? December 2011 Approval Rating Is At An Awesome 6%: Rasmussen Reports. (politicalvelcraft.org)
- The most recent Rasmussen poll has Santorum up 1 point over Obama. (althouse.blogspot.com)

Wednesday, February 22, 2012
Michelle Malkin Rips Apart Santorum's Satan Lovin' Attackers
Since when is considered bad to not like Satan?
Since Rick Santorum started saying bad things about him. Now Satan seems to be the Democrat's biggest ally:
Since Rick Santorum started saying bad things about him. Now Satan seems to be the Democrat's biggest ally:
The secular media hounds (as well as GOP rivals) have framed Rick Santorum as a THEOCRAT! — and they’ll say and do anything to lock him in. He’s a God nut! A GOP mullah! He’s coming after your birth control! He “plays” with dead babies! He’s obliterating the wall between church and state! Run for your lives!Michelle Malkin
While the headlines trumpet Santorum’s 2008 remarks about Satan (gasp! a man who believes in God also believes in the devil! shocker!) and stir up anti-religious bigotry, Santorum has been zeroing in on the White House messiah’s destructive government policies.
Chris Christie Takes on British Mediocrity, Piers Morgan
When CNN's Piers Morgan preached that corporations should consider
actions in the national interest over the wants of their "ever-fattening
shareholders," New Jersey Governor Chris Christie (R) called him out
for "demagoguing" the issue. In an interview that aired Tuesday night,
Morgan suggested that companies like Apple should "take a hit" and bring
a percentage of their jobs back to America from China.
Virginia Senate Race: Allen 46, Kaine 46
The latest Rasmussen Reports telephone survey of Likely Voters in the Old Dominion finds Democrat Tim Kaine and Republican George Allen both earning 46% support. Three percent (3%) prefers some other candidate, and five percent (5%) are undecided. (To see survey question wording, click here.)
Election 2012: Virginia Senate | |
George Allen (R) | 46% |
Tim Kaine (D) | 46% |
Some Other Candidate | 3% |
Not Sure | 5% |
Thomas Sowell Attacks the "Fairness" Fraud
Even if additional tax revenue all went to poor single mothers --
which it will not -- the multiple problems of children raised by poor
single mothers would not be cured by throwing money at them. Indeed, the
skyrocketing of unwed motherhood began when government welfare programs
began throwing money at teenage girls who got pregnant.
Children born and raised without fathers are a major problem to society and to themselves. There is nothing "fair" about increasing the number of such children.
Real Clear Politics
Children born and raised without fathers are a major problem to society and to themselves. There is nothing "fair" about increasing the number of such children.
Real Clear Politics
Sarah Palin Comes to Santorum's Defense Against Liberal Attacks
"They will attack any conservative who boldly proclaims their faith and
talks about there is good in the world and there's evil in the world and
that's what Rick Santorum was talking about. And this was a speech that
he gave back in 2008 where he named evil as Satan. And for these
lame-stream media characters to get all wee-weed up about that, first
you have to ask yourself, 'Have they ever attended a Sunday school class
even? Have they never heard of this terminology before?" And that's why
they got so, you know, just whacked out about the speech," Sarah Palin
told Sean Hannity on FOX News tonight.
Real Clear Politics
Real Clear Politics
NY Times Reporterette Claims Catholics Are Fanatics
Secularist Christian-Hater Maureen Dowd:
"Santorum is not merely engaged in a culture war, but “a spiritual war,” as he called it four years ago. “The Father of Lies has his sights on what you would think the Father of Lies would have his sights on: a good, decent, powerful, influential country — the United States of America,” he told students at Ave Maria University in Florida. He added that mainline Protestantism in this country “is in shambles. It is gone from the world of Christianity as I see it.”
New York Times
"Santorum is not merely engaged in a culture war, but “a spiritual war,” as he called it four years ago. “The Father of Lies has his sights on what you would think the Father of Lies would have his sights on: a good, decent, powerful, influential country — the United States of America,” he told students at Ave Maria University in Florida. He added that mainline Protestantism in this country “is in shambles. It is gone from the world of Christianity as I see it.”
New York Times
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
Ohio: Brown Leads Mandel by 13 pts
If the election for United States Senator were being held today and
the candidates were Sherrod Brown the Democrat and Josh Mandel the
Republican, for whom would you vote?
ALL REGISTERED VOTERS...................................... Tot Rep Dem Ind Men Wom Wht Blk Brown 48% 11% 88% 48% 45% 51% 44% 79% Mandel 35 79 3 25 42 29 40 1 SMONE ELSE(VOL) - - - - - - - - WLDN'T VOTE(VOL) 3 2 1 4 3 3 2 5 DK/NA 14 8 8 23 9 18 14 15
Virginia: Allen Leads Kaine in Latest Poll
And in the Real Clear Politics Average of Polls, he leads by 0.3.
Real Clear Politics
Poll | Date | Sample | Allen (R) | Kaine (D) | Spread |
RCP Average | 1/16 - 2/13 | -- | 44.0 | 43.7 | Allen +0.3 |
CNU/Times-Dispatch | 2/4 - 2/13 | 1018 RV | 42 | 40 | Allen +2 |
Washington: Santorum Leads by 11 pts
Poll | Date | Sample | Santorum | Romney | Paul | Gingrich | Spread |
PPP (D) | 2/16 - 2/19 | 400 LV | 38 | 27 | 15 | 12 | Santorum +11 |
Real Clear Politics
Gingrich's Sugar-Daddy is an Abortionist, Against Santorum
Mr. Adelson doesn’t oppose Mr. Santorum, but he doesn’t share the former Pennsylvania senator’s socially conservative positions, including his strong antiabortion views, associates said. Mr. Santorum was one of only two Republicans who didn’t meet with Mr. Adelson in October around the time of a candidates’ debate in Las Vegas, according to a person familiar with the matter.Via Campaign Spot
Though he isn’t yet switching allegiance, Mr. Adelson is thought to be comfortable with Mr. Romney as the ultimate nominee, friends said. The two men met before the Feb. 4 Nevada Republican caucuses, according to a person familiar with the matter. That person described the meeting as a “warm” one.
Susan B. Anthony List Endorses Santorum
“Among the field of strong pro-life candidates in the GOP primary, one stands out as a proven leader in this great human and civil rights cause of our time. Rick Santorum communicates the vision and has exhibited the strategic and tactical prowess the pro-life movement must have in order to succeed. Women and children deserve his leadership, grounded as it is in affirming the dignity of every person. At this inflection point in the primary process and a tipping point in history on the abortion issue, the Susan B. Anthony List endorses Rick Santorum for the Republican nomination for President,” said Marjorie Dannenfelser, President of SBA List.Via Campaign Spot
Despite 4-Way Primary Rumble, GOP Still Has 1 pt Generic Congressional Advantage
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Image via Wikipedia |
A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 42% of Likely U.S. Voters would vote for the Republican in their district’s congressional race if the election were held today, while 41% would choose the Democrat instead.Rasmussen

