Sunday, October 1, 2006

List of Alleged Terrorists Held at Guantanamo

Here is a list from Wikipedia of the known detainees held at Gitmo.

Surnames beginning with Aa -> Ak

Name Nationality Captured Notes
Aamer, Shaker Abdur-Raheem Saudi Arabia Jan 2002 Said he negotiated the end of a hunger strike on 2005/7/28
Abaidullah Afghanistan - Continued detention considered by CSRT
Abasin, Said 1 Afghanistan
Abbas, Muhammad Pakistan
Abbasi, Feroz United Kingdom - released Jan 2005
Abd, Allah Ab Aljalil Abdal Rahman 1 Yemen
Abdallah, Muhamed Hussein Somalia - Continued detention considered by CSRT
Abderrahmane, Slimane Hadj Denmark - released - announced intention to 'return to the fight'
Abdul Rahman, Wesam 1 Jordan
Emam Abdulahat China - Ethnic Uighur who went through his CSRT
Abdulghupur, Hajiakbar China - Ethnic Uighur. Continued detention considered by CSRT
Abdullah, Abu 1 Algeria
Abdullah, Ahmad 1 Morocco
Abdullah, Umar 6
Ahmad, Majid Mahmud Abdu
Abdullah, Noorudeen 1 Morocco
Abdulqadirakhum, Abdullah China = Ethnic Uighur who went through his CSRT
Abdulraheem, Othman 1 Yemen
Abdulsalam, Reswan 1 Morocco
Dawut Abdurehim China - Ethnic Uighur who went through his CSRT
Abedin, Zain Ul Tajikistan - Continued detention considered by CSRT
Adil, Ahmed China - Continued detention considered by CSRT
Agha, Muhammad Ismail Afghanistan 2002 14 years old when he was captured
Ahmad, Ali Pakistan - released 2
Ahmad, Ejaz 1 Pakistan
Ahmad, Rashid Hasan 1 Sudan
Ahmed, Hamed Abderrahman Spain - repatriated to Spanish custody
Ahmed, Abdul Rahman Uthman Saudi Arabia - Continued detention considered by CSRT
Ali Abdullah Ahmed Yemen - Committed suicide in the camp on June 10, 2006
Ahmed, Fahmi Abdullah Yemen - Continued detention considered by CSRT
Ahmed, Faruq Ali Yemen - Continued detention considered by CSRT
Ahmed, Faluvi Abdullah 1 Yemen
Ahmed, Ruhal United Kingdom 2001 released march 2004 -- alleges abuse
Ahmed, Sarfaraz 1 Pakistan
Akhmyarov, Rustam 1 Russia

