Sen. Reid, perhaps the most-vulnerable Democrat who will face re-election in a midterm race that is likely to favor his party once again, began interviewing campaign managers last week. The Senate majority leader also recently stepped up fund-raising.
Starting early could help Sen. Reid avoid the fate of his predecessor, Tom Daschle, who was Democratic leader for a decade before losing his re-election bid in South Dakota in 2004. The current Republican leader in the Senate, Mitch McConnell, narrowly won re-election in Kentucky this year.
Wall Street Journal
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Nevada: Harry Reid in Trouble for 2010
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Liberal 'Scientists' Attack Christmas Lights
Dr Glenn Platt, who leads research on energy demand, said Australia got 80 per cent of its electricity by burning coal which pumps harmful emissions into the atmosphere.
He said: "Energy efficient bulbs, such as LEDs, and putting your Christmas lights on a timer are two very easy ways to minimise the amount of electricity you use to power your lights."
He said the nation's electricity came from "centralised carbon intensive, coal-based power stations" which were responsible for emitting over one third of Australia's greenhouse gas emissions.
Dr Platt added: "For a zero-emission Christmas light show, you may consider using solar powered lights or sourcing your electricity from verified green power suppliers."
The Courier Mail
Hamas Promises Crucifixion For Traitors
Hamas, the Islamic radical group that controls the Gaza, has enacted a new law that allows for Islamic punishments for those who violate Sharia (Islamic law). This includes cutting off the hands of thieves, whipping those caught drinking alcohol, and crucifying traitors (the new law has a broad interpretation of treason).
Strategy Page
Huffington Post Steals Copyrighted Material
The Huffington Post, a venture-capital-backed new media site that mixes links to other sites content with hundreds of celebrity and volunteer blogger posts, is being accused of slimy business practices by a handful of smaller publications who say the site is unfairly copying and publishing their content.
Whet Moser, an editor at alternata]ive weekly Chicago Reader wants to know why The Huffington Post's newly formed Chicago-focused venture is stealing their copyrighted concert reviews and reprinting them in whole in order to get search engine traffic. And he found other examples taken wholesale from The Onion and Time Out Chicago.
Friday, December 26, 2008
Berlusconi Remains Popular in Italy
Do you have confidence in Silvio Berlusconi?
Dec. 2008 | Nov. 2008 | Oct. 2008 | |
Yes | 58% | 58% | 62% |
No | 40% | 40% | 36% |
Source: IPR Marketing / La Repubblica
Methodology: Telephone interviews with 1,000 Italian adults, conducted from Dec. 13 to Dec. 15, 2008. No margin of error was provided.
Israel Close to Gaza 'Invasion'
JERUSALEM (AP) - Israel moved closer to invading Gaza, saying Thursday it had wrapped up preparations for a broad offensive after Palestinian militants fired about 100 rockets and mortar shells across the border in two days.
Israel's foreign minister brushed off a call for restraint from Egypt's president, and Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert made a direct appeal to Gaza's people to pressure their leaders to stop the barrages. But the attacks showed no signs of ending. By nightfall, three rockets and 15 mortar shells had exploded in Israel.
Olmert issued his appeal in a rare interview with the Arabic language satellite channel al-Arabiya, saying Israel would not hesitate to respond with force if the attacks continued.
"I am telling them now, it may be the last minute, I'm telling them stop it. We are stronger," he said.
UK: Conservatives Lead by 7
If there were a general election tomorrow, which party would you vote for?
Dec. 18 | Dec. 12 | Nov. 25 | |
Conservative | 42% | 41% | 40% |
Labour | 35% | 35% | 36% |
Liberal Democrats | 14% | 15% | 14% |
Other | 9% | 10% | 10% |
Source: YouGov
Methodology: Online interviews with 2,241 British voters, conducted from Dec. 16 to Dec. 18, 2008. No margin of error was provided.
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Merry Christmas! Violence Down Worldwide
While the mass media continues to feature wars and terrorism, the overall trend continues away from such unpleasantness. Such stories are anathema to the mass media, because they do not attract eyeballs, and revenue. That's the way people are, and the result is a distorted view of trends in global violence.
