Michael Fratkin Office:
Eureka Internal Medicine
2280 Harrison Avenue
Eureka, CA 95501
Michael Fratkin Home:
3096 Greenwood Heights
Kneeland, CA 95549
This doctor is not even a skin specialist. He is just an internist. Only the other guy, Noah, is a dermatologist.
Plus he seems to be pretty far to the left according to what he himself wrote about himself in a profile on his website:
- Birthdate: September 19
- Gender: Male
- Age: 42
- Occupation: physician
- Public email (optional): mfratkin@humboldt1.com
- Passions or Hobbies: Conscious Dance, Community Art, Burning Man, Enhanced Consciousness, Unified Field Theory of Human Wisdom, Shamanic Medicine, Cherry Garcia Ice Cream, Stategic Human Mischief, Immersion in Natural Beauty, Eclectic and Diverse Musical Expression, My Evolving Family, My Amusing Neuroses, Your Amusing Neuroses, Our Amazing Human Capacities Is this guy crazy? This profile has to be a joke! If you're stupid enough to go to this doctor now, you deserve what you get.
- Preferred ego defense: sublimation WTF?!
- Masculine Archetype: Magician
- Most Active Chakra: sixth/third eye WTF?! part 2
- Political leanings: progressive Very progressive of you to whore your medical license away
- Astrology: Virgo
- Four Elements - Western: Air
- Favorite Member of the Beatles: Lennon How clichéd. Not even original.
Noah Craft
According to Vitals.com, Noah only has 4 years of experience. Yet Obama is treating him like an expert in his commercial. This is the best 'doctor' the Obamanids could dredge up?
1131 Wilshire Blvd
Santa Monica, CA
21840 Normandie Ave
Torrance, CA
Office number:
310 -781-1447
E-mail: ncraft@ucla.edu
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