Surnames beginning with Al

Name Nationality Captured Notes
Al Aasmi, Assem Matruq Mohammad 6

Al Azmi, Saad Madai Saad 4 Kuwait
Al Adahi, Mohamed 1 Yemen
Al Ajmi, Abdullah Saleh Ali 1 Kuwait - Repatriated on November 4, 2005
Al Anazi, Abdullah 1 Saudi Arabia
Al Areeni, Khalid 1 Saudi Arabia
Al Asadi, Mohamed Ahmed 1 Yemen
Al Aseemi, Fahd Sultan Ubaid 1 Saudi Arabia
Al Askari, Mohsin Ali 1 Yemen
Al Asmar, Khalid 1 Jordan
Al Assani, Fahmi Salem 1 Yemen
Al Atabi, Buad Thif Allah 6
Al Azmi, Saad Madai Saad 1 Kuwait - Repatriated on November 4, 2005
Al Azraq, Majid Hamoud 1 Yemen
Al Baasi, Mohsin Abdullah 1 Yemen
Al Badaah, Abdul Aziz bin Abdur Rahman 1 Saudi Arabia
Al Bahlul, Ali Hamza Ahmed Sulayman Yemen -- US alleges he made recruiting videos for al Qaeda
Al Bahooth, Ziyad bin Salih bin Muhammad 1 Saudi Arabia
Al Baidhani, Abdulkhaliq 1 Yemen
Al Balushi, Salah Abdul Rasul Ali Abdul Rahman 4
al Banna, Jamil Jordan, UK resident - Apprehended on a business trip to Gambia
Al Barakati, Khalid 1 Saudi Arabia
Al Bedani, Abdul Khaled Ahmed Sahleh Saudi Arabia 2001
[[Sa Ad Ibraham Sa Ad Al Bidna]]
Al Bidna, Sa Ad Ibraham Sa Ad 6
Al Blooshi, Salah Abdul Rasool Bahrain
Al Busayss, Adil Said Al Haj Obeid Yemen
Al Daihani, Mohammed Fenaitel Mohamed Kuwait - repatriated November 4, 2005
Al Darbi, Ahmed 1 Yemen
Al Dhabbi, Khalid Mohamed Saleh 1 Yemen
Al Dhabi, Salah Mohamed Saleh 1 Yemen
Al Dihani, Mohammed Funaitel 1 Kuwait
Al Dini, Omar Saeed 1 Yemen
Al Dossary,Juma Mohammed Abdul Latif Bahrain - hunger striker, reported to have attempted suicide during his lawyer's visit in October 2005[1]
Al Fawzan, Fahd Fawzan 1 Saudi Arabia
Al Fayfi, Jabir Jubran 6
Al Fifi, Jaber 1 Saudi Arabia
Al Fouzan, Fahd 1 Saudi Arabia
Al Ghaith, Abdurahman ba 1 Yemen
Al Ghamdi, Abdur Rahman Uthman 1 Saudi Arabia
Al Ghamdi, Khalaf Awad 1 Saudi Arabia
Al Ghamdi, Saeed Farhah 1 Saudi Arabia
Al Ghamdi, Zaid 1 Saudi Arabia
Al Ghanimi, Abdullah Muhammad Salih 1 Saudi Arabia
Al Habashi, Raafat 1 Yemen
Al Habayshi, Khalid Sulaymanjaydh Saudi Arabia - Continued detention considered by CSRT
Alhabri, Mishal Awad Sayaf - - Suicide attempt left Alhabri with brain damage. He will be confined to a care facility for the rest of his life.
Al Hag, Atag Al 1 Yemen - Continued detention considered by CSRT
Al Haj, Sarqawi 1 Yemen
Al Hajj, Sami Sudan 2001 Cameraman for al Jazeera
Al Hakim, A'Del Abdu China 2001 determined to be innocent, still detained
Al Hamd, Adel Saleh Yemen
Al Hameydani, Khalid Bin Abdullah Mishal Thamer - - Continued detention considered by CSRT
Al Hami, Rafiq Bin Bashir Bin Jalud 6
Al Hamiri, Abdulah United Arab Emirates
Al Hanashi, Mohammad Ahmed Abdullah Saleh - - Continued detention considered by CSRT
Al Harazi, Fahed 6
Al Harbi, Ibrahim Daifullah 1 Saudi Arabia
Al Harbi, Mohamed Abdullah Saudi Arabia - participated in his CSRT
Al Harbi, Mohamed Atiq Awayd Saudi Arabia -
  • Participated in his CSRT
  • Exonerating evidence, and $12,000 dollars he was carrying, when captured, were missing from the evidence locker.
Al Harbi, Tariq 1 Saudi Arabia
Al Hassan, Sameer Naji 1 Yemen
Al Husayn, Zaid Muhamamd Sa // Ad 6
al-Hila, Abd al-Salam Ali Yemen September 19, 2002
  • Claims to have spent 18 months in extrajudicial CIA detention
  • Claims to have been tortured during his CIA detention
Al Hilal, Abdul Al-Salam - - Continued detention considered by CSRT
Al Ilmi, Muhammad 1 Morocco
Al Iraqi, Abdul Hadi - - Continued detention considered by CSRT
Al Jabri, Bandar Ahmad Mubarak Saudi Arabia fall 2001 Admitted training, but said he undertook it so he could fight in Chechnya
Issam Hamid Al Bin Ali Al Jayfi - - Continued detention considered by CSRT
Al Jowfi, Rashid 1 Saudi Arabia
Al Juaid, Rami Sad 1 Saudi Arabia
Al Judaan, Hamood 1 Saudi Arabia
Al Juhani, Badr 1 Saudi Arabia
Al Juhdali, Ziyad 1 Saudi Arabia
Al Jutaili, Fahd bin Salih bin Sulaiman 1 Saudi Arabia
Al Kaabi, Jamil Ali 1 Saudi Arabia
Mohamed al-Kahtani Saudi Arabia fall 2001 Another "20th hijacker".
Al Kandari, Abdullah kamel bin Abdullah Kamal Kuwait - Main allegation against al-Kandari was that he wore a Casio F91W digital watch.
Al Kandari, Fayiz Mohammed Ahmed 1 Kuwait - Continued detention considered by CSRT
Al Kazimi, Ali Nasser 1 Yemen
Al Khalaf, Asim 1 Saudi Arabia
Al Khalaqi, Asim Thahit Abdullah - - Continued detention considered by CSRT
Al Khalidi, Sulaiman 1 Saudi Arabia
Al Khalifa, Shaikh Salman bin Ebrahim Bahrain - released November 5, 2005
Al Khowlani, Idrees 1 Saudi Arabia
Al Kouri, Farouq Ahmed 1 Yemen
Al Laithi, Sami Egypt - CSRT ruled innocence - Claims GITMO beating crippled him
Al Maaliki, Sad 1 Saudi Arabia
Al Mahdi, Ali Yahya Mahdi 1 Yemen
Al Madhoni, Musaab 1 Yemen
Al Marrah, Khalid 1 Saudi Arabia
al-Marri, Jarallah Qatar - hunger striker, brother of Ali Saleh Kahlah al-Marri
Al Marwallah, Bishir Nashir 1 Yemen - Continued detention considered by CSRT
Al Matari, Fahd Al Haimi 1 Yemen
Al Matrafi, Abdullah 1 Saudi Arabia
Al Matrafi, Abdul Aziz - - Continued detention considered by CSRT
Al Mosleh, Abdullah Hamid 1 Saudi Arabia
Al Mudwani, Musab Omar All - - Continued detention considered by CSRT
Al Muhajiri, Abdulmajeed 1 Yemen
Al Muhammad, Mahmood 1 Syria
Al Mutayri, Nasir Najr Nasir Balud - - Continued detention considered by CSRT
Al Mujahid, Mahmoud Abdulaziz 1 Yemen
Al Muraqi, Khalid bin Abdullah 1 Saudi Arabia
Al Murbati, Essa Bahrain - believed to be a hunger striker
Al Musa, Abdul Wahab 1 Saudi Arabia
Al Mutairi, Khalid Abdullah Mishal 1 Kuwait
Al Mutairi, Nasser Nijer Naser 1 Kuwait
Al Naimi, Abdulla Majid Bahrain - released November 5, 2005
Al Nasir, Ibrahim Muhammad 1 Saudi Arabia
Al Noaimi, Abdullah 4
al-Noofayee, Abdelaziz Kareem Salim Saudi Arabia March 2002
Al Nukhailan, Naif 1 Saudi Arabia
Al Nur, Anwar Hamdan 1 Saudi Arabia
Al Nusairi, Adil Uqla Hasan 1 Saudi Arabia
Al Odah, Fawzi Khalid Abdullah Fahad Kuwait Jan 2002 Claims to be a charity worker. Filed suit to have his feeding tube removed
Al Omar, Wasm Awad Al Wasm 1 Saudi Arabia
Al Omari, Musa bin Ali bin Saeed 1 Saudi Arabia
Al Otaiba, Bandar 1 Saudi Arabia
Al Otaibi, Naief Fahad Mutlaq 3 Saudi Arabia - 15 when captured
Al Owshan, Abdul Aziz Sad 1 Saudi Arabia
Al Owshan, Saleh bin Abdullah 1 Saudi Arabia
Al Owshan, Sulieman 1 Saudi Arabia
Al Qaaid, Rashid 1 Saudi Arabia
Al Qa'id, Rashid Abd Al Muslih Qaid - - Continued detention considered by CSRT
Al Qadasi, Khalid Massah 1 Yemen
Al Qadasi, Walid 1 Yemen
Al Qahtani, Abdullah Hamid al Muslih 1 Saudi Arabia
Al Qahtani, Jaber Hasan 1 Saudi Arabia
al Qahtani, Jabran Said bin Saudi Arabia March 2002 charged with conspiracy to murder on November 7, 2005
Al Qahtani, Khalid Mallah Shayi Al Jilba Saudi Arabia - Did not attend either his CSRT or ARB hearing.
Al Qahtani, Mohamed - - See Mohamed al-Kahtani, subjected to 62 days of "extended interrogation techniques".
Al Qahtani, Sad 1 Saudi Arabia
Al Qarani, Muhammad Hamid Chad 2001/10/21
  • 15 when captured in Pakistan.
  • Dictated a statement for his CSRT.
  • Said he was born in Saudi Arabia to parents who were citizens of Chad.
al Qosi, Ibrahim Ahmed Mahmoud Sudan Dec 2001 faces military commission
Al Qurashi, Muhammad Abdur-Rahman Abid 1 Saudi Arabia
Al Rabahi, Abdullah Ameen 1 Yemen
Al Rabeesh, Yusuf 1 Saudi Arabia
Al Rabia, Fouad Mahoud Hasan Kuwait - allowed to undergo a lie detector test
Al Radia, Riyad Atiq Ali Abdu Al Haj - - Continued detention considered by CSRT
Al Rahabi, Abdulmalik Abdulwahhab 1 Yemen
Al Raimi, Ali Yahya Mahdi 1 Yemen
Al Raimi, Ismail Ali 1 Yemen
Al Rahman Abd, Allal Ab Aljallil Abd 4
Al Raimi, Ali Yahya Mahdi Yemen - Continued detention considered by CSRT
Al Rawi, Bisher Amin Khalil Iraq, UK resident - Captured on a business trip to Gambia.
Al Rezehi, Ali Ahmed Muhammad Yemen - Continued detention considered by CSRT
Al Rushaydan, Abdallah Ibrahim - - Continued detention considered by CSRT
Al Saigh, Adnan Muhammed Ali Saudi Arabia - Continued detention considered by CSRT
Al Salami, Ali Abdullah 1 Yemen
Al Salami, Saleh Abdullah 1 Yemen
Al Samh, Adil Abu 1 Yemen
Al Sarim, Saeed Ahmed 1 Yemen
Al Shabani, Fahd Abdullah 1 Saudi Arabia
al Shahri, Youssef 3 Saudi Arabia - 15 when captured
Al Shahrani, Muhammad bin Abdur Rahman 1 Saudi Arabia
Al Shaibani, Bandar 1 Saudi Arabia
Al Shamiri, Mustafa 1 Yemen
Al Shammari, Abdulaziz Sayer Owain 1 Kuwait - Repatriated November 4, 2005, in Kuwaiti custody
Al Shammari, Majid Afas Radi Al Tumi 1 Saudi Arabia
Al Shammari, Zain 1 Saudi Arabia
Al Shamri, Anwar Hamdan al Noor 1 Saudi Arabia
Al Shaqoori, Usamah 1 Morocco
Al Shaqoori, Yunus 1 Morocco
al Sharbi, Ghassan Abdullah Saudi Arabia March 2002 charged with conspiracy to murder on November 7, 2005
Al Shareef, Fahd Umar 1 Saudi Arabia
Al Shareef, Sultan 1 Saudi Arabia
Al Sharikh, Abdul Hadi 1 Saudi Arabia
Al Sharikh, Abdur Razaq 1 Saudi Arabia
Al Shehri, Abdul Salam Mureef Ghaithan Saudi Arabia - not sent to Camp Iguana even though only 15
Al Shehri, Saeed Ali Jabir ale Khuthaim Saudi Arabia
Al Shehri, Salim 1 Saudi Arabia
Al Shehri, Yusuf Muhammad 1 Saudi Arabia
Al Shorabi, Zohair Abdul Mohammed - - Continued detention considered by CSRT
al Shulan, Hani Abdul Muslih Yemen
Al Shumrani, Mohammad Al Rahman Saudi Arabia - Continued detention considered by CSRT
Al Siblie, Abdullah Yahya Yousuf 1 Yemen

