OA | Office of Administration |
OAAG | Office of the Associate Attorney General |
OAC | Office of Antiboycott Compliance |
OACU | Office of Animal Care and Use |
OAG | Office of the Attorney General |
OAHP | Office of Affordable Housing Preservation |
OAIT | Office of American Indian Trust (Archive) |
OALJ | Office of Administrative Law Judges |
OAQPS | Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards |
OAR | Office of AIDS Research | Office of Oceanic and Atmospheric Research |
OARM | Office of Attorney Recruitment and Management |
OAS | Office of Applied Studies | Organization of American States |
OASAM | Office of the Assistant Secretary for Administration and Management |
OASDI | Old-Age and Survivors Insurance and Disability Insurance |
OAT | Office for the Advancement of Telehealth |
OBA | Office of Biotechnology Activities |
OBEMLA | Office of Bilingual Education and Minority Languages Affairs (changed to OELA) |
OBI | Office of Business Innovations |
OBL | Office of Business Liaison |
OBO | Bureau of Overseas Building Operations |
OBPA | Office of Budget and Program Analysis |
OBSSR | Office of Behavioral and Social Sciences Research |
OCC | Comptroller of the Currency |
OCDETF | Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Force |
OCE | Office of the Chief Economist | Office of Congressional Ethics |
OCFT | Office of Child Labor, Forced Labor, and Human Trafficking |
OCIA | Office of Congressional and Intergovernmental Affairs |
OCIO | Office of the Chief Information Officer |
OCR | Office for Civil Rights (Dept. of Education) |
OCRM | Ocean and Coastal Resource Management |
OCRS | Organized Crime and Racketeering Section |
OCRWM | Office of Civilian Radioactive Waste Management |
OCS | Office of Coast Survey | Office of Community Services |
OCSC | Office of Citizen Services and Communications (changed to OCSIT) |
OCSE | Office of Child Support Enforcement |
OCSIT | Office of Citizen Services and Innovative Technologies |
OCSPP | Office of Chemical Safety and Pollution Prevention |
OCSQ | Office of Clinical Standards and Quality |
OD | Office on Disability |
ODAG | Office of the Deputy Attorney General |
ODEP | Office of Disability Employment Policy |
ODGMO | Office of Departmental Grants Management and Oversight |
ODLS | Online Detainee Locator System |
ODNI | Office of the Director of National Intelligence |
ODP | Office for Domestic Preparedness (merged into FEMA) | Office of Disease Prevention |
ODPHP | Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion |
ODR | Office of Dispute Resolution |
OE | Office of Electricity Delivery and Energy Reliability |
OEA | Office of Economic Adjustment |
OECA | Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance |
OECD | Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development |
OEGT | Office of Electronic Government and Technology (changed to egov) |
OEI | Office of Environmental Information |
OELA | Office of English Language Acquisition |
OEMM | Offshore Energy and Minerals Management |
OEO | Office of Enforcement Operations |
OERI | Office of Educational Research and Improvement (archive; see IES) |
OERR | Office of Emergency Response and Recovery |
OES | Bureau of Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs |
OESE | Office of Elementary and Secondary Education |
OET | Office of Educational Technology |
OFA | Office of Family Assistance |
OFAC | Office of Foreign Assets Control |
OFAM | Office of Financial and Administrative Management |
OFCCP | Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs |
OFCM | Office of the Federal Coordinator for Meteorology |
OFDT | Office of the Federal Detention Trustee |
OFHEO | Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight (merged into FHFA) |
OFM | Office of Financial Management |
OFR | Office of the Federal Register |
OGAC | Office of the U.S. Global AIDS Coordinator |
OGC | White House Office of Global Communications |
OGE | Office of Government Ethics |
OGHA | Office of Global Health Affairs |
OGIS | Office of Government Information Services (.pdf) |
OGP | Office of Governmentwide Policy |
OGWDW | Office of Ground Water and Drinking Water |
OHAP | Office of HIV/AIDS Policy |
OHASIS | Office of Health and Safety Information System |
OHCHR | Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights |
OHHLHC | Office of Healthy Homes and Lead Hazard Control |
OHPI | Office of Highway Policy Information |
OHRP | Office for Human Research Protections |
OHS | Office of Head Start |
OHTA | Office of Historical Trust Accounting |
OIA | Office of Insular Affairs | Office of International Affairs |
OIE | World Organization for Animal Health |
OIEP | Office of Indian Education Programs (changed to BIE) |
OII | Office of Innovation and Improvement |
OIIA | Office of Intergovernmental and Interagency Affairs (archive) |
OIG | Office of the Inspector General (DOJ) | (USDA) |
OIP | Office of Information and Privacy |
OIPL | Office of Intergovernmental and Public Liaison |
OIPR | Office of Intelligence Policy and Review |
OIR | Office of International Relations |
OIRA | Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs |
