According to
Time Magazine, these are the 25 people most responsible for the financial crisis. You might notice a SLIGHT liberal bias in favor of covering up for the Democrats. Where is
Nancy Pelosi and
Barney Frank?
- Jimmy Cayne
- David Oddsson
- Sandy Weill
- Fred Goodwin
- Burton Jablin
- Lew Ranieri
- Bernie Madoff
- John Devaney
- David Lereah
- Wen Jiabao
- Stan O'Neal
- George W. Bush
- Bill Clinton
- Marion and Herb Sandler
- Dick Fuld
- Kathleen Corbet
- Frank Raines
- Ian McCarthy
- Joe Cassano
- Hank Paulson
- American Consumers
- Chris Cox
- Alan Greenspan
- Phil Gramm
- Angelo Mozilo