Al Suadi, Abdul Aziz Adbullah Ali 4 Yemen - Alleged to have attended both the Al Farouq training camp and the Tarnak Farms training camp
Al Suwaidi, Abdulaziz 1 Yemen
Al Tamini, Abd Al Razzaq Abdallah Ibrahim - - Continued detention considered by CSRT
Al Tays, Ali Husayn Abdutlah - - Continued detention considered by CSRT
Al Towlaqi, Fahmi 1 Yemen
Al Umar, Ibrahim bin Umar 1 Saudi Arabia
Al Unzi, Abdullah Thani Faris Al Sulami 1 Saudi Arabia
Al Unzi, Khalid 1 Saudi Arabia
Al Unzi, Rakan 1 Saudi Arabia
Al Unzi, Sultan Sari Saail 1 Saudi Arabia
Al Utaibi, Bajad bin Daifillah 1 Saudi Arabia
Al Utaybi, Muhammad Surur Dakhilallah Saudi Arabia - Continued detention considered by CSRT
Al Utaibi, Bandar 1 Saudi Arabia
Al Utaibi, Muhammad Suroor 1 Saudi Arabia
Al Utaibi, Naif Fahd Al Aseemi 1 Saudi Arabia
Al Utaybi, Mane Shaman Turki Al Habardi 1 Saudi Arabia -
Al Wadi, Adil Kamil Abdullah 4 Bahrain fall 2001
Al Wahab, Abd al Malik Abd Kuwait
Al Warifi, Mukhtar Yahya Najee Yemen
Al Yafii, Al Khadir Abdullah 1 Yemen
Al Zahrani, Khalid 1 Saudi Arabia
Al Zahrani, Sad Ibrahim Ramzi al-Jundubi 1 Saudi Arabia
Al Zahrani, Yasser Talal Saudi Arabia - Committed suicide in the camp on June 10, 2006
Al Zamil, Adil Zamil Abdull Mohssin 1 Kuwait - repatriated November 4, 2005
Al Zarnuki, Mohammed Ali Salem Al Zarnuki Yemen - Participated in his CSRT and ARB hearing.
Al Zuhairi, Ahmed Zaid 1 Yemen
Al-Harith, Jamal Udeen United Kingdom - released march 2004
Ali, Abu Sana 1 Morocco
Ali, Sahibzada Usman 1 Afghanistan
Ali, Sarfraz 1 Pakistan
Ali, Syed Saim 1 Pakistan
Amer, Jalal Salam Bin Yemen - Unexplained name mismatch in his dossier

Surnames beginning with Am -> Az

Name Nationality Captured Notes
Ameziane, Djamel Saiid Ali Algeria - Former resident of Canada
Amin, Aminullah 1 Pakistan
Amin, Omar Rajab 1 Kuwait - Continued detention considered by CSRT
Amro, Jalal Salem bin 1 Yemen
Anaam, Suhail Abdo 1 Yemen
Ansar, Muhammad 1 Pakistan
Anwar, Muhammad Pakistan - released 2
Aouzar, Mohamed 1 Morocco
Aqeel, Sulaiman bin 1 Yemen
Arbaish, Khalid bin Suleiman 1
Aseeri, Turki Mashawi Zayid Ale Jabali 1 Saudi Arabia
Ashraf, Muhammad 1 Pakistan
Aslam, Noor 1 Afghanistan
Asnar, Khalid 1 Jordan
Ayub, Haseeb 1 Pakistan
Ayub, Mohammed China - Continued detention considered by CSRT
Azzam, Hussein 1 Jordan

Surnames beginning with B

Name Nationality Captured Notes
Muhammad al Ghazali Babikir 1 Sudan
Badrzaman Badr 1 Afghanistan - A writer with a masters degree in English literature. At the time of his detention he was already imprisoned in Afghanistan for writing satirical articles that lampooned both the U.S. and the Taliban. [2]
Saeed Bajadiyah 1 Morocco
Bahktiar Bameri 1 Iran
Barak 1 Afghanistan
Barhoumi, Sufyian Algeria - charged with conspiracy to murder on November 7, 2005
Bashir, Ahmad 3 Pakistan - 17 when captured, released 2005
Ayman Saeed Batarfi 1 Yemen
Bawazir, Mohammad Yemen - claims authorities tortured him to make him end his hunger strike
Lutfi Bayifkan 1 Turkey
Begg, Moazzam United Kingdom fall 2001 Stripped of his ICRC POW card - released Jan 2005
Belkacem, Bensayah 1 Bosnia January 17, 2002
  • Captured in Bosnia following his acquital by the Bosnian Supreme Court
  • One of the Algerian Six
Belmar, Richard United Kingdom - Went to Afghanistan to flee UK law - released Jan 2005
Brahim Benchakaroun 1 Morocco
Benchellali, Mourad 1 France - Brother of Menad Benchellali - "the chemist"
Bin Attash, Hassin 3 Yemen - 17 when captured
Muhammad Binmoojan 1 Morocco
Bismillah (Guantanamo ID 639) Afghanistan - Released prior to the initiation of the CSRT procedures
Bismillah (Guantanamo ID 658) Afghanistan - Released on March 25, 2003.
Bismaullah (Guantanamo ID 960) Afghanistan - Released prior to the initiation of the CSRT procedures
Bismullah (Guantanamo ID 968) Afghanistan - Attended both his CSRT and ARB hearing.
Borekzai, Moheb Ullah Afghanistan - reported the July 2005 hunger strike
Boumediene, Lakhdar 1 Bosnia January 17, 2002
  • Captured in Bosnia following his acquital by the Bosnian Supreme Court
  • One of the Algerian Six
Bukhary, Abdul Hakim Saudi Arabia - Continued detention considered by a CSRT

Surnames beginning with C

Name Nationality Captured Notes
Chaman, Nazargul Afghanistan - Continued detention considered by a CSRT
Abdullah Celik 1 Turkey
Yuksel Celikgogus 1 Turkey
Redouan Chekkouri 1 Morocco - repatriated in 2004 - released on bail - then rearrested
Younes Chekkouri 1 Morocco

Surnames beginning with E

Name Nationality Captured Notes
Sabri Mohammed Ebrahim

Detained because he was wearing a casio watch
El Hajj, Boudella Bosnia January 17, 2002
  • Captured following his acquital by the Bosnian Supreme Court
  • One of the Algerian Six
Qari Esmhatulla Afghanistan -
  • Testified he was under 16 when captured
  • Testified he was sold by bounty hunters
  • Testified he had no association with terrorism

Surnames beginning with F

Name Nationality Captured Notes
Farooq, Muhammad Naim 1 Afghanistan
Fauzee, Ibrahim 1 Maldives
Fazil, Mullah 1 Afghanistan
Feroze, Muhammad 1 Morocco
Fiz, Mohammed Hagi Afghanistan -
  • One of the first four detainees to be released.
  • Released October 2002.
  • Newspaper reports described him as frail and senile.
  • Claimed to be over one hundred years old.
Fouzan, Fahed 1 Saudi Arabia

Surnames beginning with G

Name Nationality Captured Notes
Ghaffar, Maulvi Abdul Afghanistan - released, subsequently fought with the Taliban
Ghafour, Abdul Afghanistan - Continued detention considered by a CSRT
Ghanem, Mohamed Ragab Abu 1 Yemen
Ghazi, Fahd Abdullah Ahmad 1 Saudi Arabia
Gherebi, Falen 1 Libya
Ghereby, Salem Abdul Salem 4
Ghezali, Mehdi Muhammed Sweden Dec. 2001 Captured in the Tora Bora Mountains, released July 8, 2004
Ghulab, Sher 1 Afghanistan
Gul, Awal Afghanistan -
  • Acknowledged being a member of the Taliban.
  • Told his CSRT he had submitted several written resignations, that had not been accepted.
Gul, Lall 1 Afghanistan
Gul, Nate 1 Afghanistan
Gumarov, Ravil Russia -
  • Repatriated January 3, 2004.
  • Convicted of bombing a natural gas pipeline.

