Friday, October 31, 2008
McCain Takes the Lead
Source: Drudge Report
With No More Use for Cindy Sheehan, Dems Ransack Her Headquarters
Campaign staffers also note each incident, including today's early morning incident, has followed closely on the heels of a confrontation with Cindy Sheehan's opponent Nancy Pelosi. This morning's incident occurred after an on-air confrontation between the two candidates on KQED's public affairs program Forum with Michael Krasny on Wednesday morning.
"Each time we confront her, each time we ask her for a debate, each time we gain ground in the polls, something horrible happens," said Burns. "Once or twice might be a coincidence, but such a consistent correlation is hard to ignore."
Iowa: Early Voting Close to same pace 2004
Iowa – early and absentee voting, this year so far:
Democrat: 132,882, 50%
Republican:76,689, 29%
Other: 53,787,20%
Iowa – 2004 Final Early and Absentee Vote Numbers:
Democrat: 185,115, 48%
Republican: 118,167, 30%Other:86,071, 22%
And if Nevada and Florida are a clue, a lot less Democrats will be voting for Obama than voted for Kerry. Iowa looks like a toss up, no wonder all the attention from both campaigns in recent days.
Nevada: Early Voting Shows McCain Probably Takes the State
Now, yesterday's headline might have been a little hyperbolic — it's still possible that massive numbers of Nevada Republicans stay home, or that massive numbers of Nevada Republicans vote for Obama. But right now, a huge advantage in terms of which party shows up for early voting has translated to a surprisingly modest lead for Obama. Unless there is something glaringly off-base about these numbers, then McCain will carry Nevada on Tuesday, as long If pro-McCain Republicans show up and vote.
Campaign Spot
And there's the caveat: If Republicans show up. If they pull another 2006, they get what they deserve. If it's like 2004, 2002 or 2000, McCain and America wins.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Electoral College: McCain 299, Obama 239
1. Averaging out the state by state polls.
2. Correcting rampant oversampling of Democrats (starting to get a little less rampant).
3. Factoring in which states the candidates are campaigning in down the stretch.
4. Including an increased Black turnout.
5. An energized youth vote/an apathetic youth vote.
6. Voter fraud. ACORN. Walking Around Money.
7. Throwing in a modest Bradley Effect (About 2 to 3 pts, since some of you have asked)...
Here is the state of the Presidential Race
today, Thursday, October 30, 2008:

Image created using Real Clear Politics interactive electoral college map.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Electoral College: McCain 278, Obama 260
More battleground states than ever. This is getting pretty exciting. Michigan has changed from solid Obama to leans Obama. Montana, North Dakota and Georgia have changed from solid McCain to leans McCain. The final Electoral Map, the one actually decided by the voters, has the potential to look drastically different from the map created in the last two presidential elections. Also, this means that a lot more people now live in a state that has a potential to go either way, which means their vote might actually matter (Unlike my home state of New Jersey).
1. Averaging out the state by state polls.
2. Correcting rampant oversampling of Democrats (starting to get a little less rampant).
3. Factoring in which states the candidates are campaigning in down the stretch.
4. Including an increased Black turnout.
5. An energized youth vote/an apathetic youth vote.
6. Voter fraud. Acorn. Walking Around Money.
7. Throwing in a modest Bradley Effect (About 2 to 3 pts, since some of you have asked)...
Here is the state of the Presidential Race today, Wednesday, October 29, 2008:

Ali Abunimah is Likely Source of Secreted Obama/Khalidi/Ayers Tape
UPDATE: Can Ali Abunimah be bought off for $175,000? Depends on what he's getting from greater Arabia, Islamia, and Obama. ****
There has been much discussion throughout the Net about a secreted video showing Barack Obama at a dinner with terrorists Bill Ayers and wife Bernadine Dohrn, and the anti-Semitic Arafat advisor, Rashid Khalidi.
The Los Angeles Times has a copy of the tape, but won't release it because they said the source--whom I believe is Arab American Action Network (AAAN) founder and anti-Israel Palestinian activist Ali Abunimah of Electronic Intifada--required it not be released as a condition of sharing it. That's because it likely shows Obama applauding an anti-Semitic, anti-Israel poem that was read at the dinner.
Debbie Schlussel
Massachusetts Democrat Senator Caught on Tape Stuffing Bra With Bribe $
Democratic state Sen. Dianne Wilkerson faces 40 years in prison after federal prosecutors outlined accusations that she accepted the bribes over an 18-month period in a money-for-legislative influence sting operation, prosecutors said. She had $6,000 in cash in her purse when she was arrested at her Roxbury home by nearly two dozen law enforcement officials, prosecutors said.
ABC News
In His Own Words: Obama Deliberately Sought Out Marxist Friends
"To avoid being mistaken for a sellout, I chose my friends carefully. The more politically active black students. The foreign students. The Chicanos. The Marxist professors and structural feminists."