Thursday, February 16, 2012
New Mexico Senate: Heather Wilson Close Race Against Either Democrat
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Image via Wikipedia |
Election 2012: New Mexico Senate | |
Martin Heinrich (D) | 45% |
Heather Wilson (R) | 43% |
Other | 5% |
Not Sure | 7% |
Election 2012: New Mexico Senate | |
Hector Balderas (D) | 44% |
Heather Wilson (R) | 44% |
Other | 3% |
Not Sure | 9% |
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- NM-Sen: Heinrich maneuvers into 7-point lead over Wilson (dailykos.com)
- Poll: Heinrich up 30 over Balderas (politico.com)
- Heather Wilson Meet & Greet Today At Wildlife West (gadabout-blogalot.com)
- Public Outcry Defeats New Mexico Bill Targeting Pit Bulls (victoriesfortheanimals.wordpress.com)
- NM Leaders Seek Protections for Organ Mountains (earthairwaves.wordpress.com)
- Election 2012 (annmic.wordpress.com)

59% of Catholics Don't Like Obama
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Barack Obama (Photo credit: jamesomalley) |
Fifty-four percent (54%) of Catholics voted for Obama in November 2008. However, Republican hopeful Mitt Romney currently leads the president among Catholic voters by a 52% to 35% margin. Among all voters, however, President Obama leads Romney and all Republican hopefuls.
Related articles
- From The Department Of Conflicting Polls: Catholic Edition (outsidethebeltway.com)
- Obama Losing Approval Among Catholic Voters (bokertov.typepad.com)
- Rasmussen tracking poll shows Santorum within four of Obama (hotair.com)
- Rasmussen poll shows Obama job disapproval 59% among Catholics (hotair.com)
- Catholics Figure Out Obama and Disapprove- Chris Matthews Nervous (socyberty.com)