Surnames beginning with H

Name Nationality Captured Notes
Habib, Mamdouh Egypt & Australia fall 2001 Now released, allegedly bears scars of torture
Hafez, Khalil Rahman Pakistan - Continued detention considered by CSRT
Hajiyev, Shamil Russia - Transferred to Russian detention
Hamada, Mohamed 1 Yemen
Hamdan, Salim Ahmed Yemen - faces military commission
Hamdi, Yasir Esam Saudi & USA fall 2001 expatriated to Saudi Arabia
Hamdoon, Zahir Omar bin 1 Yemen
Hamidullah Afghanistan - Continued detention considered by a CSRT
Hamlily, Mustafa Ahmed Algeria - Continued detention considered by a CSRT
Hamza, Abu 1 Saudi Arabia
Hanif, Muhammad 1 Pakistan
Hassan, Imad Abdullah 1 Yemen - Says he was a University student, captured in his University dorm, who had never even been to Afghanistan
Hassan, Mohammad Mohammad 1 Yemen
Hatair, Khalid 1
Hatem, Saeed 1 Yemen
Hicks, David Australia fall 2001 faces military commission
Hkimi, Adel 1 Tunisia
Houari, Abdul Raham Algeria - Continued detention considered by a CSRT

Surnames beginning with I

Name Nationality Captured Notes
Idir, Mustafa Ait 4 Bosnia January 17, 2002
  • Captured in Bosnia not "on the battlefield"
  • Aprehended after being acquitted by the Bosnian Supreme Court
Iilyas, Muhammad 1 Pakistan
Ikassrien, Lahcen Morocco - - extradited to Spain July 2005
Iqbal, Asif United Kingdom 2001 released march 2004 -- alleges abuse
Iqbal, Faiq 1 Pakistan - released 2
Iqbal, Zafar 1 Pakistan
Irfan, Muhammad 1 Pakistan
Ishaq, Muhammad 1 Pakistan - released 2
Ishmuradov, Timur 1 Russia
Ismail, Sadeq Muhammad Sa'id Yemen -
Ismail, Yasin Qasem Mohammad Yemen - Claimed torture

Surnames beginning with J

Name Nationality Captured Notes
Jamaluddin, Muhammad 1 Pakistan - released
Jan, Aziaullah 1 Pakistan
Jarabh, Saeed Ahmed Mohammed Abdullab Sarem 4 - -
  • Jarabh's dossier contained a two page form not released for other detainees, entitled “Detainee Session Notes", which contained the candid observation that Jarabh, like many other detainees was disturbed because some detainees were being released without going through a Combatant Status Review Tribunal.
Joaid, Abdul Rahman 1 Saudi Arabia

Surnames beginning with K

Name Nationality Captured Notes
Kabir, Usama Hassan Ahmend Abu Jordan - Continued detention considered by a CSRT
Kahm, Abdul Rahman Abdullah Mohamed Juma Afghanistan - Continued detention considered by a CSRT
Kanouni, Imad France - Continued detention considered by a CSRT
Khadr Abdurahman Canada fall 2001 claims to have been a CIA mole
Khadr, Omar Canada 2002/7/27 Charged with murdering a GI while being captured
Khairkhwa, Khairullah 1 Afghanistan -
  • Former spokesman to the BBC and VOA
  • Former Governor of Herat
Khairkhwa, Khirullah Said Wali Afghanistan - Former governor of Herat.
Khamix, Karama Yemen -
  • As of December 30, 2005 faces trial in Yemen
  • Released, after three years detention, when US authorities decided he was not tied to al Qaeda
Khan, Abdullah - - US Government withheld the first five pages of the transcript of his Combatant Status Review Tribunal
Khan, Alef 1 Pakistan
Khan, Alif 1 Afghanistan
Khan, Aziz 1 Afghanistan
Khan, Aziz 1 Pakistan
Khan, Badshah 1 Pakistan
Khan, Ejaz Ahmad Pakistan - released 2
Khan, Haji Mohammed 1 Afghanistan
Khan, Hamood ullah 1 Pakistan
Khan, Issa 1 Pakistan
Khan, Juma 1 Afghanistan
Khan, Merza 1 Afghanistan
Khan, Muhammad Ejaz 1 Pakistan - released 2
Khan, Muhammad Kashif 1 Pakistan
Khan, Nasrat Afghanistan - Continued detention considered by his CSRT and ARB
Khan, Tariq Aziz Pakistan - released 2
Khasraf, Mohamed Nasser Yahya Abdullah 1 Yemen
Khazhiyev, Shamil 1 Russia
Kifayatullah 1 Pakistan
Kiyemba, Jamal Uganda, UK resident - hunger striker
Koochi, Naeem 1 Afghanistan
Kudayev, Rasul Russia - Continued detention considered by a CSRT
Kurnaz, Murat Turkey, German resident - dossier accidentally declassified

Surnames beginning with L

Name Nationality Captured Notes
Lagah, Lofti Ben Suihi 1 Tunisia
Lahmar, Mahfouz Sabir Algeria - Arrested in his home in Bosnia

Surnames beginning with M

Name Nationality Captured Notes
Madni, Hafez Qari Mohamed Saad Iqbal Pakistan - Continued detention considered by a CSRT
Mahdi, Fawaz Naman Hamoud Abdullah source Saudi Arabia Afghanistan, 2001
  • Acknowledged to be seriously mentally ill.
Arkin Mahmud China - Uighur
Mamut, Bahtiyar China - Uighur
Maimoundi, Hassan
Mamrouk, Adel Ben Hamida 1 Tunisia
Mamut, Abdul Helil China - Uighur
Jamal Muhammad Alawi Mar'i Yemen - US alleges the charities he worked for had ties to al Qaeda
Manzoor, Hafiz Liaqat Pakistan - released 2
Marouz, Muhammad 1 Morocco
Matin, Abdul
Maula, Abdul Pakistan - released 2
Mazloom, Fazel 1 Afghanistan
Mazrou, Alaa Abdel Maqsoud 1 Egypt
Mehmood, Majid Pakistan - released 2
Mehmood, Talli Pakistan - released 2
Mehsud, Abdullah Afghanistan dec 2001 released -- returned to a senior Taliban leadership role
Mert, Nuri 1 Turkey
Meshad, Sherif 1 Egypt
Mingazov, Ravil 1 Russia
Mohamed, Ahmed China - Uighur
Mohammed 1 Afghanistan
Mohammed, Alif Afghanistan February 10, 2003
Mohammed, Benyam Ethiopia, UK resident - charged with conspiracy to murder on November 7, 2005
Mohammed, Hajii Faiz 1 Afghanistan
Mohammed, Jan 1 Afghanistan
Mohammed, Nag China - Uighur
Mohammed, Said Afghanistan - Continued detention considered by a CSRT
Mohammed, Wazir 1 Afghanistan
Mubanga, Martin Zambia and U.K. Zambia Released Jan 2005
Muhammad, Ali 1 Pakistan
Muhammad, Mirza 1 Afghanistan
Muhammad, Shah Pakistan - Released May 8, 2003.
Muhebullah Afghanistan - Continued detention considered by a CSRT
Mujarrad, Talal Ahmed Mohamed 1 Yemen
Muqaddam, Murtada 1 Saudi Arabia
Murshid, Ayoub 1 Yemen
Musaid, Mazin Salih
Muslimdost, Abdul Rahim
Mustafa, Khaled ben France - released

Surnames beginning with N

Name Nationality Captured Notes
Nabaytah, Hassan 1 Jordan
Nabiyev, Yusuf 1 Tajikistan
Naqibullah Afghanistan - Arrested at the age of 13 - released
Naseer, Muneer bin 1 Pakistan
Nasri, Riadh Mohammad 1 Tunisia
Nauman, Muhammad 1 Pakistan
Nechla, Mohamed 1 Bosnia January 17, 2002
  • Captured following his acquital by the Bosnian Supreme Court
  • One of the Algerian Six
Noor, Yusuf Khaleel 1 Saudi Arabia
Noorallah Afghanistan
Noori, Adel China - Continued detention considered by a CSRT
Noori, Norullah Afghanistan - Continued detention considered by a CSRT

Surnames beginning with O

Name Nationality Captured Notes
Odigov, Ruslan 1 Russia
Omar, Muhammad 1 Pakistan
Omar, Othman Ali 1 Yemen
Osman, Haji 1 Afghanistan
Osman, Mohammad 1 Afghanistan
Ould Slahi, Mohamedou Mauritania - radical imam, an alleged mentor to the Hamburg cell

Surnames beginning with P

Name Nationality Captured Notes
Paracha, Saifullah 1 Pakistan
Hozaifa Parhat China - Uighur
Patel, Mustaq Ali France - released

Surnames beginning with Q

Name Nationality Captured Notes
Qaid, Yaseem 1 Yemen
Qassim, Abu Bakker China 2001 Detained in Camp Iguana, since 2002, as "enemy combatant;" CSRT ruled him "no longer enemy combatant" in 2004. Held pending country to accept him, due to him opposing return to China for fear of torture. Denied entry and asylum to U.S. under the INA, denied habeas corpus.
Qassim, Khalid Ahmed 1 Yemen - Reported being tortured in Guantanamo.
Quraish, Nasr Abdullah 1 Yemen