—Barack Obama, "Dreams of My Father"
Obama Maximum-Donor Ordered Illegal Snooping of Joe the Plumber
World Net Daily
Obama, Socialists: Right Where McCain Wants Them
Yesterday's Gallup shocker (a 2 point gap in the "likely voter" model) is going to have a follow up today if Drudge is right: A Rasmussen poll narrowing the gap to 3 points. Now we know why John McCain and Sarah Palin were both in PA yesterday. The election is tightening across the map as those of us who remember 1976 have been predicting all along. Barack Obama represents a much more radical alternative than Jimmy Carter did in '76, and Carter's unusual profile sent voters by the millions towards Gerald Ford in the closing days. The same thing is happening this year as the very well known and very reliable John McCain enters his last big comeback within striking distance and very much on target.
Hugh Hewitt
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
New Hampshire: McCain Surge Raising Sununu's Numbers as Well
“Last Monday, October 20th, Senator Sununu trailed Jeanne Shaheen by six points (41% Sununu/47% Shaheen/5% Blevens). By Thursday, October 23rd, Sununu had narrowed the gap to just three points (43% Sununu/46% Shaheen/5%Blevens). As Election Day draws closer, it is clear that in a tight race, the momentum is on Sununu’s side,” writes Glenn Bolger of Public Opinion Strategies.
NOW! Hamphsire
Palin Keeps Attracting Huge Crowds
Despite freezing weather (literally), 14,000 people in Salem, Virginia (including my family) waited for hours to see Gov. Palin. The event was originally scheduled to be held in the Civic Center but was moved to the football stadium to accommodate the crowd. The weather didn't bother Palin though..."I love the weather because it reminds me of home," she said.
Kevin McCullough Blog
Gallup: Presidential Race Down to 2 pts
The gap between Barack Obama and John McCain in Gallup Poll Daily tracking from Saturday through Monday has narrowed slightly, and Obama is now at 49% of the vote to 47% for McCain among likely voters using Gallup's traditional model, and at 51% to 44% using Gallup's expanded model.
Mississippi: Wicker Lead Swells to 11 Pts
Mississippi Trends: Wicker vs. Musgrove | ||
Date | Wicker | Musgrove |
10/27/2008 | 54% | 43% |
49% | 47% | |
47% | 42% |
Source: Rasmussen Reports
Rasmussen: Obama Lead in Pennsylvania Plummets to 7
Pennsylvania Trends: McCain vs. Obama | ||
Date | McCain | Obama |
10/27/2008 | 46% | 53% |
41% | 54% | |
42% | 50% |
Taking into account Rasmussen's oversampling of Democrats and a Bradley effect of 2 or 3 points, this race is now tied.
Reason Why the Polls Are So Contradictory?
This is why I would urge caution when interpreting all this polling data. We're talking about disagreements among good pollsters. I take all of these firms seriously whenever they produce new numbers. They are disagreeing with one another in ways that can't be chalked up to statistical "noise." That gives me great pause.
Real Clear Politics
Iowa Stunner
PUMAs Confident McCain Will Win Pennsylvania
Here is specifically what we talked about tonight: never in any of our careers have any of us ever seen members of one party switching sides and voting for the other party as we see in this election with Democrats for McCain. There has never been anything like it. Not even the “Reagan Democrats” who voted for Reagan over Carter, for the simple fact that these “Reagan Democrats” weren’t identified and labeled until AFTER the election.
Hillbuzz (PUMA site)
Monday, October 27, 2008
Electoral College Projection: McCain/Palin 278, Obama/Biden 260
1. Averaging out the state by state polls.
2. Correcting rampant oversampling of Democrats (starting to get a little less rampant).
3. Factoring in which states the candidates are campaigning in down the stretch.
4. Including an increased Black turnout.
5. An energized youth vote/an apathetic youth vote.
6. Voter fraud. Acorn. Walking Around Money.
7. Throwing in a modest Bradley Effect (About 2 to 3 pts, since some of you have asked)...
Here is the state of the Presidential Race today, Monday, October 27, 2008:

Barrons Predicts GOP Losses in House and Senate
And here they are:
House — Loss of 27 seats
Senate — Loss of 5 seats
After some of the other predictions just a few weeks ago, I'll take it.
National Republican Trust Will Run Ads Featuring Obama's Racist Reverend
Politico’s Ben Smith reports that at least one PAC will go after Jeremiah Wright and his ties to Barack Obama, even if John McCain keeps it off limits to his own campaign. The National Republican Trust PAC will run this 30-second spot in battleground states Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Florida:
Hot Air
Obama Smoking Gun? Interview: In Praise of Redistribution of Wealth
The Warren Court was not radical enough for Barack Obama. Not my opinion...those are his own words.
How many times does he mention redistribution of people's wealth on this tape? Watch the video to find out the answer.
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Wisconsin: Obama Lead Falls to 7 pts
Wisconsin Trends: McCain vs. Obama | ||
Date | McCain | Obama |
10/23/2008 | 44% | 51% |
44% | 54% |
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Minnesota: McCain Moves to Within 5 pts of Obama, Many Undecided
A St. Cloud State University poll shows that Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama leads Republican opponent John McCain 42 percent to 37 percent in Minnesota.