Worldwide, violence continues to decline, as it has for the last few years. Violence has also greatly diminished, or disappeared completely, in places like Iraq, Nepal, Chechnya, Congo, Indonesia and Burundi. Even Afghanistan, touted as the new war zone, is seeing less violence this year than last.
The Strategy Page
Netherlands: Gays Mock Christmas All Over Amsterdam
From 18 until 28 December there is a ten-day “Christmas Festival” for homosexuals, including a “gay X-mas open-air market”, gay nativity scenes – featuring Baby Jesus with either two Josephs or two Marys – several gay gatherings, a “pink ice skating rink” (for travestites), and streets lined with pink Christmas trees.The organizers, who also organize the Amsterdam Gay Pride Parade each August, say they want to “increase the range of options for homosexual men and women during Christmas week when there is not much to do.” They intend to turn the event into an annual Pink Christmas Festival and expect that in the long run Pink Christmas will become even more popular than the August Gay Pride Parade, a floating Parade on barges and boats through the famous Amsterdam canals.
New Jersey Likely to Lose Congressional Seat After Census
A new report from the Census Bureau indicates that New Jersey is likely to lose a seat in the U.S. House of Representatives in time for the 2012 elections. That will offer numerous redistricting options for mapmakers after the 2010 census. Over the coming weeks, will offer some of our own maps to demonstrate some potential scenarios as New Jersey moves from thirteen congressional districts to twelve.
Politicker NJ
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
More Blago/Emanuel Hanky-Panky
In addition to talking with Gov. Blagojevich about who would fill President-elect Barack Obama's Senate seat, Obama's newly minted chief of staff had something else on his mind: his own congressional seat.
Just after accepting the top post with Obama, Rahm Emanuel discussed with Blagojevich the possibility of keeping his congressional seat "warm" for him for a couple of years, the Sun-Times has learned.
Emanuel expressed interest in returning one day to his elected position because he was on track to become U.S. House speaker, the Sun-Times previously reported.
Iran: Internet War Against Israel Backfires, Becomes Sunni vs. Shia Battle
The war that worries most people in the Middle East is the one going on between Shia Iran and Arab Sunnis. This conflict ultimately takes over every other conflict. For example, Iran has been trying to get a Cyber War going against Israel. Prizes were offered for the most daring attacks on Israeli web sites by Moslem hackers. But the effort went sideways last year when some of the Shia hackers began attacking Sunni websites, in retaliation for some Sunni attacks on Shia sites. For the Shia, this was also payback for the increasingly anti-Shia tone of Sunni mass media. This, in turn, was in response to Iran's nuclear weapons program, and increasingly belligerent Iranian claims that it should be the leader of the Islamic world.
The Strategy Page
New York DEMOCRATS Rising Up Against Princess Caroline
Resistance is emerging among Democratic officials against Caroline Kennedy as she pursues Hillary Rodham Clinton’s seat in the United States Senate, with Gov. David A. Paterson bristling over suggestions that her selection is inevitable, according to his advisers, and other leading Democrats concerned that she is too beholden to Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg.
The governor is frustrated and chagrined, the advisers said, because he believes that he extended Ms. Kennedy the chance to demonstrate her qualifications but that her operatives have exploited the opportunity to convey a sense that she is all but appointed already. He views this as an attempt to box him in, the advisers said.
New York Times via MSDNC
Media Research Center Bias Award Winners for 2008
"Some princes are born in palaces. Some are born in mangers. But a few are born in the imagination, out of scraps of history and hope." — Time’s Nancy Gibbs in the November 17 cover story.
Half-Baked Alaska Award for Pummeling Palin
"The fact of the matter is, the comparison between her [Sarah Palin] and Hillary Clinton is the comparison between an igloo and the Empire State Building!" — MSNBC’s Chris Matthews on Hardball, October 14.
The Irrelevant Reverend Wright Award
"To see his [Jeremiah Wright’s] career completely destroyed by three 20-second soundbites, all of the work he has done, his entire legacy gone down the drain, has been absolutely devastating to me — to him, sorry....We are still a racist country." — Washington Post writer Sally Quinn on PBS’s Charlie Rose, April 30.