Surnames beginning with R

Name Nationality Captured Notes
Rabeii, Salman Yahya Hassan Mohammed 4
Rafiq, Muhammad 1 Pakistan
Rahim, Abdul 1 Pakistan
Rahim, Abdur 1 Afghanistan
Rahman, Ahmed Abdel 1 Egypt
Rahman, Asadullah Afghanistan fall 2001 Believed between 12 and 15 years old when US took custody of him
Rahmatoulah 1 Afghanistan
Raouf, Mullah Abdel 1 Afghanistan
Rashid, Hani Saleh 1 Yemen
Rasul, Shafiq United Kingdom - released March 2004, 3 months before Rasul v. Bush was decided. Alleges abuse.
Raza, Abid 1 Pakistan
Raza, Muhammad Arshad 1 Pakistan
Razaq, Abdul/Abdur Pakistan - released 2
Razeq, Abdul 1 Afghanistan
Rehman, Abdul 1 Afghanistan
Rehman, Abdul 1 Pakistan
Rehman, Hafiz Khalil ur 1 Pakistan
Rehman, Sajid-ur 1 Pakistan
Ridha, Yazidi 1 Tunisia
Ridouane, Khalid 1 France - released
Russol, Habir Afghanistan - released, revealed the July 2005 hunger strike
Rustam 1 Afghanistan

Surnames beginning with S

Name Nationality Captured Notes
Sadiq, Mohammed Afghanistan - Released October 2002
Saeed, Hafiz Ehsan 1 Pakistan
Saeed, Muhammad 1 Pakistan
Safeesi, Abdul Sattar 1 Pakistan
Sagheer, Muhammad Pakistan - Released October 2002.
Salahuddin, Ghazi Pakistan - released 2
Salman, Mohamed bin 1 Yemen
Sarajudim 1 Afghanistan
Sassi, Mohammed Ben Sala 1 Tunisia
Sassi, Nizar France 2002 repatriated July 27, 2004
Sattar, Abdul 1 Pakistan
Saud, Abu 1 Saudi Arabia
Sen, Ibrahim 1 Turkey
Sen, Mesut 1 Turkey
Shaalan, Hani Abdo Muslih 1 Yemen
Shah, Nahir Afghanistan - Participated in his CSRT
Shah, Rostum 1 Afghanistan
Shah, Sliman 1 Afghanistan
Shah, Sulaiman 1 Afghanistan
Shah, Syed Zia Hussain 1 Pakistan
Sharbat Afghanistan - Participated in his CSRT
Sharifullah Afghanistan - Participated in his CSRT
Shaqroon, Ibrahim bin 1 Morocco
Sharofov, Rukmiddin 1 Tajikistan
Shehzada, Mullah 1 Afghanistan
Sidiq, Mohammed 1 Afghanistan
Polad Sabir Sirajov Azerbijan
Slahi, Mohamedou Ould Mauritania - Captured in Mauritania
Sliti, Hisham Tunis - hunger striker, claimed interrogator beat him on 2005/08/05
Sultan, Zahid 1 Pakistan

Surnames beginning with T

Name Nationality Captured Notes
Tabarak, Abdallah 1 Morocco - repatriated in 2004 - at large on bail
Tahir, Mohammad 1 Afghanistan
Tariq, Muhammad 1 Pakistan
Tariq, Muhammad 1 Pakistan
Turkistani, Saddiq Ahmad - 2001
  • Born in Saudi Arabia to ethnic Turkistani citizens of China resident in Saudi Arabia. Nationality unclear.
  • Captured by the Taliban in 1997
  • Freed from Taliban imprisonment during the Invasion
  • Re-captured by the Americans
  • CSRT concluded, in 2005, that he was innocent
  • Transferred from Guantanamo to Saudi Arabia on June 25, 2005.

Surnames beginning with U

Ullah, Asad 1 Afghanistan
Utain, Riyad 1 Yemen
Uthman, Uthman Abdul Rahim Mohammad Yemen -
Uyar, Salih 1 Turkey
Continued detention was justified because he was captured wearing a Casio F91W digital watch.
Uzel, Turgut 1 Turkey

Surnames beginning with V

Name Nationality Captured Notes
Vakhitov, Aryat 1 Russia
Vohidov, Muqim 1 Tajikistan

Surnames beginning with W

Name Nationality Captured Notes
Wali, Badshah 1 Afghanistan
Wali, Jehan Pakistan - Released May 8, 2003.
Wali, Mohammed Afghanistan
Wazeer, Abdullah ba 1 Yemen
Wazim Saudi Arabia - Participated in his CSRT
Wazir, Abdullah Afghanistan - Participated in his CSRT
Wazir, Mohammed 1 Afghanistan

Surnames beginning with Y

Name Nationality Captured Notes
Yadel, Brahim 1 France
Yar, Hiztullah Nasrat Afghanistan -

Surnames beginning with Z

Name Nationality Captured Notes
Zaeef, Mohammed 1 Afghanistan
Zaeef, Mullah Abdul Salam Afghanistan - former Taliban ambassador to Pakistan; released September 2005
Zahir, Abdul Afghanistan - charged by the Guantanamo military commissions
Zaman, Badar uz 1 Pakistan
Zaman, Qaisir 1 Pakistan - released 2
Zemiri, Ahcene Algeria - Friend of millennium bomber Ahmed Ressam
Zemmori, Mosa Zi 1 Belgium -
  • Detained, in part, because he was captured wearing a Casio digital watch.
Zumiri, Hassan


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Interested American Stat Counter

Twitter Feed

Top 25 Countries for Property Rights

2011 List

1. New Zealand (95 index)
2. The Netherlands (90)
3. Switzerland (90)
4. Sweden (90)
5. Singapore (90)
6. Norway (90)
7. Luxembourg (90)
8. Ireland (90)
9. Iceland (90)
10. Hong Kong (90)
11. Germany (90)
12. Finland (90)
13. Denmark (90)
14. Canada (90)
15. Austria (90)
16. United States (85)
17. United Kingdom (85)
18. Chile (85)
19. Japan (80)
20. France (80)
21. Estonia (80)
22. Cyprus (80)
23. Belgium (80)
24. Barbados (80)
25. Uruguay (70)

Source: The Heritage Foundation

The Interested Archive

The Gettysburg Address

"Fourscore and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent a new nation, conceived in liberty and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.

Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that nation or any nation so conceived and so dedicated can long endure. We are met on a great battlefield of that war. We have come to dedicate a portion of that field as a final resting-place for those who here gave their lives that that nation might live. It is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this.

But in a larger sense, we cannot dedicate, we cannot consecrate, we cannot hallow this ground. The brave men, living and dead who struggled here have consecrated it far above our poor power to add or detract. The world will little note nor long remember what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here. It is for us the living rather to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced. It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us--that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion--that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain, that this nation under God shall have a new birth of freedom, and that government of the people, by the people, for the people shall not perish from the earth."

-- Abraham Lincoln
November 19, 1863

List of the Enumerated Powers of Congress

Section 8: The Congress shall have power To lay and collect taxes, duties, imposts and excises, to pay the debts and provide for the common defence and general welfare of the United States; but all duties, imposts and excises shall be uniform throughout the United States;

To borrow money on the credit of the United States;

To regulate commerce with foreign nations, and among the several states, and with the Indian tribes;

To establish a uniform rule of naturalization, and uniform laws on the subject of bankruptcies throughout the United States;

To coin money, regulate the value thereof, and of foreign coin, and fix the standard of weights and measures;

To provide for the punishment of counterfeiting the securities and current coin of the United States;

To establish post offices and post roads;

To promote the progress of science and useful arts, by securing for limited times to authors and inventors the exclusive right to their respective writings and discoveries;

To constitute tribunals inferior to the Supreme Court;

To define and punish piracies and felonies committed on the high seas, and offenses against the law of nations;

To declare war, grant letters of marque and reprisal, and make rules concerning captures on land and water;

To raise and support armies, but no appropriation of money to that use shall be for a longer term than two years;

To provide and maintain a navy;

To make rules for the government and regulation of the land and naval forces;

To provide for calling forth the militia to execute the laws of the union, suppress insurrections and repel invasions;

To provide for organizing, arming, and disciplining, the militia, and for governing such part of them as may be employed in the service of the United States, reserving to the states respectively, the appointment of the officers, and the authority of training the militia according to the discipline prescribed by Congress;

To exercise exclusive legislation in all cases whatsoever, over such District (not exceeding ten miles square) as may, by cession of particular states, and the acceptance of Congress, become the seat of the government of the United States, and to exercise like authority over all places purchased by the consent of the legislature of the state in which the same shall be, for the erection of forts, magazines, arsenals, dockyards, and other needful buildings;—And

To make all laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into execution the foregoing powers, and all other powers vested by this Constitution in the government of the United States, or in any department or officer thereof.