To me it appears that some public pollsters (like this one) have been moving closer to what the internal polls of the candidates have been saying (or at least rumored to say). Then again, some polls just keep on stacking the Democrat sample higher and higher, thus predetermining that the poll will show Obama with what looks like a nice lead unless you look at the internals of the poll.Meanwhile, the U.S. Senate race continues to display the volatility seen in polls throughout the season. After earlier surveys showed DFL challenger Al Franken with an edge, the SCSU poll shows Republican U.S. Sen. Norm Coleman leading with 36 percent, compared with 27 percent for Franken. Independence Party candidate Dean Barkley trails with 16 percent.
Minneapolis Star-Tribune
I'll keep Minnesota light blue on my electoral map for now, but it is very tight.
Electoral Map: McCain 278, Obama 260
2. Correcting rampant oversampling of Democrats
3. Factoring in which states the candidates are campaigning in.
4. Including an increased Black turnout.
5. An energized youth vote/an apathetic youth vote.
6. Voter fraud.
7. Throwing in a modest Bradley Effect...
Here is the state of the Presidential Race today, Saturday, October 25, 2008:

Iowa Surprisingly Competitive
Some GOP observers with experience in Iowa and national politics are dismayed that the campaign is spending so much time here. Others say McCain must see something competitive for the ticket that few others do, in a state where polls show Democrat Barack Obama leading.
"I am puzzled by the decision because it seems to me the most precious resource presidential and vice presidential candidates have is their time," said Joe Gaylord, former executive director of the Iowa Republican Party and top adviser to former House Speaker Newt Gingrich. "And their appearances in Iowa, while perhaps inspirational to the base, might be better spent in other states now.
Des Moines Register
The reason is that the polls in Iowa, just like in the rest of the country, are drastically oversampling Democrats. This ensures that Obama will appear to have a pretty big lead even before the poll has been taken. McCain does appear to be down in Iowa, but only by a margin in the low single digits.
Joe The Plumber Considering Running for Marcy Kaptur's Congressional Seat
"I'll tell you what, we'd definitely be in one heck of a fight," [Joe] Wurzelbacher said told Laura Ingraham on her talk show Friday, "but, you know, I'd be up for it."
Fox News
Did Democrats Use Government Computers to Spy on Joe The Plumber?
State and local officials are investigating if state and law-enforcement computer systems were illegally accessed when they were tapped for personal information about "Joe the Plumber."Samuel Joseph Wurzelbacher became part of the national political lexicon Oct. 15 when Republican presidential candidate John McCain mentioned him frequently during his final debate with Democrat Barack Obama.
The 34-year-old from the Toledo suburb of Holland is held out by McCain as an example of an American who would be harmed by Obama's tax proposals.
Ohio: Obama Workers From New York Foiled in Attempt to Vote in Battleground State
Thirteen campaign workers for Barack Obama yesterday yanked their voter registrations and ballots in Ohio after being warned by a prosecutor that temporary residents can't vote in the battleground state.
A dozen staffers - including Obama Ohio spokeswoman Olivia Alair and James Cadogan, who recently joined Team Obama - signed a form letter asking the Franklin County elections board to pull their names from the rolls.
New York Post
Virginia: Democrats Trying to Toss Thousands of Military Votes
An obscure state law and an ambiguous federal ballot form are combining to invalidate some of the thousands of absentee votes being cast this fall by Virginians overseas, most of them in the military.State officials confirmed Thursday that they've instructed local registrars to set aside any vote submitted on a federally furnished write-in ballot unless the ballot includes both the name and address of the person who witnessed the vote. An advisory to registrars was distributed earlier this week, said Susan Pollard, a spokeswoman for the State Board of Elections.
Iran: Is Ahmadinejad Health Bad?
This week alone the usually hyperactive leader cancelled a keynote speech at the last minute and a cabinet meeting had to take place without him. A speech to a martyr's commemoration event was also called off.
A senior aide, Amir Mansour Borghei, told journalists the president was "indisposed".
The absences have sparked rumours that Mr Ahmadinejad, 52, is suffering from a long-term illness that may stop him running for re-election next year.
Friday, October 24, 2008
Britain: Conservatives Have 12 pt Lead
If there were to be a general election tomorrow, which party do you think you would vote for?
Oct. 19 | Oct. 2 | Aug. 17 | |
Conservative | 42% | 42% | 44% |
Labour | 30% | 30% | 29% |
Liberal Democrat | 21% | 17% | 19% |
Other | 7% | 11% | 9% |
Source: ICM Research / The Guardian
Methodology: Telephone interviews with 1,007 British adults, conducted from Oct. 17 to Oct. 19, 2008. No margin of error was provided.
Death Threats Sent to Strategic Vision Polling for Publishing Polls Favorable to McCain
One of the messages stated:
My goodness, your polls stinks. There are 3 polls that have Obama by double digits and only yours has Obama down. WOW!. How come your poll is the only one giving Palin high favor ratings? I think you nee dto be careful tonight when you get in your car and might want to check underneath your car. SCRAP YOUR IDIOTIC POLLS OR ELSE!
Another stated:
A poll that gave Sarah Palin and Barack Obama the same favorability rating is wrong off the bat. Be careful going outside tonight because you might not see tomorrow.