Ohio: Santorum Leads Romney by 18pts
The new statewide telephone survey of Likely Republican Primary voters
shows Santorum picking up 42% of the vote to Romney’s 24%. Former House
Speaker Newt Gingrich draws 13% support, while Texas Congressman Ron
Paul picks up 10%. Three percent (3%) prefer some other candidate, and
eight percent (8%) are undecided. (To see survey question wording, click here.)
Santorum leads Romney by an even bigger margin – 58% to 30% - when the race is down to a one-on-one matchup in Ohio. Romney leads Gingrich 46% to 37% in a two-man race and Paul by a 58% to 26% margin.
Santorum leads Romney by an even bigger margin – 58% to 30% - when the race is down to a one-on-one matchup in Ohio. Romney leads Gingrich 46% to 37% in a two-man race and Paul by a 58% to 26% margin.
Monday, February 13, 2012
Palin: Not Sure Romney is a Conservative
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Sarah Palin via Wikipedia |
Palin, the former governor of Alaska, said the GOP presidential field remains wide open because Romney's past positions on healthcare, abortion and other issues have been moderate-to-liberal, leaving Republicans confused about what he'd do as commander-in-chief.
The Hill

Obama Bundler Earmarked Stimulus Money for Donors
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Ron Klein via Wikipedia |
Florida Turbine Technologies (FTT), an engineering and development firm headquartered in Klein’s district, received a total of $18,459,277 in federal funding as part of the 2009 stimulus package, which Klein supported.
The Washington Free Beacon
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- Ron Klein, a lobbyist no more (tampabay.com)
- MORE SUPPORT FOR MY REVOLVING DOOR TAX on former government officials: "The New York Times reports ... (pjmedia.com)

Michigan: Santorum Leads Romney in 2 New Polls
Michigan is supposed to be Romney Territory, but not if the election were held today:
The PPP poll released Monday found Santorum at 39 percent, ahead of Romney with 24 percent, Ron Paul with 12 percent and Newt Gingrich at 11 percent. Similarly, the American Research Group poll found Santorum with 33 percent, followed by Romney at 27 percent, Gingrich at 21 percent, and Paul at 12 percent.
The Hills
The PPP poll released Monday found Santorum at 39 percent, ahead of Romney with 24 percent, Ron Paul with 12 percent and Newt Gingrich at 11 percent. Similarly, the American Research Group poll found Santorum with 33 percent, followed by Romney at 27 percent, Gingrich at 21 percent, and Paul at 12 percent.
The Hills
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- Santorum surges in the polls (geneveith.com)
- Poll: Santorum edges out Romney in Michigan (politicalticker.blogs.cnn.com)
- It's Rick Santorum vs. Mitt Romney in Michigan as Santorum takes big lead (dailykos.com)
- PPP Poll: Santorum Opens Up Big National Lead Over Romney (themoderatevoice.com)
- Rick Santorum: The New Face of the GOP (littlegreenfootballs.com)
- Public Policy Polling: Santorum surges (dailykos.com)
- 656 Usual Republican Primary Voters Don't Like Romney Very Much, According to Public Policy Polling (delong.typepad.com)
- Santorum jumps ahead of Romney in Minnesota (sfgate.com)

Friday, February 10, 2012
Arizona: Grijalva Gets Primary Challenge from Robles
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Grijalva via Wikipedia |
Tucson businessman David Crowe Robles announced Wednesday that he plans to run for Congress in Arizona’s new Congressional District 3, where he will take on five-term incumbent U.S. Rep. Raul Grijalva in the August Democratic primary.
Crowe Robles, 45, president and CEO of Tucson Embedded Systems, a firm that specializes in developing hardware and software for the aerospace, defense and commercial industries, is a political newcomer who also considered running for the Senate seat held by Jon Kyl, R-Ariz., who is retiring.
The district includes parts of Tucson, as well as Yuma, the Tohono O’odham Reservation, and some far southwest suburbs of Phoenix, and runs mostly along the southwestern border of Arizona. It includes most of the old 7th Congressional District, Grijalva’s current district.
Tucson Citizen
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- Grijalva Wants to Suspend Proposed Mine (myfoxphoenix.com)
- Reality Check in Chamber of Politics (myfoxphoenix.com)
- Grijalva grades Obama a B-minus or C (politico.com)
- Giffords a reality check in chamber of politics (sfgate.com)