A List of American Third Parties

* America First Party (2002) * American Party (1968) * America's Independent Party (2008) * Boston Tea Party (2006) * Communist Party of the United States of America (1919) * Constitution Party (1992) * Florida Whig Party (2006) * Green Party (1996) * Independence Party of America (2007) * Libertarian Party (1971) * Moderate Party (2006) * Modern Whig Party (2008) * National Socialist Movement (1959) * New American Independent Party (2004) * Objectivist Party (2008) * Party for Socialism and Liberation (2004) * Peace and Freedom Party (1967) * Pirate Party of the United States (2006) * Progressive Labor Party (1961) * Prohibition Party (1869) * Reform Party of the United States of America (1995) * Socialist Party USA (1973) * Socialist Workers Party (1938) * United States Marijuana Party (2002) * Unity Party of America (2004) * Workers Party (2003) * Working Families Party (1998) Source: Wikipedia

Best States for Business (2009)

  • Wyoming
  • South Dakota
  • Nevada
  • Alaska
  • Florida
  • Montana
  • Texas
  • New Hampshire
  • Oregon
  • Delaware

Speakers of the House

1st Frederick A.C. Muhlenberg, Pennsylvania, Apr 01, 1789

2nd Jonathan Trumbull, Connecticut, Oct 24, 1791

3rd Frederick A.C. Muhlenberg, Pennsylvania, Dec 02, 1793

4th, 5th Jonathan Dayton, New Jersey, Dec 07, 1795

6th Theodore Sedgwick, Massachusetts, Dec 02, 1799

7th-9th Nathaniel Macon, North Carolina, Dec 07, 1801

10th, 11th Joseph B. Varnum, Massachusetts, Oct 26, 1807

12th, 13th Henry Clay, Kentucky, Nov 04, 1811

13th Langdon Cheves, South Carolina, Jan 19, 1814

14th-16th Henry Clay, Kentucky, Dec 04, 1815

16th John W. Taylor, New York, Nov 15, 1820

17th Philip P. Barbour, Virginia, Dec 04, 1821

18th Henry Clay, Kentucky, Dec 01, 1823

19th John W. Taylor, New York, Dec 05, 1825

20th-22nd Andrew Stevenson, Virginia, Dec 03, 1827

23rd John Bell, Tennessee, Jun 02, 1834

24th, 25th James K. Polk, Tennessee, Dec 07, 1835

26th Robert M.T. Hunter, Virginia, Dec 16, 1839

27th John White, Kentucky, May 31, 1841

28th John W. Jones, Virginia, Dec 04, 1843

29th John W. Davis, Indiana, Dec 01, 1845

30th Robert C. Winthrop, Massachusetts, Dec 06, 1847

31st Howell Cobb, Georgia, Dec 22, 1849

32nd, 33rd Linn Boyd, Kentucky, Dec 01, 1851

34th Nathaniel P. Banks, Massachusetts, Feb 02, 1856

35th James L. Orr, South Carolina, Dec 07, 1857

36th William Pennington, New Jersey, Feb 01, 1860

37th Galusha A. Grow, Pennsylvania, Jul 04, 1861

38th-40th Schuyler Colfax, Indiana, Dec 07, 1863

40th Theodore M. Pomeroy,New York, Mar 03, 1869

41st-43rd James G. Blaine, Maine, Mar 04, 1869

44th Michael C. Kerr, Indiana, Dec 06, 1875

44th-46th Samuel J. Randall, Pennsylvania, Dec 04, 1876

47th J. Warren Keifer, Ohio, Dec 05, 1881

48th-50th John G. Carlisle, Kentucky, Dec 03, 1883

51st Thomas B. Reed, Maine, Dec 02, 1889

52nd, 53rd Charles F. Crisp, Georgia, Dec 08, 1891

54th, 55th Thomas B. Reed, Maine, Dec 02, 1895

56th, 57th David B. Henderson, Iowa, Dec 04, 1899

58th-61st Joseph G. Cannon, Illinois, Nov 09, 1903

62nd-65th James Beauchamp Clark, Missouri, Apr 04, 1911

66th-68th Frederick H. Gillett, Massachusetts, May 19, 1919

69th-71st Nicholas Longworth, Ohio, Dec 07, 1925

72nd John N. Garner, Texas, Dec 07, 1931

73rd Henry T. Rainey, Illinois, Mar 09, 1933

74th Joseph W. Byrns, Tennessee, Jan 03, 1935

74th-76th William B. Bankhead, Alabama, Jun 04, 1936

76th-79th Sam Rayburn, Texas, Sep 16, 1940

80th Joseph W. Martin, Jr., Massachusetts, Jan 03, 1947

81st, 82nd Sam Rayburn, Texas, Jan 03, 1949

83rd Joseph W. Martin, Jr., Massachusetts, Jan 03, 1953

84th-87th Sam Rayburn, Texas, Jan 05, 1955

87th-91st John W. McCormack, Massachusetts, Jan 10, 1962

92nd-94th Carl B. Albert, Oklahoma, Jan 21, 1971

95th-99th Thomas P. O'Neill, Jr., Massachusetts, Jan 04, 1977

100th, 101st James C. Wright, Jr., Texas, Jan 06, 1987

101st-103rd Thomas S. Foley, Washington, Jun 06, 1989

104th, 105th Newt Gingrich, Georgia, Jan 04, 1995

106th-109th J. Dennis Hastert, Illinois, Jan 06, 1999

110th, 111th Nancy Pelosi, California, Jan 04, 2007

112th, 113th, 114th John Boehner, Ohio, Jan, 2011

BLOATED Bastids: List of US Government Departments and Agences

Conservative, Republican & Libertarian Celebrities

  • Aaron Tippin
  • Adam Carolla
  • Adam Sandler
  • Al Leiter
  • Alabama
  • Alan Jackson
  • Alice Cooper
  • Amy Grant
  • Andy Garcia
  • Angie Harmon
  • Anita Louise
  • Ann Miller
  • Arnold Palmer
  • Avenged Sevenfold
  • Barret Swatek
  • Belinda Carlisle
  • Ben Stein
  • Bill Belichick
  • Billy Ray Cyrus
  • Bo Derek
  • Bobby Bowden
  • Bobby Steele
  • Brooks and Dunn
  • Bruce Boxleitner
  • Bruce Willis
  • Candace Bushnell
  • Candace Cameron Bure
  • Carrie Underwood
  • Catherine Hicks
  • Chad Sexton
  • Charlie Daniels
  • Charlton Heston
  • Chelsea Noble
  • Cheryl Ladd
  • Chris Evert
  • Chuck Norris
  • Cindy Williams
  • Clint Black
  • Clint Eastwood
  • Connie Stevens
  • Craig T. Nelson
  • Crystal Bernard
  • Curt Schilling
  • Daddy Yankee
  • Dale Earnhardt Jr.
  • Danny Aiello
  • Darryl Worley
  • Dave Mustaine
  • Dave Smalley
  • David Lynch
  • Deanna Lund
  • Delta Burke
  • Dennis Franz
  • Dennis Miller
  • Dick Van Patten
  • Dina Merrill
  • Dixie Carter
  • Don Shula
  • Drew Carey
  • Eazy-E
  • Elisabeth Hasselbeck
  • Emma Caulfield
  • Ernie Banks
  • Ethel Merman
  • Eva Gabor
  • Frankie Avalon
  • Gail O'Grady
  • Gary Sinise
  • Gerald McRaney
  • Ginger Rogers
  • Gloria Estefan
  • Gretchen Wilson
  • Hank Williams
  • Hank Williams Jr.
  • Heather Locklear
  • Heather Whitestone
  • Hedda Hopper
  • Heidi Montag
  • Helen Hayes
  • Hilary Duff
  • India Allen
  • Jack Nicklaus
  • Jackie Mason
  • Jaclyn Smith
  • James Brown
  • James Caan
  • James Caviezel
  • James Woods
  • Jamie Farr
  • Jane Wyman
  • Janine Turner
  • Jason Sehorn
  • Jeanette MacDonald
  • Jeff Baxter
  • Jennifer Flavin
  • Jerry Bruckheimer
  • Jinx Falkenburg
  • Joan Rivers
  • Joe Escalante
  • Joe Perry
  • John Elway
  • John Malkovich
  • John Ratzenberger
  • John Rich
  • Johnny Ramone
  • Jon Cryer
  • Jon Voight
  • June Allyson
  • Kansas
  • Karl Malone
  • Kathie Lee Gifford
  • Kathy Ireland
  • Keith Morris
  • Kellie Pickler
  • Kelsey Grammar
  • Kenny Chesney
  • Kerri Strug
  • Kid Rock
  • Kim Alexis
  • Kirk Cameron
  • Lance Armstrong
  • Lara Flynn Boyle
  • Larry the Cable Guy
  • Laura Prepon
  • LeAnn Rimes
  • Lee Ann Womack
  • Lee Greenwood
  • Lee Ving
  • Leeann Tweeden
  • Lorenzo Lamas
  • Loretta Lynn
  • Lorrie Morgan
  • Lou Ferrigno
  • Louella Parsons
  • Lynard Skynard
  • Lynn Swann
  • Margaret Hamilton
  • Marie Osmond
  • Mark Chesnutt
  • Martina McBride
  • Mary Hart
  • Mary Lou Retton
  • Matt Hasselbeck
  • Maureen O'Hara
  • Meat Loaf
  • Mel Gibson
  • Merle Haggard
  • Michael W. Smith
  • Mike Ditka
  • Mike Love
  • Morgan Brittany
  • Naomi Judd
  • Nick Lachey
  • Nolan Ryan
  • Norm McDonald
  • Pat Sajak
  • Patricia Cornwell
  • Patricia Heaton
  • Paula Prentiss
  • Pete Sampras
  • R. Lee Ermey
  • Rachel Hunter
  • Randy Travis
  • Rebecca St. James
  • Ric Flair
  • Richard Petty
  • Rick Schroeder
  • Ricky Skaggs
  • Rip Torn
  • Robert Conrad
  • Robert Davi
  • Robert Duvall
  • Roger Penske
  • Ron Silver
  • Salvador Dali
  • Sam Shepard
  • Sammy Haggar
  • Sara Evans
  • Sarah Michelle Gellar
  • Scott Baio
  • Sela Ward
  • Shannen Doherty
  • Shawnee Smith
  • Shirley Jones
  • Shirley Temple
  • Skrewdriver
  • Stephen Baldwin
  • Styx
  • Susan Lucci
  • Tammy Grimes
  • Ted Nugent
  • Tim Tebow
  • Tippi Hedrin
  • Tom Clancy
  • Tom Selleck
  • Tony Danza
  • Trace Adkins
  • Tracy Scoggins
  • Travis Tritt
  • Type O Negative
  • Victoria Jackson
  • Vince Flynn
  • Vincent Gallo
  • Wayne Newton
  • Wilfred Brimley
  • Yaphet Kotto
  • Yvette Mimieux
  • Zig Ziglar