A third message stated:
Why would your presidential election poll results be so drastically different from every other reputable poll taken over the same time period? Are they that dumb or are you guys that smart? Smart guys wind up dead.
Read more on The Campaign Spot
New Hampshire: Obama Lead Plummets to 4 Points!
New Hampshire Trends: McCain vs. Obama
Rasmussen Reports
Electoral College: McCain 278, Obama 260
1. Averaging out the state by state polls.
2. Correcting rampant oversampling of Democrats
3. Factoring in which states the candidates are campaigning in.
4. Including an increased Black turnout.
5. An energized youth vote/an apathetic youth vote.
6. Voter fraud.
7. Throwing in a modest Bradley Effect...
Here is the state of the Presidential Race today, Friday, October 24, 2008:

Map created using Real Clear Politics interactive electoral college map
Lesbians Harass Pro-Family Home in California
"They came last night, washed the paint off and drove away," said Bob Sundstrom, whose family incurred the wrath of two gay-marriage supporters after the family hung a huge banner on their garage in favor of the ballot measure banning same-sex marriage. "What a relief, I'm happy it's gone."
Mercury News
Israel: Early Election Likely
Israel's ultra-Orthodox Shas party refused to join a coalition government Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni is seeking to assemble, increasing the chance of a general election in early 2009.
``It has been decided not to join the government,'' Roi Lachmanovich, a spokesman for Shas leader Eli Yishai, said in a telephone interview today. ``The decision is final.''
The rebuff came after Livni late yesterday said she'll announce on Oct. 26 whether she expects to form a government and take over as prime minister or ask President Shimon Peres to call early elections. Shas's 12 seats in the 120-person parliament could give her the support she needs for a majority.
More at Bloomberg
Brian Williams' Hissy Fit Over Sarah Palin
Williams appeared on NBC's "Today" show Thursday morning to tease his "Nightly News" interview with the Alaska governor and mentioned twice that he had to wait almost two months for the opportunity.
"Well, let's be very blunt," said Williams. "We have waited patiently 55 days since Sarah Palin was named to this ticket to get this interview, since her naming as vice presidential nominee."
Daily News
Public Against Obama's 'Share Your Wealth' Plan
Washington, D.C. – Election Day is only two weeks away, and as John McCain and Barack Obama make their final pitches to “close the deal” with voters, a stunning new ATI-News/Zogby poll shows a clear majority of undecided voters disagree with Obama’s plan for wealth redistribution in America.
“The major issue on voters’ minds right now is the economy, and the major voting bloc on candidates’ minds right now is the undecided voter,” said ATI-News president Brad O’Leary. “Our poll results show that undecided voters overwhelmingly reject Obama’s economic plan to redistribute wealth.”
The poll surveyed 1,214 likely voters nationwide and was conducted October 17-20. It has a margin of error of +/- 2.9 percentage points.
Americans Still Unhappy With Democrat Congress
a) Overall, please tell me whether you approve, disapprove, or neither approve nor disapprove of the way Congress is handling its job.
Approve | 23% |
Disapprove | 74% |
Neither / Unsure | 3% |
Source: GfK Roper Public Affairs & Media / Associated Press
Methodology: Telephone interviews with 1,101 American adults, conducted from Oct. 16 to Oct. 20, 2008. Margin of error is 3.4 per cent.
b) Do you approve or disapprove of the job Congress is doing?
Oct. 21 | Oct. 9 | Sept. 23 | Sept. 9 | |
Approve | 19% | 13% | 17% | 23% |
Disapprove | 62% | 77% | 73% | 68% |
Unsure | 9% | 10% | 9% | 8% |
Source: Opinion Dynamics / Fox News
Methodology: Telephone interviews with 1,100 American registered voters, conducted on Oct. 20 and Oct. 21, 2008. Margin of error is 3 per cent.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Electoral College: McCain 278, Obama 260
2. Correcting rampant oversampling of Democrats
3. Factoring in which states the candidates are campaigning in.
4. Including an increased Black turnout.
5. An energized youth vote/an apathetic youth vote.
6. Voter fraud.
7. Throwing in a modest Bradley Effect...
Here is the state of the Presidential Race today, Thursday, October 23, 2008:

Ohio: McCain Leads Professional Polls, Obama Leads College Polls
3 college polls
Quinnipiac Obama +14
Big 10 Battleground Obama +12
Suffolk Obama +9
3 professional polls
Rasmussen McCain +2
CNN Obama +4
Mason Dixon McCain +1
Kind of speaks for itself.
College Polls Show Obama Bias, Pro Pollsters Show Even Race
Polls released today by Quinnipiac University and Big 10 (Yes, like the college sports conference) show Obama with about a 5-12 point lead in states that professional pollsters show McCain leading in.
Quinnipiac has always skewed its polls toward the liberals, but this is so obvious that it deserves a mention in this post. The Big 10 poll is new, so I was not sure if it skewed liberal until now.
For example, take Florida:
Mason Dixon McCain leads by 1
Rasmussen McCain Leads by 1
Survey USA McCain Leads by 2
And these polls also oversample Democrats, so McCain's lead is slightly larger.