Steven Kurlander: Jewish voters won't abandon Democratic Party, but they will Obama
This makes sense... for now. I think eventually more Jewish people will see the light about the ENTIRE Democrat party, but it is hard for them quit cold turkey. Abandoning Obama is a good first step. Let's just hope that it really happens and it isn't just hype.
Are American Jews really turning Republican? According to a recent study, Republicans are building a once unimaginable strength among traditionally Democratic Jewish voters.
A Pew Research Center analysis indicated that "Jews" who support or lean Republican shot up 9 points from 2008 to 29 percent in 2011, while those supporting or leaning Democratic fell from 72 percent to 65 percent. While this trend mirrored a corresponding rise in popularity of Republicans among every other religious group, the Jewish increase was most significant.
Sun Sentinel
Are American Jews really turning Republican? According to a recent study, Republicans are building a once unimaginable strength among traditionally Democratic Jewish voters.
A Pew Research Center analysis indicated that "Jews" who support or lean Republican shot up 9 points from 2008 to 29 percent in 2011, while those supporting or leaning Democratic fell from 72 percent to 65 percent. While this trend mirrored a corresponding rise in popularity of Republicans among every other religious group, the Jewish increase was most significant.
Sun Sentinel
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- Jews, Party Identification, and Political Realignment (pjmedia.com)
- Study reignites debate over Jewish vote (thehill.com)
- Republicans starting to reap kosher vote, says poll (thejc.com)
- The Religion-Intensity Gap (thedailybeast.com)
- Pew poll suggests Jewish shift to GOP (jta.org)
- More states moving to GOP column? (hotair.com)
- Florida's Jewish GOP primary vote, and what it means (blogs.jta.org)
- American Jews on Delusional Obama: 'Con-man' and 'Train-wreck' (mikesright.wordpress.com)
- American Jews on Delusional Obama: 'Con-man' and 'Train-wreck' (constitutionclub.org)
- YES! The Pew Research Center validates Americans are fed up with both parties (iflizwerequeen.com)

Oklahoma: Voters Switching to Republican Party
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Image via Wikipedia |
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Oklahoma State Capitol (Photo credit: StevenM_61) |
In comparison, only 432 voters have swapped parties to join the Democrats since candidates filed for the presidential election two months ago, according to data from the state Election Board.
Read more: http://newsok.com/republican-party-sees-influx-of-voters-in-oklahoma/article/3647280#ixzz1m0nnAWNM
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- Santorum campaign clears up Oklahoma filing problem (newsok.com)
- Santorum Adjusting to Star Treatment on Trail - New York Times (nytimes.com)
- Social Issues Overtake U.S. Politics (time.com)
- They're back: Social issues overtake US politics (seattletimes.nwsource.com)
- Romney Supporters Hold Fire as He Targets Santorum for Attacks - BusinessWeek (businessweek.com)
- How much low turnout hurts Mitt Romney now - and in November | Harry J Enten (guardian.co.uk)
- They're Back: Social Issues Overtake U.S. Politics (time.com)
- They're back: Social issues overtake US politics - Atlanta Journal Constitution (ajc.com)
- They're Baaaaack (huffingtonpost.com)
- Santorum: Obama trying to allow Iran to have nuke (sfgate.com)

Thursday, February 9, 2012
Screw You Kids!: Obama Gives 10 Waivers to 'No Child Left Behind'
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Barack Obama (Photo credit: jamesomalley) |
Ten of the 11 states that applied for waivers will receive them, a White House official told the Associated Press. They are Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Indiana, Kentucky, Massachusetts, Minnesota, New Jersey, Oklahoma, and Tennessee.

Surging Santorum Takes Lead in Pennsylvania
The poll by Pittsburgh Tribune-Review/WPXI-TV,
conducted Feb. 2-6, shows Mr. Santorum, a former senator from
Pennsylvania, gathering momentum before Tuesday’s surprise victories in
Colorado, Missouri and Minnesota. Mr. Santorum garners 30% support while
Mr. Romney has 29%. Both were up substantially from the previous poll
six weeks ago while Newt Gingrich, who had been at 35% support, plunged to 13%.
Wall Street Journal
Wall Street Journal
Ohio: Santorum Does Best Against Obama
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Image via Wikipedia |
President Obama runs slightly ahead of Mitt Romney and dead even with Rick Santorum in Rasmussen Reports’ first Election 2012 look at the key battleground state of Ohio.
A new telephone survey of Likely Voters in the state finds Obama earning 45% support to Romney’s 41%. Ten percent (10%) like some other candidate in the race, and four percent (4%) remain undecided.
Rasmussen Reports
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- Ohio, Super Tuesday & The GOP Presidential Primary (dfw.cbslocal.com)
- Even Santorum's Backers Stunned By His Colorado Victory (denver.cbslocal.com)
- What the Rick Santorum Sweep Means for Mitt Romney (usnews.com)

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