The Interested American Ranking of the Presidents of the United States of America

Abraham Lincoln
Ronald Reagan
James Madison
Thomas Jefferson
George Washington
John Adams
James K. Polk
William McKinley
Calvin Coolidge
William Taft
George W. Bush
Theodore Roosevelt
James Monroe
Andrew Jackson
Dwight D. Eisenhower
Harry S. Truman
Benjamin Harrison
John F. Kennedy

Zachary Taylor
Benjamin Harrison
Ulysses Grant
Grover Cleveland
Chester Arthur
Martin Van Buren
John Tyler
William Henry Harrison

George HW Bush
John Q. Adams
Gerald Ford
Millard Fillmore
Franklin Pierce
Rutherford B. Hayes
Warren Harding
Andrew Johnson
James Buchanan
Herbert Hoover
Bill Clinton
Richard Nixon
Franklin D. Roosevelt
James Carter
Woodrow Wilson
Barack Hussein Obama
Lyndon Baines Johnson

45 Goals of the Communist Party (1963)

  • 01. U.S. acceptance of coexistence as the only alternative to atomic war.
  • 02. U.S. willingness to capitulate in preference to engaging in atomic war.
  • 03. Develop the illustion that total disarmament by the United States would be a demonstration of moral strength.
  • 04. Permit free trade between all nations regardless of Communist affiliation and regardless of whether or not items could be used for war.
  • 05. Extension of long-term loans to Russia and Soviet satellites.
  • 06. Provide American aid to all nations regardless of Communist domination.
  • 07. Grant recognition of Red China. Admission of Red China to the U.N.
  • 08. Set up East and West Germany as separate states in spite of Khrushchev's promise in 1955 to settle the German question by free elections under the supervision of the U.N.
  • 09. Prolong the conferences to ban atomic tests because the United States has agreed to suspend tests as long as negotiations are in progress.
  • 10. Allow all Soviet satellites individual representation in the U.N.
  • 11. Promote the U.N. as the only hope for mankind. If its charter is rewritten, demand that it be set up as a one-world government with its own independent armed forces. (Some Communist leaders believe the world can be taken over as easily by the U.N. as by Moscow. Sometimes these two centers compete with each other as they are now doing in the Congo.)
  • 12. Resist any attempt to outlaw the Communist Party.
  • 13. Do away with all loyalty oaths.
  • 14. Continue giving Russia access to the U.S. Patent Office.
  • 15. Capture one or both of the political parties in the United States.
  • 16. Use technical decisions of the courts to weaken basic American institutions by claiming their activities violate civil rights.
  • 17. Get control of the schools. Use them as transmission belts for socialism and current Communist propaganda. Soften the curriculum. Get control of teachers' associations. Put the party line in textbooks.
  • 18. Gain control of all student newspapers.
  • 19. Use student riots to foment public protests against programs or organizations which are under Communist attack.
  • 20. Infiltrate the press. Get control of book-review assignments, editorial writing, policymaking positions.
  • 21. Gain control of key positions in radio, TV, and motion pictures.
  • 22. Continue discrediting American culture by degrading all forms of artistic expression. An American Communist cell was told to "eliminate all good sculpture from parks and buildings, substitute shapeless, awkward and meaningless forms."
  • 23. Control art critics and directors of art museums. "Our plan is to promote ugliness, repulsive, meaningless art."
  • 24. Eliminate all laws governing obscenity by calling them "censorship" and a violation of free speech and free press.
  • 25. Break down cultural standards of morality by promoting pornography and obscenity in books, magazines, motion pictures, radio, and TV.
  • 26. Present homosexuality, degeneracy and promiscuity as "normal, natural, healthy."
  • 27. Infiltrate the churches and replace revealed religion with "social" religion. Discredit the Bible and emphasize the need for intellectual maturity which does not need a "religious crutch."
  • 28. Eliminate prayer or any phase of religious expression in the schools on the ground that it violates the principle of "separation of church and state."
  • 29. Discredit the American Constitution by calling it inadequate, old-fashioned, out of step with modern needs, a hindrance to cooperation between nations on a worldwide basis.
  • 30. Discredit the American Founding Fathers. Present them as selfish aristocrats who had no concern for the "common man."
  • 31. Belittle all forms of American culture and discourage the teaching of American history on the ground that it was only a minor part of the "big picture." Give more emphasis to Russian history since the Communists took over.
  • 32. Support any socialist movement to give centralized control over any part of the culture--education, social agencies, welfare programs, mental health clinics, etc.
  • 33. Eliminate all laws or procedures which interfere with the operation of the Communist apparatus.
  • 34. Eliminate the House Committee on Un-American Activities.
  • 35. Discredit and eventually dismantle the FBI.
  • 36. Infiltrate and gain control of more unions.
  • 37. Infiltrate and gain control of big business.
  • 38. Transfer some of the powers of arrest from the police to social agencies. Treat all behavioral problems as psychiatric disorders which no one but psychiatrists can understand [or treat].
  • 39. Dominate the psychiatric profession and use mental health laws as a means of gaining coercive control over those who oppose Communist goals.
  • 40. Discredit the family as an institution. Encourage promiscuity and easy divorce.
  • 41. Emphasize the need to raise children away from the negative influence of parents. Attribute prejudices, mental blocks and retarding of children to suppressive influence of parents.
  • 42. Create the impression that violence and insurrection are legitimate aspects of the American tradition; that students and special-interest groups should rise up and use ["]united force["] to solve economic, political or social problems.
  • 43. Overthrow all colonial governments before native populations are ready for self-government.
  • 44. Internationalize the Panama Canal.
  • 45. Repeal the Connally reservation so the United States cannot prevent the World Court from seizing jurisdiction [over domestic problems. Give the World Court jurisdiction] over nations and individuals alike.