But look at this Quinnipiac Poll, taken by Quinnipiac students:
Quinnipiac Obama leads by 5
More examples of this college bias can be found at the Real Clear Politics Electoral Map. Just open up the links to individual states. This is sad, because the Electoral Map is a good idea, but the college polls are throwing the professional numbers off, and the map remains flawed unless you correct it yourself (which Real Clear Politics encourages, since it is an interactive map).
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
More Obama 'Donor' Credit Card Fraud
What do Bart Simpson, Family Guy, Daffy Duck, King Kong, O.J. Simpson, and Raela Odinga have in common?
All are celebrities; and with the exception of Odinga and O.J. Simpson, they also are fictional characters. And yet, all of them gave money earlier this month to the campaign of Barack Obama, without any apparent effort by the campaign to screen them out as suspect donors.
News Viewership Down at Big 3 Obama Networks
Read story at the Drudge Report while it's still there.
AP: McCain & Obama Even
The poll, which found Obama at 44 percent and McCain at 43 percent, supports what some Republicans and Democrats privately have said in recent days: that the race narrowed after the third debate as GOP-leaning voters drifted home to their party and McCain's "Joe the plumber" analogy struck a chord.
Three weeks ago, an AP-GfK survey found that Obama had surged to a seven-point lead over McCain, lifted by voters who thought the Democrat was better suited to lead the nation through its sudden economic crisis.
CNN/Obama Hack Calls Rush Limbaugh 'Stupid, Fat Idiot'
The fat part might have even been accurate about a decade ago.
By the way, check out this dude's head:

Check story out at Newsbusters.
Rendell 'Nervous' About Pennsylvania
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
McCain Now Outperforming Bush in Ohio
As for those national pollsters, note that Fox News/Rasmussen puts McCain up 2, NBC/Mason-Dixon puts McCain up 1 and Rasmussen had it a tie last week. My guy on the ground thinks this might mean that the internal polling is a leading indicator, and he's noting that if McCain does as well among the key demographics in neighboring Pennsylvania as he is in Ohio, then the Democrats ought to be sweating about that state.
The Campaign Spot
Nickelodeon Kids Poll: Obama 6 pts Worse Than Kerry
Obama had 51 percent of the vote -- or 1,167,087 votes -- to McCain's 49 percent (1,129,945 votes).
Orlando Sentinel
Some 400 000 children responded to the poll, and 57% backed Kerry against 43% for Bush.
SAPA (South African Press Agency, 2004)
Rasmussen: McCain Within 4 pts of Obama
Also, McCain is leading in both Florida and Ohio for the first time in a while.
Record Crowd: 22,000 Adoring Fans Greet Sarah Palin
Monday, October 20, 2008
Murtha Calls Western Pennsylvanians Racist AGAIN
"What I said, that indicted everybody, that's not what I meant at all. What I mean is there's still folks that have a problem voting for someone because they are black," Murtha said.
(Oh, THAT'S better. Thanks for the apology in which you just said the exact same thing you said before).
"It's better than it was a few weeks ago. It's better than it was a few months ago," Murtha said.(WTF?)
Obama Stumbling in Northern Midwest
Electoral College Projection: McCain 293, Obama 245

Created using Real Clear Politics' interactive electoral college map.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Nightline Attacks Joe The Plumber for Using His Middle Name...Which is Joe
I've been busted by ABC News' keen sense of investigative journalism.
I now must go into hiding.
Of course, his middle name is Joseph. Continuing to harp on this subject, reporter Jake Tapper alerted, "And it turns out Joe the plumber is not even technically named Joe...His name is Sam, Samuel Joseph Wurzelbacher." Now, although it took the media almost a year to report on Jeremiah Wright, Obama's radical preacher, Bashir announced that in the case of Wurzelbacher, "It wasn't long before the media pounced. But with the spotlight has come some scrutiny." Before launching into an investigation of Joe the plumber, Tapper chided, "The McCain campaign did not necessarily vet Joe, it seems." (Do voters need to be vetted before they're allowed to ask Obama a question?)
Will Powell's Race-Based Endorsement Actually Help McCain?
Is that what this country need? Colin Powell thinks so.
The media will try to make it seem like some big coup for Obama to get an endorsement from Mr. "Positive Discrimination," and it may temporarily give a blip of help for BHO.
But there is also a danger in the media commenting (can't really say reporting) on this too much. Then race becomes a larger and larger issue in this campaign, and people will have more time to ponder Colin Powell's blatant race-based endorsement.
You don't go to an Affirmative Action doctor.
You don't go to an Affirmative Action lawyer.
Will Americans vote for an Affirmative Action president?
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Biased Media Wage War on Joe The Plumber
Embarrass Obama, and expect the liberal media to go after you, no matter who you are: That's what National Review journalist Byron York warned early Thursday afternoon.
He was quickly proven right by a story from reporter Larry Rohter in Friday's New York Times, "Real Deal On Plumber Reveals New Slant," in which Rohter took a wrench to Joe Wurzelbacher (aka "Joe the Plumber"), the citizen who dared to question Obama on his tax plan as the Democrat campaigned in his neighborhood in Toledo, Ohio. Obama responded with a classic paleo-liberal cliche: "I think that when you spread the wealth around, it's good for everybody."