From Camelot to Obamalot Award
"Today, the audacity of hope had its rendezvous with destiny....Obama is now an adopted son of Camelot. His candidacy blessed not just by the Lion of the Senate, patriarch of the clan, but by JFK’s daughter." — David Wright on ABC’s Nightline January 28.
The Crush Rush Award for Loathing Limbaugh
Author/humorist P.J. O’Rourke: "It’s the twilight of the radio loud-mouth, you know? I knew it from the moment the fat guy [Rush Limbaugh] refused to share his drugs...."
Host Bill Maher: "You mean the OxyContin that he was on?...Why couldn’t he have croaked from it instead of Heath Ledger?" — HBO’s Real Time with Bill Maher, February 8.
Politics of Meaninglessness Award for the Silliest Analysis
"Not doing it [fighting global warming] will be catastrophic. We’ll be eight degrees hotter in ten, not ten but 30 or 40 years, and basically none of the crops will grow. Most of the people will have died and the rest of us will be cannibals." — CNN founder Ted Turner on PBS’s Charlie Rose, April 1.
Madness of King George Award
"When somebody asks you, sir, about the cooked books and faked threats you foisted on a sincere and frightened nation; when somebody asks you, sir, about your gallant, noble, self-abnegating sacrifice of your golf game so as to soothe the families of the war dead; this advice, Mr. Bush: Shut the hell up! Good night and good luck." — MSNBC’s Keith Olbermann in a "Special Comment" on Countdown, May 14.
Barbra Streisand Political IQ Award for Celebrity Vapidity
"If you have a few hundred followers, and you let some of them molest children, they call you a cult leader. If you have a billion, they call you ‘Pope.’ It’s like, if you can’t pay your mortgage, you’re a deadbeat. But if you can’t pay a million mortgages, you’re Bear Stearns and we bail you out. And that is who the Catholic Church is: the Bear Stearns of organized pedophilia." — Bill Maher on HBO’s Real Time, April 11.
Admitting the Obvious Award
“When NBC News first assigned me to the Barack Obama campaign, I must confess my knees quaked a bit....I wondered if I was up to the job. I wondered if I could do the campaign justice.”
— NBC reporter Lee Cowan in an article for NBC’s “The Peacock” advertising supplement, March 23-29.
Fired for Saying 'Merry Christmas'
A Florida woman says she was fired from her job for refusing to comply with a policy requiring employees to say "Happy Holidays" to callers — but the company's president claims her story is "absolutely false."
Tonia Thomas says she was terminated two weeks ago from her job at Counts Oakes Resort Properties in Panama City after balking at the rule because it went against her religion. She is suing for lost wages, she said.
Thomas offered to use a generic greeting or say "Merry Christmas" to callers instead, but that offer was denied by company President Andy Phillips, according to the Liberty Counsel — the Christian-based legal group representing her.
"She said, 'That goes against my religious beliefs; I’m participating in secularizing Christmas,'" Liberty Counsel Founder and Chairman Mathew Staver told "She asked him for an accommodation ... and he refused."
Fox News
New Jersey State Senator Loses Life Savings in Madoff Scandal
The Wall Street Journal reports that state Sen. Loretta Weinberg (D-Bergen) lost her life savings in Bernard L. Madoff’s alleged $50 billion Ponzi scheme.
According to the Journal, Weinberg had her savings, about $1.3 million, invested with Stanley Chais, a Los Angeles money manager and one of Madoff’s victims.
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Philippines: MILF Hiding Abu Sayyaf Terrorists
In the south, military commanders believe that the MILF is hiding Abu Sayyaf terrorists in MILF camps and safe houses. As troops try to inspect the MILF facilities, this increasingly leads to fighting, despite the ceasefire between the government and the MILF. Meanwhile, Abu Sayyaf has been devoting more of its efforts to crime than terrorism. Kidnapping for ransom, rather than political goals, is usually a way to raise cash for terrorist operations. But now, Abu Sayyaf is apparently doing it mainly to meet the payroll, and pay local MILF commanders for protection. The MILF also indulges in criminal activities (especially extorting local businesses) to stay in business. While the MILF and Abu Sayyaf preach about helping to free the people from the rule of corrupt government officials (who tend to be both Moslem and Christian in this part of the country), the rebels tend to be just as corrupt and oppressive. This explains the declining popularity, and power, of the MILF.