List of All United States Supreme Court Justices

Jay, John (1789-1795)
Rutledge, John (1789-1791), (1795)
Cushing, William (1789-1810)
Wilson, James (1789-1798)
Blair, John Jr. (1789-1795)
Iredell, James (1790-1799)
Johnson, Thomas (1791-1793)
Paterson, William (1793-1806)
Chase, Samuel (1796-1811)
Ellsworth, Oliver (1796-1800)
Washington, Bushrod (1798-1829)
Moore, Alfred (1799-1804)
Marshall, John (1801-1835)
Johnson, William Jr. (1804-1834)
Livingston, Henry Brockholst (1806-1823)
Todd, Thomas (1807-1826)
Duvall, Gabriel (1811-1835)
Story, Joseph (1811-1845)
Thompson, Smith (1823-1843)
Trimble, Robert (1826-1828)
McLean, John (1829-1861)
Baldwin, Henry (1830-1844)
Wayne, James Moore (1835-1867)
Barbour, Philip Pendelton (1836-1841)
Taney, Roger Brooke (1836-1864)
Catron, John (1837-1865)
McKinley, John (1837-1852)
Daniel, Peter Vivian (1841-1860)
Nelson, Samuel (1845-1872)
Woodbury, Levi (1845-1851)
Grier, Robert Cooper (1846-1870)
Curtis, Benjamin Robbins (1851-1857)
Campbell, John Archibald (1853-1861)
Clifford, Nathan (1858-1881)
Swayne, Noah Haynes (1862-1881)
Miller, Samuel Freeman (1862-1890)
Davis, David (1862-1877)
Field, Stephen Johnson (1863-1897)
Chase, Salmon Portland (1864-1873)
Strong, William (1870-1880)
Bradley, Joseph P. (1870-1892)
Hunt, Ward (1872-1882)
Waite, Morrison Remick (1874-1888)
Harlan, John Marshall (1877-1911)
Woods, William Burnham (1880-1887)
Matthews, Stanley (1881-1889)
Gray, Horace (1881-1902)
Blatchford, Samuel M. (1882-1893)
Lamar, Lucius Quintus Cincinnatus (1888-1893)
Fuller, Melville Weston (1888-1910)
Brewer, David Josiah (1889-1910)
Brown, Henry Billings (1890-1906)
Shiras, George Jr. (1892-1903)
Jackson, Howell Edmunds (1893-1895)
White, Edward Douglass (1894-1921)
Peckham, Rufus Wheeler (1895-1909)
McKenna, Joseph (1898-1925)
Holmes, Oliver Wendell Jr. (1902-1932)
Day, William Rufus (1903-1922)
Moody, William Henry (1906-1910)
Lurton, Horace Harmon (1909-1914)
Hughes, Charles Evans (1910-1916), (1930-1948)
Van Devanter, Willis (1910-1941)
Lamar, Joseph Rucker (1910-1916)
Pitney, Mahlon (1912-1922)
McReynolds, James Clark (1914-1946)
Brandeis, Louis Dembitz (1916-1941)
Clarke, John Hessin (1916-1922)
Taft, William Howard (1921-1930)
Sutherland, George (1922-1942)
Butler, Pierce (1922-1939)
Sanford, Edward Terry (1923-1930)
Stone, Harlan Fiske (1925-1946)
Roberts, Owen Josephus (1930-1945)
Cardozo, Benjamin Nathan (1932-1938)
Black, Hugo Lafayette (1937-1971)
Reed, Stanley Forman (1938-1980)
Frankfurter, Felix (1939-1965)
Douglas, William Orville (1939-1980)
Murphy, Frank (1940-1949)
Byrnes, James Francis (1941-1942)
Jackson, Robert Houghwout (1941-1954)
Rutledge, Wiley Blount (1943-1949)
Burton, Harold Hitz (1945-1964)
Vinson, Frederick Moore (1946-1953)
Clark, Tom C. (1949-1977)
Minton, Sherman (1949-1965)
Warren, Earl (1953-1974)
Harlan, John Marshall (1955-1971)
Brennan, William Joseph Jr. (1956-1997)
Whittaker, Charles Evans (1957-1965)
Stewart, Potter (1958-1985)
White, Byron Raymond (1962-2002)
Goldberg, Arthur Joseph (1962-1965)
Fortas, Abe (1965-1969)
Marshall, Thurgood (1967-1993)
Burger, Warren Earl (1969-1995)
Blackmun, Harry Andrew (1970-1999)
Powell, Lewis Franklin Jr. (1971-1998)
Rehnquist, William Hubbs (1971-2005)
Stevens, John Paul (1975-2010)
O`Connor, Sandra Day (1981-2005)
Scalia, Antonin (1986-present)
Kennedy, Anthony McLeod (1988-present)
Souter, David Hackett (1990-2009)
Thomas, Clarence (1991-present)
Ginsburg, Ruth Bader (1993-present)
Breyer, Stephen Gerald (1994-present)
Roberts, John Glover Jr. (2005-present)
Alito, Samuel A. Jr. (2006-present)
Sotomayor, Sonia (2009-present)
Elana Kagan (2010-present)

Ranking Countries by Economic Freedom

Hong Kong
New Zealand
United States
United Kingdom
The Netherlands
Saint Lucia
South Korea
El Salvador
Czech Republic
United Arab Emirates
The Bahamas
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
Costa Rica
Trinidad and Tobago
Saudi Arabia
South Africa
Cape Verde
Kyrgyz Republic
Dominican Republic
Burkina Faso
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Sri Lanka
Cote d'Ivoire
Papua New Guinea
Sao Tome and Principe
Equatorial Guinea
Central African Republic
Sierra Leone
Republic of Congo
Solomon Islands
Democratic Republic of Congo
North Korea

Not Indexed:

Source: 2010 Index of Economic Freedom, The Heritage Foundation and The Wall Street Journal.

The Bill of Rights

Amendment I

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Amendment II

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

Amendment III

No Soldier shall, in time of peace be quartered in any house, without the consent of the Owner, nor in time of war, but in a manner to be prescribed by law.

Amendment IV

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

Amendment V

No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offence to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.

Amendment VI

In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the Assistance of Counsel for his defence.

Amendment VII

In Suits at common law, where the value in controversy shall exceed twenty dollars, the right of trial by jury shall be preserved, and no fact tried by a jury, shall be otherwise re-examined in any Court of the United States, than according to the rules of the common law.

Amendment VIII

Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted.

Amendment IX

The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.

Amendment X

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.

Right to Work States

  • Alabama
  • Arizona
  • Arkansas
  • Florida
  • Georgia
  • Idaho
  • Indiana
  • Iowa
  • Kansas
  • Louisiana
  • Mississippi
  • Nebraska
  • Nevada
  • North Carolina
  • North Dakota
  • Oklahoma
  • South Carolina
  • South Dakota
  • Tennessee
  • Texas
  • Utah
  • Virginia
  • Wyoming

Top Conservative Colleges in America

Ave Maria University, CONS
Benedictine College, CONS
Brighham Young University, PR08, CONS,
Calvin College, USN06,
Cedarville University, EHOW
Christendom College, YAF10, CONS,
College of the Ozarks, YAF10, PR08,
Evangel University, CONS
Franciscan University of Steubenville, YAF10, CONS, EHOW
Grove City College, YAF10, PR08, CONS,
Harding University, YAF10
Hampden-Sydney College, PR08,
Hillsdale College, YAF10, PR08, CONS
The King's College, YAF10, CONS,
Liberty University, YAF10, USN06, CONS,
Newberry College, CONS
Ohio Wesleyan University, EHOW
Patrick Henry College, YAF10, CONS,
Regent University, YAF10
Saint Vincent College, YAF10
Thomas Aquinas College, YAF10, CONS,
Thomas More College, YAF10
United States Airforce Academy, PR08
United States Coast Guard Academy, CONS
United States Merchant Marine Academy, PR08
United States Naval Academy, PR08
University of Dallas, PR08, CONS
Wheaton College, PR08
Wisconsin Lutheran College, YAF10

CONS — Conservapedia
PR08 — Princeton Review 2008.
YAF10 — Young America's Foundation 2009-2010.
USN06 — US News and World Report 2006.

The Worst Mass Murderers in History

1. Mao Tse Tung (China) Roughly 70 million murdered.
2. Josef Stalin (Soviet Union) Roughly 23 million murdered.
3. Adolf Hitler (Germany) Roughly 12 million murdered.
4. Ismail Enver (Turkey) Roughly 2.5 million murdered.
5. Pol Pot (Cambodia) Roughly 1.7 million murdered.

Hirohito (Japan)
Vladimir Lenin (Soviet Union)
Saddam Hussein (Iraq)
Ho Chi Minh (Vietnam)
Kim Il Sung (North Korea)
Ion Antonescu (Romania)
Fidel Castro (Cuba)
Che Guevara (Argentina)
Robespierre (France)
Idi Amin (Uganda)
Robert Mugabe (Zimbabwe)
Radovan Karadzic (Bosnia)
Francisco Franco (Spain)
Osama Bin Laden (Al-Qaeda)