Friday, October 17, 2008
Obama Supporter Assaults Female McCain Volunteer in Manhattan
While the Democrat-leaning media continues to scare undecided voters with bedtime stories about some mythical angry McCain supporter whom nobody has seen, here is a real district attorney’s complaint documenting an unprovoked assault by an enraged Democrat against a McCain volunteer in midtown Manhattan: “Defendant grabbed the sign [informant] was holding, broke the wood stick that was attached to it, and then struck informant in informant’s face thereby causing informant to sustain redness, swelling, and bruising to informant’s face and further causing informant to sustain substantial pain.”
Pajamas Media
Lunatic! Al Franken Takes a Run at Senator Coleman After Debate
Al Franken has shown himself to be an angry, easily enraged man and after the October 16 Minnesota Senatorial candidate's debate he allowed his overwrought emotional state to send him over the edge once again. After the debate was over and the Media had turned off their microphones and cameras, Franken rushed over to Senator Norm Coleman's table and proceeded to angrily get in his face over some point or another made during the debate. Franken was getting so angry that his own wife had to rush over and force him to back off from a mounting confrontation with Coleman.
Yahoo/AP Poll Backfires on Liberal Media
650 Republicans
That is the sampling of the Yahoo!/AP poll that has caused so much controversy today. And even with that sampling, Obama manages to scratch out only a 2 pt lead over John McCain. In other words, if the poll had been weighted fairly, it would have shown McCain leading.
This poll which used 223 more Democrats than Republicans was caused by one of 2 things:
1. The media tried to give Obama a giant head start in the poll by grotesquely over-sampling Democrats. It was assumed such a giant advantage would give Obama a double-digit lead in the polls to counter-act most of the other polls which show McCain reducing Obama's lead to almost nothing. Well, Mainstream Media, it did not work. Boomerang!
2. The other possiblity is that they took an honest poll in the beginning and when they found that John McCain had a strong lead, they started chopping off Republicans from the list of poll participants until they were able to give Obama a modest lead.
It took getting rid of over 200 Republicans to accomplish this.
And finally, I went to the Yahoo! website and I could not find a mention of THEIR OWN POLL!
They did point to other polls that showed Obama with a larger than 2 pt lead, but their own poll was spiked because of Liberal Bias.
Electoral College: McCain 279, Obama 259

CNU Virginia Poll: Fishy Gender Issues
Question 5 [Respondent Gender]
42.0 Male
58.0 Female
And guess what—they have Obama winning by 6 points. What a surprise!
If they had used a more accurate gender sampling, the race would be a dead heat.
Throw in the Bradley Factor and McCain is winning in Virginia.
The pollsters learned nothing from 2004.
Or maybe they learned that you can use your pollster status as a way to break the ice when meeting chicks.
TV Station Edits Democrat Candidate's Mistakes from Taped Debate
A local television station took the extraordinary step of censoring a congressional debate because a candidate wrongly said Sovereign and Wachovia banks had folded.
WFMZ-TV, Channel 69, muted the sound and blurred the lips of Democrat Sam Bennett as she made the statements in her taped debate with Republican Charlie Dent. Both seek to represent the Lehigh Valley on Capitol Hill.
The Morning Call
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Hillary Supporters Raise $8 Million for Sarah Palin
More than 1,000 people paid $1,000 each for tickets to the main fund-raiser. Nearly 250 people who contributed $25,000 got dinner beforehand with Mr. McCain.
New York Times
Murtha Calls Western Pennsylvanians 'Racist'
"There is no question that western Pennsylvania is a racist area."
John Murtha, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
Sarah Palin Campaign Visits Are in High Demand With Voters
The writer is more concerned about Condoleeza Rice becoming the NFL commissioner. (Which is pretty cool, I've got to admit, but still...)
Missouri: Stolen Credit Card Used to Donate $2,300 to Obama
A North Kansas City couple has been left scratching their heads after they became the victims of a political scam.
Steve and Rachel Larman say a strange credit card charge appeared on their statement this month -- a $2300 donation to Barack Obama's presidential campaign. The Larman's say they don't want this to be about their political affiliation, but they say they're not about to give the Obama campaign any help from their pocketbook.
Fox 4 Kansas City
Pennsylvania: Barletta Leads Kanjorski by 5
Barletta leads among males, (44% to 31%), among whites, (40% to 35%), among veterans, (52% to 29%), and voters with incomes over $75,000, (49% to 26%). Kanjorski has the edge among voters with incomes less than $35,000, (47% to 29%), among Catholics, (43% to 34%), among non-whites, (46% to 23%), and among union households, (42% to 32%). Female voters divide about evenly.
Pocono Record
Florida: Perv Congressman Had 2nd Affair
Though Democratic U.S. Rep. Tim Mahoney did not directly mention allegations first reported by ABC News that he had been involved with the former aide, he issued a statement apologizing to his family but denying he'd done anything illegal.
Later Tuesday, a person close to his campaign told The Associated Press that Mahoney also was having an affair with a second woman around the same time.