The Strategy Page
Sarah Palin Would Win GOP Senate Primary & General Election
Senate General Election
Murkowski (R) 49
Knowles (D) 41
Palin (R) 53
Knowles (D) 39
Murkowski (R) 56
French (D) 27
Palin (R) 58
French (D) 27
Murkowski 31
Palin 55
Research 2000 for Daily Kos. 12/15-17. Likely voters. MoE 4% (MoE 5% for Republican over-sample) (No trend lines).
Monday, December 22, 2008
How Wall Street Supports Terrorism
The FBI is unhappy with how the current financial scandals on Wall Street have crippled some counter-terrorism investigations. The need to investigate the many cases of fiscal malfeasance (especially the alleged Bernard Madoff Ponzi scheme) related to the current problems in the American financial industry, has shifted many FIB investigators away from counter-terrorism work. The FBI won't say how many agents have been diverted from terrorism work, but this appears similar to what happened in the 1990s.
The Strategy Page
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Venezuelans Against Allowing Chavez Dictatorship
It appears as if ole Pumpkin Head will keep trying to get this vote passed, no matter how many times it goes down in defeat. He hopes to eventually wear down what is left of the Venezuelan spirit, and then get them to do his bidding.
How would you vote on the constitutional amendment to allow the indefinite re-election of the president?
In favour
Not sure
Source: Hinterlaces
Methodology: Face-to-face interviews with 700 Venezuelan adults, conducted from Dec. 3 to Dec. 7, 2008. No margin of error was provided.
Saturday, December 20, 2008
China Blocks NY Times Web Site
China has blocked access to the New York Times Web site, the newspaper said Saturday, days after the central government defended its right to censor online content it deems illegal.
Computer users who logged on in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou received a message that the site was not available when they tried to connect on Friday morning, the paper said. Some users were cut of as early as Thursday evening, it said.
The Web site remained inaccessible from Beijing Saturday.
Friday, December 19, 2008
Former General Claims Israel Can Not Stop Iranian Nukes
Israeli officials have been repeatedly warning that Israel may end up attacking Iran, yet former National Security Council Chairman Giora Eiland says such strike would not eliminate Tehran's nuclear program.
Speaking at a conference of the Institute for National Security Studies at Tel Aviv University, Eiland says Israel cannot defeat Iran's regime via a military operation."The million dollar question" is the extent of a sufficient suspension period, Eiland said.
"To our regret, there is no Israeli military capability that would enable us to reach a situation whereby Iran's nuclear capabilities are destroyed without the possibility of recovery," he said. "The maximal achievement that Israel can accomplish is to disrupt and suspend Iran's nuclear program."
Y Net News
Holder omitted Blagojevich link from questionnaire
Bad news for Would-Be Attorney General, Eric Holder.
Before Eric Holder was President-elect Barack Obama's choice to be attorney general, he was Gov. Blagojevich's pick to sort out a mess involving Illinois' long-dormant casino license.
Blagojevich and Holder appeared together at a March 24, 2004, news conference to announce Holder's role as "special investigator to the Illinois Gaming Board" -- a post that was to pay Holder and his Washington, D.C. law firm up to $300,000.
Holder, however, omitted that event from his 47-page response to a Senate Judiciary Committee questionnaire made public this week -- an oversight he plans to correct after a Chicago Sun-Times inquiry, Obama's transition team indicated late Tuesday.
Chicago Sun-Times
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Blagojevich Won't Fill Senate Vacancy
Attorney Ed Genson says Senate leaders have already said they won't accept an appointment by Blagojevich, so there's no reason for the Democratic governor to select someone.