OIT | Office of International Trade |
OITA | Office of International and Tribal Affairs |
OJC | Office of Job Corps |
OJJDP | Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention |
OJP | Office of Justice Programs |
OLA | Office of Legislative Affairs |
OLAW | Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare |
OLC | Office of Legal Counsel |
OLMS | Office of Labor Management Standards |
OLP | Office of Legal Policy |
OLR | Office of Labor Relations |
OMAO | Office of Marine and Aviation Operations |
OMAR | Office of Medical Applications of Research |
OMB | Office of Management and Budget |
OME | Office of Migrant Education |
OMEI | Office of Minority Economic Impact |
OMH | Office of Minority Health |
OMHAR | Office of Multifamily Housing Assistance Restructuring (replaced by OAHP) |
OMHD | Office of Minority Health and Health Disparities |
OMHR | Office of Minority Health and Research |
OMM | Offshore Minerals Management Program |
ONAP | Office of National AIDS Policy | Office of Native American Programs |
ONC | Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology |
ONCIX | Office of the National Counterintelligence Executive |
ONDCP | Office of National Drug Control Policy |
ONHIR | Office of Navajo and Hopi Indian Relocation |
ONPE | Office of Non-Public Education |
ONR | Office of Naval Research |
ONS | Office of Nursing Services |
OOHLHC | Office of Healthy Homes and Lead Hazard Control |
OPA | Office of Population Affairs |
OPAD | Office of Policy and Development |
OPC | Office of the Police Corps (defunct; see Wayback Machine) |
OPCL | Office of Privacy and Civil Liberties |
OPDAT | Office of Overseas Prosecutorial Development, Assistance and Training |
OPDR | Office of Policy Development and Research |
OPE | Office of Postsecondary Education | Office of Public Engagement |
OPEC | Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries |
OPEPD | Office of Planning, Evaluation and Policy Development |
OPHS | Office of Public Health and Science |
OPIC | Overseas Private Investment Corporation |
OPL | Office of Policy and Legislation |
OPL-IGA | Office of Public Liaison & Intergovernmental Affairs (changed to OPE) |
OPM | Office of Personnel Management |
OPPTS | Office of Prevention, Pesticides, and Toxic Substances (changed to OCSPP) |
OPR | Office of Professional Responsibility |
OPS | Office of Pipeline Safety |
OPSEC | Operations Security |
OPTF | Obscenity Prosecution Task Force |
ORA | Office of Regulatory Affairs | Office of Research and Applications (changed to STAR) |
ORACBA | Office of Risk Assessment and Cost-Benefit Analysis |
ORD | Office of Rare Diseases |
ORHP | Office of Rural Health Policy |
ORI | Office of Research Integrity |
ORISE | Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education |
ORMH | Office of Research on Minority Health (changed to OMHR) |
ORNL | Oak Ridge National Laboratory |
ORR | Office of Refugee Resettlement | Office of Response and Restoration |
ORWH | Office of Research on Women's Health |
OSAC | Overseas Security Advisory Council |
OSBP | Office of Small Business Programs (see OSDBU) |
OSC | Office of Special Counsel | Open Source Center |
OSCE | Office of Child Support Enforcement |
OSD | Office of the Secretary of Defense |
OSDBU | Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization |
OSDFS | Office of Safe and Drug-Free Schools |
OSEC | Office of the Secretary (Dept. of Labor) |
OSEP | Office of Special Education Programs |
OSERS | Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services |
OSF | Office of Space Flight (changed to Office of Space Operations) |
OSFAP | Office of Student Financial Assistance Programs (changed to FSA) |
OSG | Office of the Solicitor General | Office of the Surgeon General |
OSHA | Occupational Safety and Health Administration |
OSHRC | Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission |
OSI | Office of Special Investigations |
OSM | Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcment | Office of Spectrum Management |
OSO | Office of Space Operations |
OSS | Office of Strategic Services |
OST | Office of the Special Trustee for American Indians |
OSTI | Office of Scientific and Technical Information |
OSTP | Office of Science and Technology Policy |
OSWER | Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response |
OTA | Office of Technology Assessment |
OTIA | Office of Telecommunications and Information Applications |
OTJ | Office of Tribal Justice |
OTLA | Office of Trade and Labor Affairs |
OTP | Office of Technology Policy (unable to verify 4/09; see Wayback Machine) |
OTS | Office of Thrift Supervision |
OTT | Office of Transportation Technologies (changed to FreedomCAR) |
OVAE | Office of Vocational and Adult Education |
OVBD | Office of Veterans Business Development |
OVC | Office for Victims of Crime |
OVP | Office of the Vice President |
OVW | Office on Violence Against Women |
OWBO | Office of Women's Business Ownership |
OWCP | Office of Workers' Compensation Programs |
OWH | Office on Women's Health |
OWOW | Office of Wetlands, Oceans and Watersheds |