Miami Herald
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Cranky Old Joy Behar Calls Sarah Palin 'Cheney in a Dress'
On the left side of the table you have Whoopi Goldberg and Joy Behar, 2 of the ugliest old broads you will ever meet. Then you have the okay looking black chick. Finally, the stunningly beautiful, feminine woman is Elisabeth Hasselbeck. Her job is to joust with the husky voiced Goldberg/Behar tagteam and the okay looking chick. Not only that, the crowd is handpicked by ABC to consist of almost exclusively a mob of liberal, hairy, Manhattan-type women.
Electoral College: Obama 286, McCain 252

McCain Letter in 2006 Demanded Action on Freddie Mac & Fannie Mae
McCain's letter -- signed by nineteen other senators -- said that it was "...vitally important that Congress take the necessary steps to ensure that [Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac]...operate in a safe and sound manner.[and]..More importantly, Congress must ensure that the American taxpayer is protected in the event that either...should fail."
Sen. Obama did not sign the letter, nor did any other Democrat.
Human Events
Monday, October 13, 2008
Cleveland Newspaper Uncovers Proof of Obama's ACORN Involvement
While Barack Obama's connection with the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN) has not gone entirely unreported, it has not been fully explained. Most media background pieces simply note Obama's involvement in a 1995 lawsuit on behalf of ACORN. Obama's own website, as well as most major media, fail to reveal the full depth and extent of his relationship with the organization.
Cleveland Leader
ACORN Registers 7-Year-Old to Vote
O'jahnae Smith is ready and registered to vote this November.
There's only one problem: She's 7 years old.
The Connecticut girl is 11 years too young - and nobody in her family knows how she ended up on a voter registration form submitted by ACORN, the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now.
"She's registered to vote?" said a surprised Jerome Smith, O'jahnae's teenage brother. "She's too young to vote."
Even Obama-Friendly Gallup Poll is Tightening
These results, based on Oct. 9-11 polling, represent a narrowing of Obama's lead over McCain. Obama led by double-digits for three consecutive days last week, but now his advantage is down to seven percentage points. Obama has led in each of the last three individual days' polling, but by less than double-digits each day, suggesting that the race is, in fact, tightening.
Obama Fundraiser Rezko Spilling the Beans About Barack, Blagojevich
Rezko also was friendly with Obama -- offering him a job when he finished law school, funding his earliest political campaigns and purchasing a lot next to his house. But based on the known facts, charges so far and testimony at Rezko's trial, there's no indication there'll be a so-called ''October surprise'' that could hurt the Democratic presidential nominee -- even though Rezko says prosecutors are pressing him for dirt about Obama.
Chicago Sun-Times
Florida Congressperv's $121,000 Payoff to Mistress
West Palm Beach Congressman Tim Mahoney (D-FL), whose predecessor resigned in the wake of a sex scandal, agreed to a $121,000 payment to a former mistress who worked on his staff and was threatening to sue him, according to current and former members of his staff who have been briefed on the settlement, which involved Mahoney and his campaign committee.
ABC News
Conservatives Increase Lead in UK
If there were a general election tomorrow, which party would you vote for?
Oct. 3 | Sept. 24 | Sept. 19 | |
Conservative | 45% | 41% | 44% |
Labour | 31% | 31% | 24% |
Liberal Democrats | 15% | 16% | 20% |
Other | 9% | 12% | 12% |
Source: YouGov / Daily Telegraph
Methodology: Online interviews with 2,048 British voters, conducted from Oct. 1 to Oct. 3, 2008. No margin of error was provided.
Obama Supporters Caught Wearing "Sarah Palin is a C*nt" T-Shirts
The media has been busy reporting the "anger" of the conservatives at the McCain/Palin rallies, how supporters want McCain to get tougher on Obama and force Obama's terrorist associations into the eyes of the public and how McCain has been forced to "defend" poor little Barack Obama.....but where are the media reports about Obama supporters wearing t-shirts calling Sarah Palin a Cunt?
Wake Up America
Sunday, October 12, 2008
A Song a Regular American Can Love
Art Bitch
My art is called egocentric-soft-porno
Or maybe it's just narcissism...
My one and only subject
Goes from something like anything but
Wouldn't it be easier for Beardsley?
He could drop the paintings,
And photograph his penis.
Or take pixxx of the chicks...
Yeah, you know what I mean...
Wouldn't it be better for Escher?
He could drop the math
And make it happen on his mattress
2 girls and a cam!
3 girls and a cam!
You put a dog there and you got polaroid scat
I ain't no artist
I am an artbitch
I sell my paintings to the men I eat
I have no portfolio
and I only show
Where there's free alcohol
I am so hardcore
I sell my crap and people ask for more...
Call me revolutionaire
I poo on a plate and get it published on Visionaire
What I do, is called art-shit
And don't you dare make fun of me
Cuz everything I do was featured on the pages of I-D!
I ain't no artist
I am an art-bitch
I sell my paintings to the men I eat
I have no portfolio
and I only show
Where there's free alcohol
I ain't no artist
I am an artbitch
I sell my paintings to the men I eat
I have no portfolio
and I only show
Where there's free alcohol
Lick lick lick my art-tit
Suck suck suck my art-hole
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Obama's Earmark for Renegade Priest Pfleger

In July, 2000, Obama helped secure a $100,000 grant for the Community of St. Sabina, a church headed by Father Michael Pfleger, a controversial and radical Catholic priest and Obama campaign contributor.