—Associated Press
2010 Census Predictions Good News for GOP
Probable Gainers
State | Seats Gained | New Count |
Texas | 4 | 36 |
Arizona | 2 | 10 |
Florida | 2 | 27 |
Georgia | 1 | 14 |
Nevada | 1 | 4 |
North Carolina | 1 | 14 |
Oregon | 1 | 6 |
South Carolina | 1 | 7 |
Utah | 1 | 4 |
Probable Losers
State | Seats Lost | New Count |
New York | 2 | 27 |
Ohio | 2 | 16 |
California | 1 | 52 |
Illinois | 1 | 18 |
Louisiana | 1 | 6 |
Massachusetts | 1 | 9 |
Michigan | 1 | 14 |
Minnesota | 1 | 7 |
Missouri | 1 | 8 |
New Jersey | 1 | 12![]() |
Pennsylvania | 1 | 18 |
Iowa | 1 | 4 |
Source: Wikipedia
Siena Poll: Andrew Cuomo 26, Princess Caroline von Schlossberg 23
But after meeting with Mayor Matt Driscoll, she ran into a buzz saw -- angry reporters who wanted her to do more talking and less listening.
"But you've never held public office so what experience [do you have]?" one reporter asked.
Actually, she did speak briefly in Syracuse.
"I wanted to come upstate and meet with Mayor Driscoll and others to tell them about my experience and also learn more about how Washington can help these communities," Kennedy said.
Her quick remarks fell flat. Reporters seemed to feel brushed off and they pursued her out.
"You're not going to answer questions at all?" one asked.
"Where you headed next?" another demanded.
To the car.
Croatia Angry at Slovenia's Attempt to Block Admission to EU
Croatia’s Prime Minister Ivo Sanader has described Slovenia's move to veto new talks for Zagreb to join the European Union as an action "without precedent."
"Croatia expects... that Slovenia will reconsider its decision," Sanader told journalists in Zagreb.
"If this doesn't happen, the Slovene government will show exclusivism that is not in line with the principles of good neighbourly ties, solidarity and unity," Sanader said, adding that the "blocking of 10 chapters . . . is a move without precedent in the history of the (EU) accession talks."
Balkan Insight
Germany: Conservatives Maintain Large Lead
What party would you support in Germany’s next federal election?
| Dec. 5 | Nov. 7 | Oct. 24 |
Christian-Democratic Union (CDU) / | 38% | 37% | 36% |
Social Democratic Party (SPD) | 23% | 23% | 24% |
Free Democratic Party (FDP) | 12% | 12% | 13% |
Left Party (Linke) | 11% | 13% | 13% |
Green Party (Grune) | 11% | 9% | 8% |
Source: Forsa / Stern / RTL
Methodology: Telephone interviews with 2,501 German adults, conducted from Dec. 1 to Dec. 5, 2008. Margin of error is 2.5 per cent.
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Democrat Wants Fairness Doctrine to Censor Non-Public Airwaves Too
Rep. Anna Eshoo, D-California, is talking about not only bringing back the Fairness Doctrine, but somehow, in some constitutionally dubious way, applying it to forms of communication that do not include public airwaves — i.e., cable and satellite programming.
It is worth remembering, at moments like these, that Obama has said he opposes reinstating the Fairness Doctrine. It is also worth remembering, at moments like these, that all statements from Barack Obama come with an expiration date. All of them.
Campaign Spot
Israel: Likud Leads Kadima, Shas 3rd
Prospective results of a Knesset election
(Results presented in seats)
Dec. 2008 | Nov. 2008 | Oct. 2008 | |
Likud (Consolidation) | 31 | 32 | 26 |
Kadima (Forward) | 24 | 26 | 29 |
International Organization of Torah-observant Sephardic Jews (Shas) | 11 | 11 | 11 |
Labour | 11 | 8 | 11 |
Israel Our Home (Yisrael Beiteinu) | 10 | 9 | 9 |
Vitality-Together (Meretz-Yachad) | 7 | 7 | 6 |
Yahadut Hatorah (United Torah Judaism) | 7 | 7 | 7 |
Jewish Home (National Union and NRP) | 6 | 6 | 7 |
Green Party (Yerukim) | 3 | 3 | 2 |
Gil (Retired People’s Party) | -- | -- | 2 |
Arab parties | 10 | 11 | 10 |
Source: Dahaf Institute / Yediot Ahronot
Methodology: Interviews with 503 Israeli adults, conducted on Dec. 9, 2008. Margin of error is 4.5 per cent.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Top 10 Archeology Discoveries of 2008
- The secret of Maya Blue: Sacred blue pigment the Maya made through ritual burning of a mix of ingredients, including indigo, minerals and copal incense.