Front Page
Friday, October 10, 2008
Gay Porn Kingpin Raises at Least $50,000 for Obama
ONE of the "bundlers" who has raised $50,000 to $100,000 for the Barack Obama presidential campaign is Terrence Bean, who once controlled the biggest producer of gay porn in America.
Bean, the first gay on Sen. Obama's National Finance Committee, is the sole trustee of the Charles M. Holmes Foundation, which owned Falcon Studios, Jock Studios and Mustang Studios, the producers of about $10 million worth of all-male pornography a year.
New York Post
Washington Post Insults McCain, Palin Supporters
"Anger Is Crowd's Overarching Emotion at McCain Rally"
Washington PostJob Creators Prefer McCain Over Obama, 4 to 1
Chief Executive magazine’s most recent polling of 751 CEOs shows that GOP presidential candidate John McCain is the preferred choice for CEOs. According to the poll, which is featured on the cover of Chief Executive’s most recent issue, by a four-to-one margin, CEOs support Senator John McCain over Senator Barack Obama. Moreover, 74 percent of the executives say they fear that an Obama presidency would be disastrous for the country.
Chief Executive
Financial War Between Iceland & Britain
'We are freezing the assets of Icelandic companies in the UK where we can. We will take further action against Icelandic authorities wherever necessary to recover the money.'Daily Mail
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Electoral College: Obama 277, McCain 261

Wednesday, October 8, 2008
McCain Cuts Obama Lead to 1.9
Three Day Tracking Poll | 10-7 | 10-6 |
Obama | 47.1% | 47.7% |
McCain | 45.2% | 45.3% |
Others/Not sure | 7.7% | 7.0% |
The Zogby poll goes on to credit Sarah Palin's debate as the event that has turned things around for McCain.
The survey, including a three-day sample of 1,220 likely voters collected over the previous three days - approximately 400 per day from Oct. 5-7, 2008 - shows that Obama holds a slight advantage amounting to 1.9 percentage points over McCain. This represents a bit of a recovery by McCain, who had been sliding in some polls before his running mate, Sarah Palin, put in a strong performance in her one and only debate performance last Thursday.
Obama's Illegal Foreign Money: $3.3 Million
The $3.3 million total does not include donors who have given less than $200 and whose contributions do not have to be itemized. Some of that money could also have come from overseas. About half of Obama's $455 million in contributions so far are unitemized. The campaign does not identify those donors.
My Way News
Black Congressmen Calls Palin a Racist...Yawwwwnnnn!!!
“They are trying to throw out these codes,” said Representative Gregory Meeks, a Democrat from New York.
“That’s racial. That’s fear. They know they can’t win on the issues, so the last resort they have is race and fear.”
“Racism is alive and well in this country, and McCain and Palin are trying to appeal to that and it’s unfortunate,” said Representative Ed Towns, also from New York.
Source: New York Observer
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
CBS Poll: Obama Lead Drops to 3 pts.
Rasmussen: Stevens Retakes Lead From Begich
Alaska Trends: Stevens vs. Begich | ||
Date | Stevens | Begich |
10/06/2008 | 49% | 48% |
46% | 48% | |
37% | 50% | |
41% | 50% | |
46% | 44% | |
45% | 47% | |
46% | 45% |
Monday, October 6, 2008
Electoral College: McCain 284, Obama 254

Map created using Real Clear Politics' electoral map calculator.
Click on map to enlarge.
YouTube Embraces Anti-Christian Hatred, Bans People Who Question Islam
When interviewed by last month, Google CEO Eric Schmidt said that YouTube, the video-sharing site owned by his company, is "pretty serious" about removing the "strange" videos that keep popping up on the site, especially videos "that can be used to incite bad outcomes." Apparently videos designed to incite Catholics don't fall into that category.
A YouTube user who goes by the moniker "fsmdude" has posted more than 30 videos under the title "Eucharist Desecration." Each video features an attack on a symbol that Catholics consider sacred -- by blow gun, nail gun, boiling, sword and cigarette in a few recent episodes.
Rest of story at Newsbusters
Boomerang! Obama Attacks 'Keating 5' but 3 of Them Have Endorsed Him
McCain spokesman Brian Rogers notes that three of McCain's fellow members of the Keating Five have endorsed Obama: Former senators Dennis DeConcini. John Glenn, and Donald W. Riegle. All three are Democrats -- McCain was the only Republican in the group -- and DeConcini and Riegle were among the more deeply implicated officials.
Ben Smith, Politico
Obama Uber Alles! New Creepy Barack Video
Barack Obama seems to love using brainwashing techniques on children and young adults. This is even scarier than the video of the little children being forced to learn and sing the Obama Anthem. These guys look like they could
Seig Heil!
Drudge: Obama and Ayers Shared Stage at Event

The Bill Ayers / Weather Underground story is finally starting to get the media attention it deserves.