- Masked mummy of Peru: An intact 1,700-year-old mummy, bearing a wooden mask with seashell eyes.
- The stone with soul: 2,800-year-old funerary monument in southeastern Turkey. A 13-line inscription was chiseled into basalt stone, in which a high official refers to food offerings that were made "for my soul that is in this stele." This proves that Iron Age culture believed the soul was separate from the body.
- Brown gold from Oregon: 14,300-year-old preserved feces found in eastern Oregon cave. Researchers even extracted DNA which could clear up longstanding mysteries about the first Americans.
- Oldest oil paintings: In a maze of caves in Afghanistan's Bamiyan Valley.
- The first European? A cave in northern Spain turned up a chunk of a Homo erectus jawbone that has been dated back to 1.3 million years ago. That suggests that our ancestors made their way into Europe about 500,000 years earlier than previously thought.
- The earliest shoes: An analysis of 42,000-year-old human toe bones from a dig in China provided evidence of some form of footwear.
- Pristine Portuguese shipwreck: Geologists working off the coast of Namibia turned up a 16th-century cargo ship that was buried on the seafloor, safe from underwater treasure hunters.
- The colossal heads of the Roman Empire: Archaeologists are uncovering the monumental marble heads of Roman emperors at a dig in central Turkey.
- The origins of whaling: A 20-inch-long walrus tusk, found at an archaeological site on Russia's Chukotka Peninsula, bears the carvings of a seal, a bear and a boatful of people hunting a whale from a boat. The tusk dates back about 3,000 years, which would make the carving "the earliest evidence for whaling."
Friday, December 5, 2008
OJ Gets 15 Years
A broken O.J. Simpson has been sentenced to at least 15 years in prison for a Las Vegas hotel armed robbery by a judge who rejected his apology and said, "It was much more than stupidity."
Simpson stood stone-faced Friday when Judge Jackie Glass quickly rattled off his punishment after he pleaded with her that he didn't mean to steal from anybody when he tried to retrieve memorabilia.
He appeared ready to break down in tears as he told that he was "sorry and confused" before going into a rambling and emotional 5-minute declaration.
"I didn't want to steal anything from anyone ... I'm sorry, sorry," he said.
Glass ruled before sentencing that Simpson cannot be freed on bail pending possible appeal.
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Genius: Taxing Campaign Contributions!
But all is not lost, my liberal friends. Allow me to propose the institution of a windfall profits tax on presidential campaigns. Any campaign that raises more than $250 million would have all donations taxed at the higher rate that Obama was discussing for oil companies. Okay, so he never actually specified what that rate would be. But let's say Uncle Sam took one half of all donations to presidential candidates.
Campaign Spot
Hungary: Fidesz Lead Narrows
Which party would you vote for in the next legislative election? (Decided Voters)
| Nov. 2008 | Oct. 2008 | Sept. 2008 |
Hungarian Citizens Party (Fidesz) | 54% | 61% | 61% |
Hungarian Socialist Party (MSZP) | 32% | 30% | 24% |
Alliance of Free Democrats (SZDSZ) | 5% | 2% | 3% |
Hungarian Democratic Forum (MDF) | 4% | 2% | 6% |
Source: Tarki
Methodology: Telephone interviews with 1,000 Hungarian voters, conducted from Nov. 5 to Nov. 20, 2008. Margin of error is 3.1 per cent.
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Colombia: Strong Support for Uribe 3rd Term
Would you support or oppose allowing Álvaro Uribe to run for president for a third consecutive time?
Support | 62.44% |
Oppose | 34.18% |
Not sure | 3.38% |
Source: Datexco/Opinómetro
Methodology: Telephone interviews to 1,015 Colombian adults in 15 cities, conducted in November 2008. Margin of error is 5 per cent.
Britain: Conservatives Lead by 11
If there were a general election tomorrow, which party would you vote for?
Nov. 28 | Nov. 16 | Oct. 2008 | |
Conservative | 43% | 40% | 45% |
Labour | 32% | 37% | 30% |
Liberal Democrats | 15% | 12% | 14% |
Other | 10% | 11% | 11% |
Source: Ipsos MORI / The Observer
Methodology: Telephone interviews with 1,002 British adults, conducted on Nov. 27 and Nov. 28, 2008. No margin of error was provided.
Normal Episcopalians Forming Rival Anglican Church
Theological conservatives upset by the liberal views of the Episcopal Church are forming a rival denomination.The new Anglican Church in North America will include four Episcopal dioceses that recently split from the U.S. church, along with breakaway Anglican parishes from Canada.
The announcement Wednesday in Wheaton, Illinois, comes after decades of debate over what Episcopalians should believe about issues ranging from salvation to sexuality.
Virginia Governors Race Already Heating Up
While three of the four men vying to be Virginia's next governor talked up their lengthy résumés in state government Tuesday, newcomer Terry McAuliffe pitched himself as a Richmond outsider who could change government.
Sen. R. Creigh Deeds and Del. Brian J. Moran, both Democrats, and Attorney General Robert F. McDonnell, a Republican, all have years of experience on Capitol Square. McAuliffe, a former Democratic National Committee chairman, has lived in McLean for two decades but has had little involvement in state government or politics.
"I think there is an opportunity for someone who has not been in Richmond who can come in with some new ideas," McAuliffe said.
The four likely candidates shared the stage for the first time at a debate Tuesday, unofficially launching a yearlong campaign for the state's top job by answering questions from journalists in front of a packed room in downtown Richmond.
Washington Post
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Supreme Court Justice Stevens May Stay to Break Records
Stevens is the eighth longest-serving Justice in the history of the Court. If he continues on the Court beyond July 15, 2012, he will surpass the current record of 36 years and 209 days held by former Justice William O. Douglas.
Bench Memos
Saxby Wins!
Georgia Republican Sen. Saxby Chambliss handed the GOP a firewall against Democrats eager to flex their newfound political muscle in Washington, winning a bruising runoff battle Tuesday night that had captured the national limelight.
Chambliss' victory thwarted Democrats' hopes of winning a 60 seat filibuster-proof majority in the Senate. It came after a bitter monthlong runoff against Democrat Jim Martin that drew political luminaries from both parties to the state and flooded the airwaves with fresh attack ads weeks after campaigns elsewhere had ended.
Minnesota—where a recount is under way—now remains the only unresolved Senate contest in the country. But the stakes there are significantly lower now that Georgia has put a 60-seat Democratic supermajority out of reach.
With 92 percent of the precincts reporting, Chambliss captured 58 percent to Martin's 42 percent. Chambliss' win is a rare bright spot for Republicans in a year where they lost the White House as well as seats in the House and the Senate.
Day 354/366 - Message to Obama
Here's a nice Flickr photo. It's the kind of thing the leftists were doing against Bush, so it's nice to see someone do it to Obama.
Day 354/366 - Message to Obama
November 7, 2008 - Message to Obama. And YES, I did vote - for McCain. I posted this because *someone* has to speak for the millions of Americans who voted for somebody else.
Florida: Mel Martinez Helps Retiring
Martinez's decision was based on a desire for more free time and a less scheduled life, said the source. The first term senator also was an almost certain Democratic target in two years time although those familiar with Martinez's political prospects insisted his strengths in South Florida, coupled with his political base along the I-4 corridor, made his path to reelection possible.
Martinez's retirement ensures a competitive and costly open seat race in Florida. State Chief Financial Officer Alex Sink, widely seen as Democrats' strongest potential candidate, has apparently decided that she would not run but may well reconsider that decision given Martinez's expected announcement today. Democratic Reps. Ron Klein and Kendrick Meek as well as state Sen. Dan Gelber are likely to consider the open seat race.
On the Republican side, there may well be a push to recruit former Gov. Jeb Bush into the contest although that seems like a long shot. State Attorney General Bill McCollum will almost certainly be mentioned as will state Senate President Jeff Atwater and former state House speaker Marco Rubio. Reps. Vern Buchanan and Connie Mack also may consider a run.
Washington Post
Monday, December 1, 2008
Map Shows Muslims are Spread All Over America